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Wed Sep 27th, 2023 @ 10:34am

Lieutenant JG Eira Cortez

Name Eira Grace Cortez

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human and 1/4 Betazoid
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7
Weight 64kg
Hair Color White blonde
Eye Color Blue/black
Physical Description Long straight white blonde hair
Her left eye is bright blue, right eye is black
Lightly tanned skin
Scars around the middle of her torso
A scar that runs from her right temple to jaw that is close to her hairline
Four lines are tattooed on the cuff of each ear


Father Unknown
Mother Unknown
Brother(s) Lieutenant Aidan James Cortez - (30) - USS Defiance - KIA
Lieutenant Logan Daniel Cortez - (32) - USS Defiance
Other Family Uncle: Elliott Cortez
Aunt: Kestra Conley-Cortez

Personality & Traits

General Overview Eira is quiet and dedicated individual who enjoys focussing on her work.

She repressed her telepathic abilities from a young age because of the mental toll it took on her mind, and combined with everything she has experienced so far in life, it would cause a proper meltdown for her but has succeeded in developing her empathic abilities to counter it.

Still devastated over the witnessing of her brother's death, Eira has nightmares that feature him and keep her awake throughout the night, though she tries to not let it affect her work.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Fast and flexible
Has a 98% bullseye ability with weapons and a bow
Quick to learn anything computer related

Telepathic ability
Quiet yet extremely observant

Emotions can get the best of her sometimes
When she’s asleep is when the nightmares start
Ambitions Personal:
To find her original birth family and make a connection with them

Run her own department on a ship
Hobbies & Interests Archery - Eira was regional champion ages 14 through to 17, continues as her favourite hobby
Computer programming - Enjoys designing her own intel programs that can be used in multiple areas
Horse riding - she has a natural connection with them
Secret skill - lounge singing (only a handful of people know about this)

Personal History Born March 15th, 2367 in Algo, Sweden to unknown parents and two older twin brothers, Aiden and Oliver.

Eira had a fairly normal childhood growing up under the care of her aunt and uncle Kestra and Elliot who had adopted her and her brothers from an extremely young age. Their parents were never brought up in conversation and it was a sore point for Kestra (her mothers' sister) every time it was so Eira learnt early on not to ask.

Schooling was done at a private college where she excelled at sports and was one of the more popular, straight-A students. Her studies and sports were more important to her adoptive parents than anything else because they wanted to succeed in life. Her brothers on the other hand, they just cruised through life with no pressure.

At the age of 14, Eira got into archery and was a regional champion multiple times by the age of 17. Oliver managed to annoy her constantly and she got so annoyed with him that she shot a bolt through his leg and he ended up in hospital with multiple stitches and she received a scalding and a half for it.

Her brothers joined Starfleet a year before she finished school and Eira made it a point that she wanted to join as well so she tailored her final years around subjects that would help her get into Intelligence. These subjects included Computer Sciences and Forensics.

It was when she turned 18 that she first applied for Starfleet.
Service Record Age 23
Assignment: USS Reagan - cadet cruise
Rank: Ensign
Position: Encryption Specialist

Age 24.5
Transfer application submitted for USS Protea
Psychological evaluation performed: Pass
Rank: Ensign
Position: Infiltration Specialist
Mission classified, restricted access to authorized personnel only, top secret clearance required

Age 25
Pulled from the classified mission.
Psychological evaluation performed: Counselling performed but still a pass
Recommended action: Two months stress and injury leave
Tour of Duty medal and other commendations and awards received

Age 26
Rank: Promotion to Lieutenant (JG)
Position: Infiltration Specialist level 3
Mission classified, restricted access to authorized personnel only, top secret clearance required
Information was gained that her brothers were involved in illegal activities and Aidan was KIA - an internal investigation was performed
Left on a hostile planet with a small team for close to 6 months.
Multiple deaths were witnessed by Cortez and she almost became a casualty herself

Age 27
Pulled again from classified mission as the undercover status was compromised and safety was threatened
Psychological evaluation: intensive counselling required on a weekly basis, six months minimum
Medical recommendation: rehabilitation to adjust to being in society and to recover emotionally, 8 months minimum
Both psychological and medical evaluations to be done in 12 months time

Age 28
Transfer application submitted for USS Hawaii
Position and role reassignment and training submitted for Diplomatic Officer
Rank: Lieutenant (JG)
Psychological evaluation: Pass

Age 30
Transfer application submitted for USS Arcadia
Position: Diplomatic Officer
Rank: Lieutenant (JG)

Age 31
Ship reassignment to USS Gladiator from USS Arcadia
Position: Chief Operations Officer
Rank: Lieutenant (JG)