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Opening a cage

Posted on Mon Oct 2nd, 2023 @ 2:13am by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Lieutenant Edruj Daughter of Thrawn

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Unholy Trinity Planet
2449 words - 4.9 OF Standard Post Measure

A young crewman ran down the corridor panting for air. He somewhat squealed and grunted as he tripped over something. It was a part of someone. He had gotten separated from his team that had come down, to the planet to rescue the former crew. He had found a group of people locked away in a room that he had no way to access it. He wasn't an engineer to release these people. He needed someone with the know how. Turning around another corner he had to skid to a stop before he ran into someone who was taller than he. He was Crewman Second Class Bravres Ghach.

He squealed out, "Get outta my way, I've got to find some help." at a security personnel that was there with a tall Klingon woman, well she was tall compared to him, he was five inches shorter than she was. He had dark colored eyes and his tusks were yellowish coloration.

"I need someone to help me get some people out." he grunted.

"Calm yourself Crewman and report!" Edruj bellowed in her best command voice. She was the senior officer and the Crewman would be taught to give proper report regardless of the situation.

He stiffened to attention "Sorry, Lieutenant. I have found, several people trapped in a room of which I cannae get them out. I didn't think it wise for me to use a phaser to do so in case I end up hitting something wrong." he noted the color of her uniform "It appears I've run into someone who can help out, sir." Ghach saluting Edruj.

In a brief moment of silent Edruj packed up her tools. Once the case was closed she stood back up and nodded. "Indeed it seems you have. Now take me to them." When the Crewman began to head down the corridor Edruj followed and she began to press her mind to the task of figuring out how to free those that were trapped.

The room that Ghach led Edruj to, was a sealed room. Where several beds were there as well as tables set up, along with medical equipment. At that moment none of the equipment was being used, There were five people locked in this room but beds for seven could be counted. Two humans both female were laying in their beds just staring at the ceiling, two more were there, a bajoran female; a betazed male. The betazed male came up to the observation window, peering out towards where Eldruj was at. Seated on a chair was another human female with shoulder length light brown hair. There was a door upon the wall, which opened and a klingon male came walking out. It looked like he was yelling at those in there, the betazed turning to stare at the Klingon, gesturing towards the observation window. No sound could be heard from anyone the people in there.

"Don't look like they can speak, or maybe it be soundproof?" offered Ghach.

"Mmmmmm..." Edruj pondered and nodded her agreement with the Crewman. "True, however it seems that this is an observation room for medical or for psychological patients. There is most likely reason that these people are locked inside. Have we looked through computer records to see if this is something that is meant to be? What of that Klingon it looks like the others know him or know of him."

Ghach, turned to look back at the people in the room, then looked back at Edruj. "I hadn't found the observation room as of yet. I did look didn't see any room in this area. Then I got shot at. I did notice cameras inside though. Probably being monitored from another place. "

The Tellarite turned quickly for a moment, staring down the corridor. He put his hand towards his hip pulling out his phaser, he relaxed when two of the securtiy team he had been with arrived.

"Crewman Ghach glad you found someone," one of the other security personnel remarked, then said to Edruj, "Glad to see you Lieutenant." the human ensign giving out a bit of a sigh of relief. "We've found the observation room. Haven't pulled the records yet. If you will come with us we can show you the way." turning to go back the way they had came.

The room they had found was in complete disarray, chairs over turned, a console smashed. There was another one though that hadn't any damage to it. Upon the console was showing the vitals of the people there, there was one other but it said deceased."Apparently they are slated to go through a purification ritual before they are utilized to help summon the Goddess." he looked once more. "It is slated to begin in fifteen minutes."

"Do not like the sound of purification. How do you know that it is slated to begin in fifteen minutes? Is there any record of what this ritual is?" Edruj began to look over the console. At the moment she looked for any button or sequence of buttons that would over ride. She did not want anything to happen until she was aware of everything that went on.

The ensign pointed out towards a blinking light upon the view screen, the notification popping up "fourteen minutes until purification" came the mechanical feminine voice.

There were buttons there all in numerical order, much like a number pad on a computer. 0-9 One of the people there was looking for a code book. "You would think they would have something to make things easier to keep this under control" was a remark made.

"Maybe it would be good if we could hear what was going on in that room." grouched Ghach "There's got to be something to do that here." Ghach's back was facing a clearly labeled button that said communication. He'd not seen it as of yet. He was more interested in finding the code book which hopefully would stop this purification process.

No sooner did Ghach finish speaking did Edruj harrumph and press the button behind him. The sounds of what occurred in the other room began to emerge from speakers. "There is most likely a code that stops whatever this purification is. I am guessing there is no one around who knows anything about what is happening? Is there a way that we could get inside?"

From the inside of the room could be heard the angry voice of the Klingon male, "I have said we need to band together and get ourselves out, when they come back to get us."

"We have tried to do that last time, they got the drop on us." Remarked the woman on the chair. "And we lost Sigurd." the woman seeming to be, almost resigned to what will happen next.

Turning around the Betazed male responded, "There is something different. I can feel it, I sensed several who are not of the sect our captors are from." he paused then said towards the ceiling, "Are you there? Can you help us?"

The klingon snorted as the male betazed asked his questions.

"Eldred, how can you be so certain?"

"I felt them." Eldred replied. " I know you can't, D'tar." he looking at the Klingon male.

In the observation room, Ghach realized that he had missed the button, that would gain access to communications. "Hrrrm, Can you hear us?" hitting a button.

