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Taking care of weapons

Posted on Fri Apr 14th, 2023 @ 5:17am by Cadet First Class Pallas & Commander Raiden Kosugi

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Deck 5, Armory
Timeline: Backpost -- Sometime after "Whispers"
1235 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

She wasn't sure exactly what it was, but as she left the Main Lounge, Cadet Pallas decided to stop off at a completely random floor on her way back to her quarters. She was just feeling like she needed something different in her routine, and exploring a deck she hadn't been on yet seemed as good an idea as any other. It was a bit late for her to starting a new holodeck program, and she had pretty much given up on her book after the Chief Flight Officer had struck up a conversation at the lounge. The turbolift hadn't even closed it's doors yet and Pallas, alone in the space, said without another thought, "Deck... let's say Five. Deck Five." It was an almost instantaneous ride, and she got off to wander around. If she remembered correctly, this deck included some holodecks, the Security Office, and.... Pallas looked up to see an open door ahead of her with lights on. She peaked her head in. "Hello?" she asked, her voice and eyes curious as she looked around the new space.

Rolling himself around the armoury, Logan was going through his standard day of maintaining the ships weapons stores. Stopping at a workbench, he took the several hand phasers he had on his lap and placed them onto the workbench. Spinning around to go retrieve more weapons, Logan spotted someone standing in his armoury, “oh hello there. Is there something I can do for you?”

"Hello there...," Pallas peaked at his insignia, "Chief." She smiled innocently. "I'm Cadet Pallas, here on the Gladiator for my Training Cruise before I graduate. I am just trying to get familiar with the ship and it appears I have stumbled into the Armory, unless this is the Marine mess hall and the replicators are malfunctioning," she pointed at the phasers. "In which case, I would be happy to help; I am pretty handy with a spanner."

“You are correct Cadet, you have found your way into the armoury. A rather under appreciated part of a starship” Logan said as he rolled his was over to Pallas and locked the wheels on his wheelchair before holding out a hand, “Chief Petty Officer Cale at your service. So which path are you interesting in joining? Science? Security? Diplomatic?”

She took his hand and shook it in the human fashion. "Very nice to meet you, Chief Cale. I imagine that this place is a lot more appreciated now, after what the Gladiator has been through." Pallas smirked slightly as she reflected on the man's question. "Sorry," she apologized for making the face, "it is just the number one question that everyone I have met so far has asked me. I suppose the shorter answer is that I have not settled on any single path yet. Which, by my informal survey of the crew I have met, makes me rather unusual for this crew. Most here seem to have known exactly what they wanted to do in either Starfleet or the Marines from the moment they could walk. More or less," she chuckled. "I suppose I have particular interest in both Sciences and Engineering, but I am trying to keep an open mind. Any advice on how I should make my decision? That is probably the number one question that I have been asking, in response."

“Advice? Hmm, I’ve never thought of that. Well I suppose all I can say is take your time and choose wisely, but keep in mind that if you don’t feel like you’ve chosen the right path, you can always transfer to another department” Logan said, hoping his ‘advice’ would be helpful.

"It is appreciated. Your advice. There's a thread, or an energy... a vibe, maybe, that runs through the Academy, where all of us think that every decision we make is going to determine the course of the rest of our entire lives. So... pausing and taking our time and understanding that we can change our minds later: it's more helpful than you think. Thanks for that." She looked around. "So, you said the armory is underappreciated. What makes you say that?"

Logan rubbed his chin, "Well, seems like they don't realize the hard work that's been put into making sure all the weapons are calibrated right and at times the phaser rifles or even the phasers seem to have been dropped or even stepped on." he shrugged his shoulders. "Don't they know that the weapons are needing to be precise?"

“I can understand that,” Pallas nodded. “My first rotation is through Sickbay. Doctor Svidi has me calibrating the medical instruments. I think I assumed before joining Starfleet, all of the tools the Federation made would be as sturdy as the ones I saw the Engineering Corps using on my homeworld. Drop it, step on it, no problem.” She laughed. “I suppose that tools of healing and tools of protection are used more precisely so need more care?”

"Yes they do, I remember reading and studying the old weapons from Earth, they were sturdy. Some were able to fire even when they were dropped in water or even gotten mud in their barrels. Made of sturdy stuff. And those that had them made certain to take care of what would save their lives." Cale slightly grunted, scratching at his cheek. He unknowingly left a dark mark when he scratched there. "If you've got the time do you want to help out recalibrating those weapons there, or do you need to report back to your other assignment."

Just then another crewmember came up to turn in one of the phaser assigned to him. It looked like a mess. He nodded towards Pallas, saying "What's up cadet."

Cale looked at the condition of the phaser when the crewman handed it to him and frowned. "Just what the heck did you do with this?"

"Well I was trying to enhance the radius of the phaser's firing pattern. Guess I goofed?" said the crewman.

"Just.. just get out of here." Cale grumbled, towards the crewman. it was better for the crewman to leave than stay where he'd get raked over the coals.

The crewman shrugged, turned and walked away.

"That is my trouble, there are those who know how to fix items that are broken, and then there are those who think they can do the adjustments themselves." Cale giving a sigh. "Well best get on back to work, thanks for dropping by." With that Cale wheeled himself back around and disappeared from view.

"To be honest, Chief, I was just exploring the ship, as I said. I have time to help with your calibrations. Let me take that one off your hands at least," she smiled sympathetically as she pulled a diagnostic spanner from a small tool holster on her belt. "I spent a lot of time in labs and shops at the Academy. I have dealt with more than a few tools that got into the hands of first years who for some reason believed they had discovered the greatest upgrades and hacks that generations of cadets and professors before them had never thought of," she laughed.

"Well c'mon back then and lets get cracking and get to work then. " came the jovial tone of Cale.

"You got it, Chief," Pallas said as she found an open work table and began opening up the phaser.



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