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Wed Jun 26th, 2024 @ 8:40pm

Lieutenant Obav th’Villos

Name Obav th’Villos

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Andorian
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 161 lbs
Hair Color White
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Obav has an athletic build, he is average height for an Adorian, but is slender compared to most of his brothers. It made him fast and his reflexes were alway superior. His antenna are how he expresses emotion, along with some learned human facial expressions. They are very sensitive to sound and can pick up subsonic sounds, which make his hearing ultrasonic, giving him a distinct advantage in combat. As is common with the Andoran race, he has an exoskeleton and the extreme density of his done and muscle tissue makes him much more resistant to damage and makes him much stronger than he firs appears. He also has a higher metabolism than humans and are able to live in a much broader temperature range.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Commander Ishav th’Villos - Starfleet Recruting
Mother Lieutenant Vryssi th’Villos - Flight Control Retired
Brother(s) Okihr th’Villos
Sister(s) Petha th’Villos, Zylao th’Villos
Other Family Grandfather: Captain Obav th’Villos - Starfleet Security Retired

Personality & Traits

General Overview Obav is a passionate and aggressive Andorian, he’s been know to get violent but only on the holodeck or in sparing situations with others of equal skill. He has a strong moral compass that had gotten him into trouble in the past, often choosing to do the right thing over what he’s been ordered. He often finds himself in the the middle of the party and enjoys being the center of attention. He loves to laugh and entertain with a quip. He likes to fix his mistakes as he goes, rather than sitting and doing nothing.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Bold
+Rational and Practical

Ambitions Be an ace pilot
Prove he is worthy of his grandfather’s name.
Hobbies & Interests Flying all kinds of craft, practicing Kharakom or what humans call Andorian boxing,

Personal History :::Growing up:::
Obav was born on Beta Prime, in the Beta Leonis star system, an Andorian colony world that had about forty million, residents. The planet was an agricultural and mining colony that had been around since the days of the Andorian Empire and as a result was populated by mostly Andorians and had maintained itself as a major center for industry and trade. It has several major space ports that services both imports and exports, as well as a major recruiting spot for Starfleet’s engineering and security divisions.

Being the eldest Andorian child was difficult for Obav, he was named after his grandfather who had been considered a hero during the Federations-Cardassian wars which left the boy with some big shoes to fill. The elder Obav was a full Lieutenant when he and his security platoon of forty three men had been sent to Umoth VII to reinforce the colonies defenses. When the Cardassian’s came in force nearly a month later, they were quick to overwhelm the defenses of the colony and were quick to set up their flag. In the ensuing loss, Obav got as many people out of the colony as he could taking them to a cave system and setting up a guerrilla camp and proceeded to train, arm and take the fight back to the Cardassians. It took six months of brutal fighting, but he drove them out in time for Federations forces to arrive and fully secure the colony. For his leadership and dogged pursuit of the enemy, he received several commendations, including the Starfleet Medal of Honor and the Christopher Pike Medal of Valor.

As a result, the younger Obav had big shoes to fill and try as he might, the legacy of a man who he knew as his Grandfather was not an easy one to fill. The weight of expectations on the young Andorian’s shoulders as heavy and in an effort to live up to it, he asked his Grandfather to teach him to fight. The elder Obav agreed and in it the two grew close, the younger Obav becoming a very skilled fighter in hand to hand combat and with his kal’hris, a traditional Andorian weapon that the young Obav fashioned himself, with his grandfather and father’s help of course.

Obav’s Father, Ishav, was much like his grandfather and had followed his father into Starfleet’s security division. After proving his own metal in the Dominion war, he wound up in Starfleet’s recruiting division and settled on his former home world of Beta Prime.