"What, who is this?" the betazed male replied.

Ensign Saba looked at Edruj, "So far we've not come across anyone. Can you stop the countdown without a code book?"

Edruj's eyes darted around as she thought. Within a brief moment her eyes settled on a maintenance hatch underneath the console that had the intercom button on it. "If I am honest I am not sure if I can. However, I can certainly try. Get me the engineering kit." She laid down on her back and slid her head into the panel up to her shoulders. "It seems that something is linked into the environmental controls of that room. I need the hyperspanner." Her hand darted down so someone could hand her the tool.

The hyperspanner was placed in her hand as was requested. "let me know what else you need." It was Ensign Saba's voice that Edruj had heard.

"I'll keep watch just in case someone comes this way." Ghach droned out.

There was a few moments of silence as the only thing that could be heard was the grunting of the Klingon woman as she worked wedged into a console. "Hmmm it seems that this is some sort of punishment. This purification is going to kill everyone inside that room. The room we are in is designed to observe and report as it were." Edruj spoke as she worked parts of the console would be removed and tossed out and to the side. "ghuy'" (damn) she yelled as a small amount of sparks could be seen. She climbed out from the console. "Well the good news is the purification will be stopped. The bad news is I believe the doors to get in there are now sealed." She cradled the slightly burned hand that she received from the back lash of power in the console.

"Let me look at your hand before we get back to figuring out how to get those people out,"Ensign Saba remarked. He went to take a look at the first aid kit, and when he opened it up, he commented. "So, that's a good place for a Code book isn't it?" walking over to where Edruj was. "I can fix your burn Lieutenant."

Ghach looked over at the people still locked up. "Okay so how do we get them out." he grunted.

"I believe a phaser should be able to open those doors." Edruj said as she cradled her hand. "Thank you Ensign." The Klingon did not want to be fully rid of the pain so she stopped the Ensign from his ministrations half way through.

Saba nodded in understanding. "Okay sir, your orders are to go release the prisoners then?"

Ghach looked at where the prisoners were at."I'd like to do that and get out of here Sir."

"Then do it and lets get out of here." Edruj said as she rose to her full height. She had no idea why these people were locked up for sacrifice and she had no intention of finding out.

A little bit later, the group arrived at where the prisoners were at. Pulling out their phasers the two security personnel started to cut away at the doors. Ghach had actually stopped to get Edruj's pointers on the correct beam in order to cut properly.

The material that was used for the doors, glowed red hot, the melted pieces dripping down to the floor. Finally it was cut through and the doors were shoved forward, the security personnel having to scramble to get out of the way as the Klingon male had shoved it open. The door hitting the floor with a loud thud. Those that were there started to make their way out.

"Who is the one who freed us." The tall Klingon male bellowed. His eyes glanced around those there then stopped upon Edruj. "Was it you?"

"Yes I issued the order. Lieutenant Edruj Daughter of Thrawn. You have been freed by an engineer." Edruj took a small amount of pleasure in telling the warrior that he was saved by an engineer. It was a small payback for the years in the Empire with no respect for what she did.

He closed his fist and placed it over his chest, the fist over the left side. "I am D'Tar, and i thank you for releasing us from our prison." he knew the score, he wasn't going to ignore the fact that they were indeed on the cusp of their demise and in a rather dishonorable way. "You have my respect as well." his eyes went to how Edruj was holding her hand, "I would like to celebrate our freedom, once we leave the planet." he slightly growled out.

"Yes, yes quit your flirting, D'Tar, it is time to go." the betazed said. "Where is your vessel for us to leave. I feel the rumblings of the floor beneath our feet."

Edruj ignored D'Tar and his advances. She turned toward the Betazoid. "Right this way I will take you to the transport location and let my Captain know of the incoming guests." She motioned down the corridor.

Giving a nod, the betazed male motioned for the others to follow and the group moved rapidly down the corridor and out towards freedom. At the transport location, the group was packed into tranports, D'Tar growled out. "i wish to be on the same transport as she." giving a nod towards Edruj. "I must get to know this beauty."

The betazed male could only shake his head in disbelief, D'Tar was going to be persistant.

Before she would respond to D'Tar Edruj tapped her comm badge. "Edruj to Gladiator I have found five people who were being held captive. I have released them and are sending them up to the ship for medical attention. I will remain here to complete the repairs."

"Acknowledged." Came the response, "See if you can repair damages in order to find others."

"Very well! Edruj out." The channel closed and she turned to D'Tar. "It seems you will have to hold your advances and your honor. My work is not done here."

"i see." D'Tar answered solemnly. "i can stay here and-"

"No you don't you D'Tar, you will be going with us and that is final." a chorus of voices chimed out.

The one woman who had been seated upon the chair in the room, motioned for D'tar to lean down and she whispered in his ear, having a rather stern expression. His eyes flared wide and he straightened up rather quickly. He quickly took his place on a seat of the transport.

She turned towards Edruj, "He will not be bothering you any further unless you wish him to. As for me, my name is Iliyana. It is a pleasure to meet you Edruj. Now we will leave and let you get back to work. Thank you." the woman said stepping onboard the transport as well. She was the last one to enter.

Saba remarked to D'Tar, " We will be staying with her as we are part of her team."

Ghach giving a nod in agreement as to what Saba had said.

"Thank you and safe journeys." Edruj said to Iliyana. "Until next time." She added as the airlock closed and Edruj returned to her duties.


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