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Sun Apr 14th, 2024 @ 6:44pm

Cadet First Class Pallas

Name Pallas

Position Fourth Year Cadet

Rank Cadet First Class

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Ardanan
Age 19

Physical Appearance

Height 168 cm (5’6”)
Weight 54 kg (119 lbs)
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Pallas has been known to radically change her hairstyle with some frequency, usually after a period of intense emotional strain. She has several piercings and enjoys collecting and wearing inexpensive-yet-artful jewelry. She maintains high levels of physical activity, as is normal for Academy cadets. She carries a collapsible breathing mask attached at her waist at all times.


Father Lykos Aorois
Mother Ourania Aorois
Brother(s) Achel, Herak, Kadmos, Tychon
Sister(s) Dameia
Other Family Many cousins, aunts and uncles

Personality & Traits

General Overview Pallas was born during a time of chaos, and the uncertainty of her formative years seem to have imprinted onto her personality. Through years of therapy and practice, she is mostly able to maintain a professional and calm demeanor. However, she can be mercurial, prone to passionate outbursts, especially when she perceives oppression or harm being done to the powerless or weak. Pallas longs for belonging, yet strains against rules and regulations that get in the way of helping those in need.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Deeply inquisitive, Pallas is observant and an attentive student. She cares about understanding why things work the way that they do, a trait that served her well in her studies of exobiology, engineering, and xenoanthropology. She is a member of the Starfleet Academy boxing team.
Weaknesses: Pallas suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety as a result of traumatic incidents in her early years. Her impulsiveness has gotten her in trouble, earning her demerits at the Academy for failing to follow direct orders and insubordination. On the flip side of this trait, her fear of failing those relying on her can also lead her to second-guess her own plans, the sort of indecisiveness that lost her a big fight that she should have easily won in a split decision.
Ambitions To help stop other civilizations from suffering the way that the people of Ardana unnecessarily suffered.
Hobbies & Interests Taking things apart and putting them back together again, puzzles, having new experiences and learning about other worlds and species.

Personal History The exact details of the deaths of Pallas’s biological parents have never been made clear to her, but she knows that they both died during or soon after a major earthquake hit Lejico when she was only three years old. Lykos and Ourania Aorois, a couple living in First City, adopted her soon after; Pallas was one of six children adopted by her parents. Adoption was common on Ardana during the 2380s, a time of great social discord and uprising as the century-old unhealed wounds of the Great Disruption were torn open anew. The New Future movement of the children and grandchildren of the Troglytes fomented civil unrest, exacerbated by a great famine at the start of the decade. Between starvation and violence, orphans were sadly not a rare occurrence on Ardana.
It was intervention from the Federation, including the Starfleet Corps of Engineers, that helped to eventually stabilize the situation. Seeing these uniformed heroes descend from the sky, as if from the Stratos of olden days, with technology hundreds of years beyond that of her people, Pallas knew that the suffering she had but a brief taste of in her short life was completely unnecessary. The Federation had the tools and personnel to make sure suffering was brief, sometimes even completely avoided. As a child, she would follow the visiting Starfleet officers around, pestering them with questions until they finally gave in and started answering. Teaching her. Her adoptive parents, seeing her curiosity and potential, supported her newfound interest and did their best to provide her with as much schooling as they could. It was enough, along with the word of a small group of junior Starfleet Engineers who had taken to the precocious child, to get Pallas into the Starfleet Preparatory Program. That, in turn, got her past the entrance exam… at least on her second try.
Service Record 2392 – Successfully completes Starfleet Academy Preparatory Program. Fails Entrance Exam, but scores well enough to retest.
2393 – Passes Entrance Exam. Begins at Starfleet Academy as a first-year Cadet.
2393-2397 – Completes Academy Coursework. Fulfills requirements for majors in exobiology, engineering, and xenoanthropology. Named Starfleet Academy Boxing Team co-captain for 2396. Receives an honorable mention for her Second Class Thesis, “Parallel Skies: Technological Apartheid in the Post-Scarcity United Federation of Planets.”
2397 – Assigned to USS Gladiator for Cadet Training Cruise.