
  • 9 Mission Posts

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Mon Apr 1st, 2024 @ 7:14am

Corporal Briar McKinnon (Bailey)

Name Briar Jade McKinnon (Bailey)

Position Marine

Rank Corporal

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6
Weight 65kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue/Green
Physical Description - Long, thick black hair that is always braided into a bun while on duty and in a low ponytail when off duty.
- Briar has heterochromia in her eyes: the left is grey blue and the right is hazel green.
- She has a tattoo on both forearms below the bends: "R M - 2394" with a crown hanging off the R on the left arm, and "A F - 2396" with an outline of a fox and a daisy on the opposite arm.
- She is physically fit and toned.
- A horizontal scar beneath her left eye is from an accident when she was younger.


Spouse Lieutenant Andrew Foxwell (fiance) - KIA
Father Lieutenant Colonel Gregor McKinnon - 67, retired
Mother Lisa McKinnon - 66, retired
Brother(s) Reagan A. McKinnon (twin brother) - Deceased
Lieutenant Kaleb E. McKinnon - 26
Staff Sergeant Spencer H. McKinnon - 32

Personality & Traits

General Overview Is extroverted and enjoys being around people
Loyal to the Marine Corps and her family
Still wears her engagement ring because it brings her peace and comfort
She is more than happy to go toe to toe with the boys in a challenge and won't back down from a fight or argument
Very intuitive and empathetic
Ambitions Hopes to rise through the ranks and become an Officer
Hobbies & Interests Reading
Restoring vintage vehicles