His mother, Vryssi, was a beauty by anyone’s standards, but her heart beat like an Androan. She was passionate, loved her family more than anything and was eager to pass on her legacy to her children. Having grown up on the planet of Indarax, she’d been taught the ways of war since she’d been a child and while she was a good fighter, her skill as a pilot out shined everyone in her class and nearly everyone beyond it. She signed on in Starfleet when she turned eighteen, and excelled as a pilot. She met Ishav shortly after and it was a whirlwind romance. When Ishav was assigned to his home world of Beta Prime, Vryssi retired from Starfleet and took a job flying small craft for one of the local mining companies. Obav spent as much time learning to fight from his Grandfather and Father as he did learning to fly from his mother and he became as adept at it as she was, showing her same raw natural talent. It made the decision to join Starfleet’s Flight corps an easy one.

Obav’s relationships with his siblings was strong, they bickered and fought one another fiercely but anyone that tried to separate them usually wound up having to face all four of them. It often times lead to trouble but they were all closer for it, however he was closest to his sister Zylao and the two still share a close bond with one another.

Obav always was the center of attention in school, and could be found with any number of groups as he liked to bounce around and spend time with just about everyone. He enjoyed playing sports, and found himself invited to a lot of social events. His natural charm, boldness and perceptiveness made things easy for him with girls and had several girlfriends throughout his highschool girls, which lead to trouble when they found out about each other.

Obav’s four years in the academy where a mix of hard work and fun. As much as he wanted his studies to come first, he found himself in a great many parties and getting into all the same trouble he did when he was younger and found himself getting into fights with other cadets. Only now it was on earth, instead of home with his parents close by. However much of this changed when he found an underground Kharakom fight ring, which quickly became an outlet for his more violent Andorian tenancies.

Like his mother, his skill as a pilot made him outshine nearly everyone earning him a spot in the exclusive Red Squad, or Cadet Training Squadron 47, which gave him access to special training classes and advanced field training.

:::USS Minneapolis - Prometheus Class:::
Obav’s first assignment out of the Academy was the USS. Minneapolis, under the command of Captain Shrishaa zh'Clethi, an Andorian who had served a great many years in Starfleet and was know for taking troubled Andorians and helping to mold them into promising young officers. Being given the rank of Ensign and assigned to Support Craft duty, he found himself flying away missions, workbees and spent his time focused on his work.

Shrishaa took Obav under her wing and helped tame his fire, she taught him what it meant to be an officer along with her Chief Engineer, an Andorian by the name of Khelev ch’Koro. Khelev was an avid fighter, loved sparing and became the older brother that Obav had never had. The two often spared, despite Khelev’s size difference, and became brothers in arms. They often drank, played games with larger groups and worked well together.

:::USS Hornet - Akira Class:::
With Shrishaa’s and Khelev’s blessing, Obav moved to the USS Hornet and moved from flying support craft to taking the conn of an Akira class starship. Two years of focused hard work paid off and paved the way to a promotion and being the second in command of Flight operations for a Galaxy class star ship.

:::USS Ranger - Galaxy Class:::
Two more years of hard work, Obav’s time on the Ranger was spent focused on his career.

:::USS Odin - Sovereign Class:::
When the opportunity to work with Captain Shrishaa zh'Clethi came up again, this time on a newly built USS Odin, he jumped at it. It wasn’t a promotion, but he felt a strong loyalty to Shrishaa and wanted to work for her once more. The two struck up a secret romance, despite their age difference and he regards it as a two of his best years in the fleet. It was only the call to further his career that caused him to move on, the two ended on good terms and she highly recommended him for the USS Nogura, a Sovereign class where Obav would be given the rank of full Lieutenant and made a department head.
Service Record 2382 - 2386 Starfleet Academy, Pilot
2386 - 2388 USS Minneapolis, Support Craft Pilot, Ensign
2388 - 2390 USS Hornet, Flight Control Officer, Ensign
2390 - 2392 USS Ranger, Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer, Lieutenant J.G.
2392 - 2394 USS Odin, Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer, Lieutenant J.G.
2394 - 2397 USS Nogura, Chief of Flight Control, Lieutenant
2397 - Present USS Gladiator, Chief of Flight Control, Lieutenant