
  • 9 Mission Posts

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Sun Sep 24th, 2023 @ 1:35am

Emmah (Svidi)

Name Emmah (Svidi)

Position Mission Assistant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Sentient Hologram
Age 9

Physical Appearance

Height 5'1"
Weight 2.5 lbs sometimes
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Bright Blue
Physical Description Emmah selected what she believed to be an appearance which would put people at ease in her presence. A human woman of short stature, with light colored hair, and bright blue eyes. She often chooses to style her hair with one side shaved, showing off her green vine tattoo running from her scalp, down her neck and arm to her finger tips.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Considered Commander Khelev ch'koro a father figure
Brother(s) Elian - Emergency Tactical Command Hologram (ETCH)- Deceased
Sister(s) none
Other Family David Hawkins - Mentor, caretaker

Personality & Traits

General Overview Emmahs primary personality is curious. She Often tries out new situations, or personality traits to see if they suit her or how people respond to them. She prides herself in ever growing, which is her directive. Most would regard her with a childlike innocence, but she would be unhappy to be treated like a child.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Curious
+ Compassionate
+ Dedicated
+ Innocent

- Gullible
- Technologically Vulnerable
- Confused by human nature
- Naïve
Ambitions To gain full independence as a sentient being. The Doctor from the USS Voyeger is currently dealing with Federation courts to gain his Personhood status. Emmah's case has been added to his.
Hobbies & Interests Asking questions - she is ever curious

Playing games - in which she will restrict her access to the ships computer to try and learn how to play independently

Art - she has learned that culture is found in art and she explores it often

Personal History Emmah was activated in 2387 onboard the USS Gladiator, as a part of the Holographic Computer Core experiment. When word reached the Alpha quadrant that the USS Voyagers EMH had grown and developed over the years interest grew in experimenting with the same concept here.

As an EMH Emmah was a typical basic program at first, along with her brother the ETCH, Emergency Tactical Command Hologram. Both were given the opportunity to remain active with a dedicated computer core and move freely around the ship given that the Gladiator was outfitted with holographic emitters through out the ship.

Given the chance to choose their names Emmah decided to be clever and use a variation of her original designation, turning EMH in to Emmah. Her brother chosen the name Elian, meaning light.

After a short time it became known that there were specific groups of people who did not like concept of sentient holograms existing. The primary group was called COIL, and they targeted the USS Gladiator in and effort to undermine the experiment and prove how dangerous it was. Elian was the primary target as he was the larger experiment, a hologram with the ability to control the ship to a higher level than Emmah. COIL managed to sabotage the HCC (Holographic Computer Core), and caused flaws in Elians personality.

All the protections against such things fell away as Elian became obsessed with his love interest, Commander Mercia Kavi, and saw the ships CO, Captain David Hawkins as a threat to his Alpha state of mind. Elian discovered the weaknesses in all the members of the Gladiator crew and exploited them, using the ship wide holographic emitters to decide who was worthy of him and who was not, while he pursued Kavi and threatened Hawkins.

Emmah's program had not been targeted, but she had realized that her brother was becoming a danger to the crew. Her EMH programming caused her to be aware they needed her help, but her fresh experience in life told her she needed to play the game to help undo Elian's influences or else he might shut her off.

She worked around Elians programs to torture and restrain the Gladiator crew and managed to help enough of them to get free to overcome Elian and shut him down. The programming sabotage was so severe that the HCC had to be destroyed to keep Elian at bay. Hawkins and ch'Koro, her fathers, mentors, and caretakers, managed to pull a copy of Emmah out of the core and store her in an independent smaller core. She lost a little of her experience and abilities, but she was able to stay alive.

After the Gladiator was refit and repaired she was integrated with the ships computer, under ch'Koro and Hawkins supervision. They built in protections to keep any one from accessing her programming with out both of them present. They kept her existence 'under the radar' as COIL was still after Hawkins and all technology that related to the experiment. Emmah was given the choice to remain in the medical department or expand in to other small territories. Wanting the chance to grow she selected to become a personal assistant to Hawkins.

While working for him, Emmah became rather dependent upon him for her development. In time, after the return of Voyager, ch'Koro managed to study the mobile emitters specs, with specials permission. Technoloy does not allow for such a nice and small compact emitter such as the Doctor owns, but ch'koro began to develop prototypes for Emmah to use.

Ch'koro managed to get the size down to about a 12x8x8 block, with emitters on all sides. This allows Emmahs emitter to be fully hidden inside of her torso, making it less obvious. Power is a primary issue, her emitter has a limited battery life of 8 hours, however this is usually not an issue as she most often in populated areas where power transmitters are scattered everywhere, always keeping her well charged. If she knows she will be somewhere where power may run out, she will bring battery back ups with her to extend her time limit. She once had made the mistake of going on a hike with a friend and losing power after an accident. She had been able to give the friend instruction to return her to Hawkins before loosing power, and it saved her life.

Hawkins is in possession of a back up emitter, and ch'koro is still working on making a better, more powerful and compact version.

Because of limited data space Emmah has selected specific programming's that can travel with her at all times, with data packets available to access if needed. When able to access a ship or city computer she can 'unpack' all of her data and function with as much knowledge as a ship or city central computer.

In recent years she had experimented with expanding the interface a little so that she can appear to be doing normal things, such as eating food and drinking. She wishes to be seen as normal, despite technically still being Starfleet property assigned to Captain Hawkins, like a piece of equipment.

After Hawkins assignment to the Arcadia, Emmah was sent on the USS T'sul, a medical ship, as an advisor in their own development of their EMH. When the mission was over she was due to return to Captain Hawkins on the USS Arcadia to continue her development, working as a mission advisor under Hawkins direct command.

While growing day by day, she also has fears. Despite COIL being nearly wiped out after to destroy Hawkins, ch'Koro, The Gladiator and her crew, she knows that some of their core leadership still lives, and still has a mission against artificial life. Emmah fears that COIL may someday come after her, and that her living low in the shadows will not longer work.