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Posted on Thu Sep 7th, 2023 @ 1:06am by Captain David Hawkins

Mission: Memphis Island
Location: U.S.S. Gladiator / Kaleb III
609 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Captain David Hawkins stepped onto the bridge of the Gladiator, his mind still in a fog from the dream he had had a few nights ago. In the dream, he had been on a tropical planet, surrounded by lush vegetation and crystal-clear waters. He had been walking along a beach, hand-in-hand with a beautiful woman. She was the very same woman he had seen a couple nights before that. But this time, she wasn’t pregnant. Deep down, he wanted to go back to sleep, to enjoy the time with her a little more, but he had suddenly awakened and couldn’t get back to sleep. .

He shook his head to clear the cobwebs and took a seat in the captain's chair. "Status report," he said.

"We're just coming out of warp, Captain," said the officer in charge of Gamma shift, Lieutenant Anya Petrova. "We're approaching the planet of Kaleb III, as ordered."

"Bring us out of warp," Hawkins said. "And prepare to send a message to the Starbase."

"Aye, Captain," said Petrova.

The Gladiator emerged from warp, and a moment later, the message was sent to the Starbase. A few minutes later, the Starbase responded, and Hawkins was patched through to the commanding officer.

Hawkins nodded. Kaleb III was a Class M planet, similar to Earth in many ways. It was home to a humanoid species known as the Nygnu, who were found on the planet by the Gladiator crew over six years ago. The Science and engineering division had taken the time to try and figure out what technology had transported the young Nygnu children to the planet, but nothing much came of it over the past couple years. At some point, Starfleet command would hopefully give the green light for a small task force to go into the Delta quadrant and find the Nygnu, and their unusual alliance.

"Is the Starbase in orbit?" Hawkins asked as his mind focused on the

"Yes, Captain," said Petrova. "Deep Space Seven is in geosynchronous orbit over Memphis Island."

Hawkins stood up and walked over to the viewscreen. The planet of Kaleb III was a beautiful sight, with its lush green forests and sparkling blue oceans. The Starbase was a massive cylindrical structure, orbiting the planet in a high polar orbit. David nodded to the officer at the operation station and they started to communicate with the station’s operations department for clearance to approach.

"Gladiator," said the voice on the other end of the line. "It's good to see you again. You are clear to approach DS7. Bay 3 crew and repair teams have been placed on standby for your arrival. Drop down to quarter impulse and prepare docking sequence."

"It's good to be here, DS7," Hawkins said. "Thank you once again.”

"Gladiator out."

Hawkins turned to Petrova. "Have all departments prepare for docking sequence and let Commander Kosugi know of our status."

"Aye, Captain," said Petrova.

"I'll be in my office preparing a debriefing with the higher ups. If you get a chance, remind the crew of the upcoming beach barbeque we will have tomorrow night," David continued as he grabbed his pad and started for his ready room.

"Will do, sir," the lieutenant replied simply still standing at parade rest.

"And one more thing..." he paused and looked over his shoulder. "Relax, enjoy your time down on the surface. That is an order."

The lieutenant smirked before nodding, "I have never been here. I will try my very best, sir. Thank you, sir."

With that, David smirked slightly, but nodded and walked for his office. He wasn't looking forward to the next part of his job... the paperwork.


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