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Checking up on a Marine

Posted on Fri Sep 8th, 2023 @ 8:37am by Commander Raiden Kosugi & 1st Lieutenant Kyle Walken

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Gladiator
2288 words - 4.6 OF Standard Post Measure

With all of the people that had been rescued and had been injured one of the cargo bays had been turned into a make shift medical bay. Ascano worked her way though the scurrying medical personnel looking for someone, it was the CO of the Marines. After pausing to ask someone where he was at, she was pointed in that direction. He had been worked on, his injury had been seen to.

"Just don't wake him up, he's resting." the medical personnel said to Ascano.

Ascano shrugged, "I'll make certain not to wake him I just wanna see him, with my own eyes okay?"

The orderly gave a nod and headed on his way.

With quiet steps Ascano continued on, finally she stopped at his bedside. He looked a little pale to her, at least he was breathing. She just watched for a few moments then turned to walk away, she hesitated for a moment then turned back around, and quietly whispered in his ear, "When you wake up, and gotten more rest, you owe me a drink." Ascano gazing at Kyle's tousled hair and his mussed up beard.

Walken's eyes shot open as he grabbed the wrist of Ascano sitting up and readying himself to headbutt the person in front of him. He stopped and released them as he saw he was in Sickbay. "I guess you are not an enemy combatant and I'm back on the Gladiator?"

"Nice grip you have there, Walken" Ascano commented, rubbing her wrist just slightly. "Yeah we're back on the Gladiator. The away team made it back. How are you feeling?" the dark haired woman queried.

Walken immediately sits up and swings his legs over the edge of the biobed. "Great, times a wasting need to get back down there with the rest of my people." He stands for the first time.

Ascano was ready to grab his arm in case he started falling. "Sit your butt right back down. People are coming back as we speak. You've been out of it for a little while now. Had to do an emergency beam out for you, due to loss of blood."

"I'm fine now, need cas numbers, and reports from my Marines, the rest can wait." Walken grumbles as he hobbles from the bed and towards the door of sickbay.

Ascano went after him, "Look, where are you going? I can see you are going to be stubborn about this so I'll just escort you to where ever and make certain we don't find you faceplanted in the hall okay?" raising an eyebrow in challenge.

Walken just grumbles, "I don't need some damn Navy walking in my shadow." He hobbles his way to the turbolift looking at Ascano annoyed that she was still there. "You can go fix a replicator or whatever it is you do Navy."

"I am in security and I had your blood all over me, so whatever, this is still my job to help with safety including escorting a stubborn Marine like you. I don't care if you outrank me." Ascano growled. "I am going to do my job." she glared right back at Kyle. "So don't get uppity with me, Sir."

Walken openly laughs, "I think you picked the wrong path, should have been a Marine." Once the turbolift stops he would hobble his way to the Marine HQ.

"Sorry sir, can't always have those with attitudes in the marines, gotta share right?" Ascano giving out a return laugh as she followed Kyle. When they arrived at the area, Ascano eyed Walken up and down, "Well, looks like you've made it safe and sound, I don't think you want me to escort you to your quarters. Right now I am going to clock out and go get a drink." Ascano remarked.

"Well, it's where all the attitude is used. You call that fake crap they serve up there a drink?" Walken hobbles inside.

"Officer on deck!" One of the Sergeant shouts.

The Marines inside all drop what they are doing and are at attention.

"At ease and get back to what you were doing." He opens a storage locker and digs out a bottle of Whiskey. His eyes don't leave Ascano as he places the bottle in her hand. "If you are gonna be on my decks you are at least gonna drink like a Marine."

"Then where do you wanna drink this, hmmnnn?? I do have good authority they serve the real stuff, in the Canteen. However I'm not going to turn this down, if you are going to drink this with me." Ascano's hand closing over the bottle.

"No time to drink, my Marines had a vacation from me. Need to go put out fires, yell at them about PT..." It seemed like he was going to say more but he just pressed the button on the side panel and closes the door. He walks to the center of the room, "Now, I want updates on everything."

Ascano watched as the door closed in her face, she gave a grimace. Look down at the bottle in her hand. She placed the bottle down at the door, and a marine coming up to the door looked at the woman. "What are you doing?"

"Just give that to Lieutenant Walken and tell thanks for the thought. Just make certain he gets that okay?" Ascano turned and walked away leaving the marine to scratch his head.

He picked up the bottle, and stepped inside. "Lieutenant Walken, some woman told me to give this to you." walking over to hand the bottle to him.

"Congrats Private you've just been volunteered. Have that sent to Ensign Ascano's quarters with a note. Nice try."

"Wait what? Er yes sir." the private responded, "I'll do that right away." there was definitely more confusion being seen on the 'volunteer' face. He took the bottle from Walken and headed out the door, after penning a note and went to head for Ascano's quarters.

The door had just closed behind Ascano when she heard the chime and she turned to answer the door. To her surprise she saw the private that she had asked him to return it to Walken.

"Hi what's going on, what are you doing here?" a frown appearing, on Ascano's face.

The private gulped, "The Lieutenant asked me to give you this, and this note."

Mia Ascano took the note read it and said. "Stay right there." the door closing behind her. She came back with a note of her own. It said, "nice try yourself, its yours, drink it yourself."

