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Sun Aug 4th, 2024 @ 12:11pm

Lieutenant Edruj Daughter of Thrawn

Name Edruj Daughter of Thrawn

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Klingon
Age 37

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 150 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Edruj stands at a height that would be tall for a human woman but is average for a Klingon. She keeps her hair long to about the shoulders. Her shoulders are broad and body muscular. Edruj is not a lithe woman in combat she is an aggressor, while not lithe her movements do have a certain grace to them. She is considered attractive by most standards.


Spouse Single
Children None
Father Thrawn Son of Jek'Lar
Mother Buursa'toor Daughter of Lakor
Brother(s) Jek'Lar Son of Thrawn (Chief Security/Tactical Officer USS Vesta)
Morvtak Son of Thrawn (Officer in the KDF)

Personality & Traits

General Overview She is a gruff Klingon there is no other way to put it. She has a tendency to gravitate toward the rough and tumble despite her profession. She has a brilliant mind and has been known to evaluate situations with the logic of a Vulcan. She enjoys sharing cultures and learning about others. She loves that humans are resilient where Klingons are honor.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Loyal
+ Honorable
+ Genius

- Stubborn
- looks at everything with science
- Gullible especially when it comes to humans
Ambitions To earn a posting at the Daystrom Institute
Hobbies & Interests Mok Bara, Poker, Alchemy, Chess, Strategema, Telling ancestral tales.

Personal History Edruj was born on Q'Onos in the Earth year of 2360. Her father was a local constable and her mother a farmer and housewife. She was the youngest child of her family and as such had a relatively easy childhood with her parents. Edruj's eldest brother was the warrior that dad always wanted where Edruj was average in the ways of combat. She was the apple of her father's eye, and her mother's ideal Klingon woman. Fierce, talented and smart what more could a mother ask for.

So Edruj took a relaxed approach to her life, the way she saw it if she had to be the wrong one, might as well have a reason to be wrong. Her parents made sure that she attended school and the warrior academy. It was here that Edruj's fascination with the Klingon culture actually sparked. She learned that your family is not just you parents and siblings etc. It is every Klingon and in that thought her entire outlook reversed.

Most of Edruj's family wanted her to join the KDF like her eldest brother before her. However, she did not want to be around Klingons. Edruj felt that everything that made a Klingon, a Klingon should be shared with the world so in 2378 like her brother before her she applied for entrance into Starfleet Academy on Earth. To her surprise her father Thrawn came around and supported the idea of joining Starfleet. By this time most Klingons had viewed humans as honorable allies, and warrior worthy of Sto'Vo'Kor. Her mother on the other hand wanted her to find a mate and remain on Q’Onos.

In September of 2378 Edruj arrived on Earth to begin her first year Cadet training. Her roommate was Bolian named Xerxes and they got along famously. They spent many night exchanging stories. This is what Edruj craved the knowledge of other beings.

Edruj showed an exceptional aptitude for the sciences and mechanical applications. As such she was fast tracked into the Engineering program at the Academy. Her family back home took this as a surprise as a Klingon scientist or engineer was almost unheard of. During the next three years at Starfleet Academy Edruj would come to specialize in warp theory, and help expand knowledge of quantum slipstream technology. In May of 2381 Edruj graduated the Academy in the upper part of her class. He was granted the rank of Ensign and sent to her first assignment as Engineering Officer aboard the USS Tomahawk.

Upon arrival aboard the Tomahawk Edruj met a woman named Erica Watson who was the Chief Engineering Officer. Erica would come to mentor the young Starfleet Officer. Teaching her to temper the boisterous Klingon ways with a dash of humility and solitude. Erica and Edruj became the closest of friends to the point that Eric was the Maid of Honor at Erica's wedding.

In September of 2383 fate would step in for Edruj again. It seemed on the eve of a large scientific conference Erica fell ill with the Iruddian Flu. The conference which was occurring between Romulan and Federation scientists was being held aboard the Nebula Class Tomahawk. The main topic was the adaptation of Romulan cloaking technology for Federation use. Edruj took charge of the Engineering aspects while Erica lay in Sick Bay, because of her leadership and planning the event went off without a hitch. Edruj was able to help all the Engineers involved acting as a bridge between the cultures. Edruj received a promotion to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade for her hard work and meritorious service. A few months later in January of 2388 Edruj was ordered to transfer to the USS John Adams as the Assistant Chief Engineering Officer.

The next three years passed and were standard as Starship life went. Edruj stayed in touch with Erica and made new friends of her own. However, at this point in her life she was ashamed of one thing. There were little to no love interests. One guesses that it would have to take a tough man to initiate a mating ritual with a Klingon woman.

In 2387 Edruj was given a promotion to full Lieutenant for meritorious service. It is at this time that she is also given the position of Chief Engineering Officer for the USS John Adams. During the next three years Edruj's eyes opened. Before this time she had wanted to command a starship. Now she wants to get posted to the Daystrom Institute and help shape the future of the fleet through technology. Edruj had found her calling, using the way of the warrior to push technology to its limits as opposed to advance in territory or prestige.

In 2390 Starfleet orders Edruj to transfer to the USS Mercutio and report to Captain Crow for duty as the Chief Science Officer. She had heard of the reputation of this scientific vessel, and that Captain Crow had requested an engineer to serve as his scientist. Based on that reputation Edruj smiled as she looked at the PADD. The smile was because if this ship's reputation was half right then she found his home. At the end of this assignment Edruj decides to get a Targ so that she has a companion to travel with her between assignments. She names the Targ Puv which translates from Klingon to Fluffy.

In early 2397 it seemed that Edruj's reputation had spread throughout the fleet. Her orders to report to the USS Gladiator were in. These orders were a mixed blessing as there was no promotion in rank as she had hoped. However, the ship had a storied past and to serve aboard her was an honor. The storied history of this ship and her crew were now hers to add to.
Service Record 2360 (May) - Born on Qo'noS
2378 (September) - Entered Starfeet Academy Cadet year 1
2379 (September) - Cadet year 2
2380 (September) - Cadet year 3
2381 (September) - Cadet year 4
2381 (May) - 2384 (January) - USS Tomahawk Engineering Officer Ensign
2383 (September) - Promoted LtJG
2384 (January) - 2390 USS John Adams ACEO
2387 (April) - Promoted LT made CEO of the USS John Adams
2390 - Transferred to USS Mercutio as CSO
2397 - Transferred to USS Gladiator as CEO