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Sun Aug 4th, 2024 @ 12:11pm

Commander Raiden Kosugi

Name Raiden Manu Kosugi

Position Executive Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human (Half Chinese/Half Japanese)
Age 27

Physical Appearance

Height 6'
Weight 185
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description Raiden likes to keep himself physically fit via his martial arts training, making his physique trim and well toned. His hair is longish, but still well within Star Fleet regulations. His dark brown eyes are very expressive, which at times betrays him when he is trying to have an impassive expression on his face.


Father Sato Kosugi
Mother Koharu
Brother(s) Sho
Sister(s) Li Na and Asumi
Other Family Uncle Li Wei

Personality & Traits

General Overview Raiden is a hard worker, wanting to be his very best at his piloting and whatever else he puts his concentration on. Also fairly easy going, except where those who want to be abusive .
Strengths & Weaknesses +Family Oriented
+Conscientious about details
+Focused on tasks.

Good in social environments, chivalrous.


Wants to prove to his father and brother that he has made the right decision in joining Star Fleet. He does have a slight feeling of guilt as he didn't want to disappoint his father and brother. Has to fight the desire to bury himself in work as well. Is always in competition with himself.
Ambitions He has been made an XO so his ambition besides being the best helm officer, it has changed to that of being the best XO he can be.

Personal wise, he has an ambition of regaining good communication with his father and brother.

Hobbies & Interests Piloting ,Woodworking
Martial Arts: Ninjutsu, Escrima and Kodan Khan Karate: ( Which is mixed Martial arts consisting of Kendo, Judo, Kobudo, Taekwondo and Wushu and some Krav Maga) Fishing Swimming
Flying old style planes and mechanics.

Loves to dance, just doesn't make a big statement about it. One thing he has also taken up is learning how to play the Erhu. Which he is feeling that this was the instrument he was meant to play.

Personal History Raiden was from a family who was strong in the teachings of the martial arts. The martial arts was passed down from generation to generation. At age one and half he began his own martial arts training, under the tutelage of his father, Sato. As he grew older though, Raiden was becoming more interested in flying, than taking over the family business. With him not wanting to take over the school, it was starting a rift between he and his father, and in some ways the same for his younger brother as well. On his mother's side he had an uncle who loved to fly. His uncle had taken him to museums dealing with historical aviation, he even got his pilots license at age 16 for historical airplanes, just so he could pilot a P-51 Mustang, and also a Kawasaki Ki-61. He also helped his uncle work on shuttles and runabouts, helping to get them running so learned the inside and outs of the crafts.

He also made certain to keep up with his martial arts training even though his father wasn't happy with him spending time with his mother's brother. Raiden, loved the freedom he felt when flying, and even though it meant he would be clashing with his father later on, he was determined to achieve his own dream of piloting a ship amongst the stars. His father tried to discourage his son's dream, for he felt that his son had more of a future of teaching, rather than sail amongst the stars.

Raiden's father had his own reasons for not having his son go out and be on a ship, he had lost his own brother during the Dominion War. It hits a person hard losing a loved one, especially since Raiden's father was close to his brother. Sato and his brother, Sho had been the best of friends, and when his younger brother died, it shattered something inside Raiden's father. This made it to where Raiden's father was against his interest in the Academy. As Raiden showed more and more interest in Star Fleet, his father became more and more silent, barely talking with his oldest son.

When it came time for Raiden to go into Star Fleet Academy, he went to speak to his father to somehow make ammends and for them to speak together. It had started as the last time son and father were going to spar together, and it was what it was supposed to be, friendly sparring and hopefully a way for father and son to repair their relationship. However as Sato put Raiden through his paces, Sato become more and more critical, as Raiden tried to keep his cool. Then Sato made a comment about Raiden's uncle, Li wei, and Raiden remarked, "That was an unkind thing to say, Father, you taught me better."

Raiden didn't do it in a disrespectful manner, but he wasn't going to stand there and let his father be disrespectful to another relative. His Father had taught him not to do that, and now here his father was being a bad example. Sato got angry and the sparring got heated, Raiden's mother and sisters had to step in, to keep something more terrible from happening. Sato shut himself in his office and in the morning he didn't say goodbye to his oldest son. Sho had some heated words to say to Raiden, threw several punches at him, with Raiden blocking them. He just put his brother into a headlock, told Sho that he loved him and his father, but Raiden had to leave.

With his gear packed up, Raiden said goodbye to his sisters and mother, cast one last look to where his father was in his office, waved a hand towards the window, and towards his brother. And left with his uncle Lei Wei, for Star Fleet Academy.

Raiden applied himself to his studies, almost exclusively, perhaps to shut away his inner pain from the rift between himself, his younger brother and his father. He kept in contact with his family, getting updates from his mother and sisters. His brother and his father still remained silent, not wanting communication with Raiden, even though he writes regularly. Raiden really hopes that he can bridge the rift that had formed between he and his father and his brother. His mother said that in time the anger will subside and one day his father and brother will come to terms with his decision.

Raiden would go home during the holidays just to see if there could be some softening of both his father's and brother's hearts. They were civil to him when he visited, out of respect for their mother. During the visit there was coolness. Raiden did feel like not going at times, but to him it wasn't a good thing as it would have made things more worse.

Time passed by, it was getting near the end of the Academy Training. Raiden was assigned to the USS Pulsar for his cadet course. He succeeded and went on to become an ensign. From there he was transferred to the USS Starstrike, an Akira Class Vessel as part of the helm crew. There he served for two years,

He then was transferred to the USS Archangel as helm and also pilot,part of the Diplomatic Corps to fly dignitaries in runabouts to various destinations when the transporter wasn't advisable. Raidan's skills in piloting came into play when on several occasions delivering a dignitary to peace talks between two warring countries. Enemy craft had showed up to prevent the diplomat from arriving to his destination. A dog fight ensued, Raiden was able to disable the other ship's then continued on, delivering the dignitary to said peace talks.

Two years later, Raiden found that he was to be transferred to another ship, rumored had it as the USS Arcadia
Service Record Star Fleet Academy
Cadet Cruise on the USS Pulsar,
USS Starstrike- Helm
USS Archangel-Helm and runabout pilot (diplomatic ship)
USS Arcadia.
He has gained the rank of Lieutenant Commander and is also the XO of the Gladiator.
He has now reached the rank of full Commander