She sweetly smiled at the private. "Please make certain the Lieutenant gets this as well as the bottle." she stepped back and let the door close with the private looking dumbfounded.

"Okay I'll deliver this back to the Lieutenant." he mumbled to himself and turned to jog back to where Walken was.

"Lieutenant, here take it please, sir." the private said.

"Private, you will take that damn bottle back to her, if you come back with it I will have you running PT until I get tired." Walken points to the door for his volunteer.

The private took a good look at Walken's face and left in a huge hurry. He jogged all the way back to Ascano's quarters and rang the chime.

Ascano who had just changed into her civvies, opened the door to find the same private from earlier at her door holding the damned bottle once more.

"Please ma'am I can't take this back or he'll put me into PT until he is tired. Just accept the bottle and be done with it?" the private nervously said.

Ascano heaved a miffed sigh. Walken was going to play this sort of game was he? She'll see about this! She accepted the bottle from the private, and said calmly even though there was thunder in her eyes. "Thank you, I'll take care of this, private.

A relieved expression in his eyes and the private turned tail not wanting to take the chance of her changing her mind and sending it back via him to Walken.

Ascano counted twenty then left her quarters bearing the bottle in her hand. She was going to return the bottle to Walken personally. She wasn't going to have the private be in the firing range this time. She stalked her way down the hall and headed for Marine Country.

The private arrived minus the bottle and gave Walken a thumbs up. "She said thank you sir. If you don't mind sir, I've got to go take care of some.... paperwork?"

"Yup, good work kid." Walken enters his office he begins to go over casualty reports, working on messages to the families of the Marines who didn't make it back.

The door to Walken's office opened and someone came up to the desk and a slight thump as a familiar bottle was placed upon his desk, and a shadow cut out some of the light where he was working. It was Ascano, just glaring at Walken not saying a word.

"Take the damn bottle, it was a gift." Walken doesn't take his eyes off his work. The messages to the families were more important.

"I don't want the damned thing, and I wasn't making a play for you either. I was just talking about a drink, you and me, and that was it."Ascano fumed.

"Making a play? What are you talking about?" Walken confusingly asks aloud.

Ascano growled out in frustration, "The way you were acting I've seen it before. A guy thinking that I was coming on to them. And why were you giving me the bottle? I don't get it? Obviously you were saving it for a special occasion. Just never mind, hang onto the bottle and I'm going to head out." the woman turning to leave his office.

"Ensign stand at attention," Walken ordered as he got up from his chair, he marched over to his footlocker and opened it revealing many bottles of various liquors. "This is one of many storages of liquor I have, I give bottles to people who help me out. I don't know where this coming on to me thing is coming from." He closes the footlocker before returning to his chair.

Ascano froze in her tracks and turned to face Walken. She watched as he went to the footlocker, her eyes growing wide. "Okay then, my mistake. Look I don't know much about you except that you bleed red instead of green." her trying to alleviate the embarrassing moment, well, for her that was what she was trying for. "And that you are a fine CO for the marines. As for my mistaken thoughts, you don't seem the sort who would, jump to conclusions. Just stupid stuff from the past."

"It's fine Ascano you are not the first nor the last to assume that about me." He holds out the bottle once more for the Ensign to take. "I'm not the best at expressing myself or going into detail about who I am. I am a Marine anything else people need to look up in my file and ask me about."

Ascano taking the bottle this time, "Okay so you are inviting me to look at your records then ask you questions, if I am reading this right. Sure I'll bite and take a look them. Okay I'll get out of your hair then Lieutenant Walken." She holding out her hand towards Kyle. "I'll see you around then maybe."

"I'm sure you will see me around again," Walken said as he began the messages once again.

"Perhaps so, unless I get transfered. Who is to say. Well good luck with what you are doing." Ascano turned towards the door, she paused, looked back at Walken giving a slight shake of her head, then gave a slight shrug, and walked out of the office to get back to her quarters.

"You will be fine Ensign, no one is going to force you to transfer." He spoke quietly.

The door still open, Ascano looked back at Walken, "I don't plan on transfering, at times though, the upper people decide that it would be time for a transfer. A changing out of the guard as it were. I don't know what the future will hold for me, none of us do really. So yeah look me up if you want and we can shoot the breeze."

"No one can know but the CoS isn't dumb enough to transfer you away unless there is a reason. I've never seen a reason."

Mia locked eyes with his, "I've not given him any cause either to warrant a transfer. Either way, thanks for the bottle, and oh one other thing, just how would one drink like a marine? Straight from the bottle? You do have my curiosity."

"Well depends on your mood, just want to get to drinking? Go with straight from the bottle. Normal person? Pour a glass. But if you want to true Marine experience fill your glass with some crayons to eat with it."

"Say what? Marines do not eat crayons. What the heck!? " She'd heard the old adage of Marines and crayons but thought that was just a stupid remark that others have said about them. "Marines are smarter than that."

Walken simply shrugs, "You wanted to drink like a Marine."

Ascano just laughed, finding a sense of humor in this situation. "I'll see you around Lieutenant Walken." with that the woman left the area, carrying the bottle that had been given.

The private happened to walk out and went to do an about face. He didn't want to get punished where that bottle was concerned.


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