The Goddess

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The Trinity Goddess awakens, they will strike out their hand and purify the stars, then the birth of the new era will commence.

Start Date Thu Jan 1st, 1970 @ 1:00am

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
In the Shadows
by Captain David Hawkins & Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi
Back Post USS Resolute / Memphis Island
by Cadet Third Class Aarfa Barakzay & Cadet First Class Pallas
After "On the hunt" Shuttlecraft
Finding the Truth
by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Captain David Hawkins & Lieutenant Josey Wales
Backpost Security
The Legacy of the Gladiator
by Captain David Hawkins & Commander Raiden Kosugi & Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi & Lieutenant Obav th’Villos & Captain Vanora Steele (Pallas)
Ministering Angel
by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Lieutenant Lydia Whitlock M.D.
Main Sickbay, USS Gladiator
Opening a cage
by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Lieutenant Edruj Daughter of Thrawn
Unholy Trinity Planet
On the hunt
by Ensign Kanan Mishra (Kosugi) & Cadet Third Class Aarfa Barakzay
Information Gathering
by Lieutenant Josey Wales & Commander Raiden Kosugi
Ensigns and Holograms
by Emmah (Svidi) & Cadet First Class Pallas
Backpost -- Sometime before "Shuttle" posts Conference Room
Checking up on a Marine
by Commander Raiden Kosugi & 1st Lieutenant Kyle Walken
Better Late Then Never
by Captain David Hawkins & Lieutenant Obav th’Villos
Bridge - U.S.S. Gladiator
Arrival and Departure
by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Captain David Hawkins
Back Post
A Promise is a Promise (Final battle with the Unholy Trinity)
by Captain David Hawkins & Commander Raiden Kosugi & Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi & Lieutenant Obav th’Villos & Lieutenant Josey Wales & Cadet First Class Pallas & Captain Vanora Steele (Pallas)
The Princess Rescuers
by Corporal Zul'arra (Hawkins) & Petty Officer 1st Class Tia Smithy(Kosugi) & Sergeant Trent Busby (Kosugi) & Lieutenant Colonel Johnathon Hayter (Hawkins)
A medical query
by Lieutenant JG Willow Wales (Kosugi) & Petty Officer 1st Class Tia Smithy(Kosugi) & Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi
before the Planet Assault Sick bay
Into the depths
by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Lieutenant Obav th’Villos & Lieutenant Josey Wales & 1st Lieutenant Kyle Walken
Taking place before Confinement Trinity Hideout
by Captain David Hawkins & Commander Raiden Kosugi & Lieutenant Josey Wales
After planet assault The Vault
by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Petty Officer 1st Class Tia Smithy(Kosugi) & Lieutenant Josey Wales
After Planet Assault Gladiator
Gathering the missing
by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Lieutenant JG Willow Wales (Kosugi) & Lieutenant Commander Mel Torma & Lieutenant Obav th’Villos & Lieutenant Josey Wales & Lieutenant Edruj Daughter of Thrawn & Lieutenant JG Eira Cortez & Cadet First Class Pallas & Cadet Third Class Aarfa Barakzay & Ensign Emma Walken (Walken) & Corporal Briar McKinnon (Bailey)
The Planet
The Check-In Checkup
by Lieutenant JG Willow Wales (Kosugi) & Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi & Cadet First Class Pallas
Backpost Sickbay, USS Gladiator
by Lieutenant Lydia Whitlock M.D. & Cadet First Class Pallas
Backpost -- Sometime before "Shuttle" posts Sickbay
Next Phase Completed
by Lieutenant Josey Wales & Commander Raiden Kosugi & Lieutenant Obav th’Villos & 1st Lieutenant Kyle Walken
Trying the bar scene
by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Lieutenant JG Eira Cortez
Taking care of weapons
by Cadet First Class Pallas & Commander Raiden Kosugi
Backpost -- Sometime after "Whispers" Deck 5, Armory
Shuttle B
by Captain Callisi Verra & Lieutenant Obav th’Villos & Cadet First Class Pallas & Lieutenant JG Willow Wales (Kosugi)
Current Space/Planet

Mission Summary

The New Day of Reckoning approaches, the Trinity Acolytes are working feverishly to build up the blood needed to give their weapon power while they study the ancient texts for guidance. In an act of vengeance based on out-of-date intelligence the Acolytes stumble upon the Trinity Goddess referred to in the texts. A woman of Three. Believing this goddess is the key to their power they take her to the weapon and begin to filter the stolen blood through her veins in belief this will give her god-like power to destroy their enemies.

Meanwhile, The USS Gladiator has gone missing. The USS Arcadia is among the ships searching for the Gladiator. When they find her all life has been taken from the ship. In the arboretum, which is also void of life, they discover a gruesome sign left behind. Bodies void of blood, and a red painting on the wall in a symbol they have come to know. How the hunt is on for the remaining hundreds of lives of the crew of the USS Gladiator.