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Wed Jun 26th, 2024 @ 8:40pm

Lieutenant Josey Wales

Name Josey Wales

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 6ft 0in 1.82m
Weight 220 Lbs
Hair Color Black collar length
Eye Color Steel Gray
Physical Description Athletic build, Reasonably strong but not over developed like a professional body builder. Lean but well muscled, well toned due to the years of martial arts study and practice.


Spouse Dr. Willow Wales (Callingbull)
Children N/A
Father Robert Wales ( Director of the museum of natural history in St. Louis Missouri. Age 72.
Mother Col. Rebecca Wales. Starfleeet JAG ( Retired ) Age: 70
Brother(s) Robert Wales Jr. Bartender at the presido lounge in San Francisco. Age: 30
Sister(s) Lyanni Wales Account for corperate banking firm in New York City. Age: 30

Marissa Wales Works as a police officer in St. Louis Missouri. Age: 28
Other Family Fur Baby: Miss Kitty. 2 year old White Persian Long Hair Cat.

Personality & Traits

General Overview A dedicated professional to upholding the laws and ideals of the federation, As well as the rights and protection of it's citizens. Serious while on duty, Laid back and easy going when off duty. Spends a lot of time developing himself both mentally and physically, his pursuit is to achieve his dream of a well rounded person and become that man. For every aggressive aspect in his life, he tries to balance it with a peaceful or artistic pursuit, such as Poetry or art. In this way he does not neglect the overall development of his being.
Strengths & Weaknesses Sense of Justice + Dedicated + Leadership ability + Tactical mind set.

- Smokes Charoot natural cigars. ( Off duty only.) - Can become overly aggressive during hand to hand combat situations. - Cat toy collection for Miss Kitty
Ambitions 1. To serve a career in Starfleet with honor and distinction.
2. To earn a seat on the federation security council.
3. To live the best life he can and die with honor.
Hobbies & Interests 1.Koden Kan Karate ( 2nd Dan ) 2. Collects books on anicent firearms and warfare. 3. Writes poetry. 4. Cooking meats and spicy dishes. 5. Quick draw shooting and accuracy 96% rating . 6. Shuttle craft and speeder bike piloting. 7. Horseback riding 8. Blade Combat ( Short sword and smaller. ) Languages spoken: 1. Terran Common. 2. Spanish. 3. Navajo. 4. Andorian.

Personal History Josey spent the first ten years of his life growing up on Earth. He had a normal childhood and upbringing. He never liked those that bullied the smaller and weaker children in school and he intervened and took on the bullies. His relationship with his siblings was fairly good most of the time, The only real problem he ever had with his brother Robert was when they were both interested in the same girl. Her name was Cathy Cox. Josey and Robert fought over her for nearly a year, and caused some bad blood between the two. That was until Robert confessed his feelings for her and she laughed in his face, She wasn't interested in either one of them and told them both to go take a flying leap off a cliff. They're relationship began to slowly heal over time and they are on speaking terms once again.

Josey has always been close to his sister Lyanni. She encouraged him to follow his dreams, even if his path lead him to the stars and away from Earth. Lyanni sends Josey weekly updates on how the family is doing and what everyone is up to. He in return keeps her updated on how he is doing and non classified video files of wonders he has seen. Marissa on the other hand, doesn't like the fact that her older brother is out galavanting across the galaxy where danger looms around every asteroid. Nor does she like the fact that he's followed in his mothers footsteps and joined Starfleet. She still loves him and encourages him to come home to stay where he can be safe with his family.

This behavior caused many problems for his father Robert and took his time away from his duties at the museum. So his solution to the problem was to ship Josey off to his mother and enroll him in the school aboard the ship. While they were aboard the USS Harbinger, Josey met his first love. A native american girl named Dolly Dosella. She had raven black hair and soft brown doe eyes that captured his attention, They drew closer together over time as the relationship grew stronger and more serious. They talked about returning to Earth and attending school together and getting married after they graduated. Sadly Dolly's father, Lt. Commander Doscella was killed during a shuttle accident. Dolly and her mother returned to Earth, He sent messages to Dolly, but he never heard from her again.

From age ten to seventeen, Josey lived aboard several different ships with his mother and loved the travel and the thrill of being on a ship and seeing new worlds and wonders in the galaxy. Josey loved everything that the ship encountered in it's travels. Form the nebulas and the rainbow colored gas clouds swirling over gas giants. The rapid pulsing of a quasar star to the strange life forms that swam between the stars, Josey could never get enough. It was in his blood and he had to follow his heart to the stars to find more, because this is where he belonged.

Rebecca instilled a sense of duty and justice in her son and urged him to seek a career in Starfleet. Josey applied and tested for the academy the day after her graduated from high school. Josey passed his entrance exams and entered the academy on his 18th birthday for the spring semester in 2381.

DOB: May 3rd 2363. Place of Birth: St.Louis, Missouri, Earth.
Service Record Starfleet Academy: 2381-2385. Graduated with honors, Class of 2385.

2385-2387: As an Ensign he served with the security staff on Star Base 225 util his next duty station.

2387-2389: While serving on the security staff for Ambassador Malcomb Aboard the USS Serenity on a ambassadoral confrence, He saved the tellarite from choking to death. Recieved an accomidation and promotion in 2388 to Lieutenant JG.

2390-2392: Transferred to the USS Hermes. Where he took on the duties of the Asst. Security chief aboard ship. Led one of the two rescue teams aboard the USS Edmond Fitzgerald, A federation freighter that ran into an old gravidic mine. Radiation prevented the use of transporters and had to be brought off using shuttle craft and zero G suits. The crew was saved but the ship was unable to be salvaged.

2393-2396: Transferred to the USS Sun Tzu as incoming Chief Security Tactacal Officer. Thanks to the leadership of Captain Holland and the command staff of the Sun Tzu, They were able stop a terrorist attack on Ranna 4 and brought a peaceful resolve to both the warring factions and prevent a wide scale civil war. Promoted to Lieutenant.

2397- Transferred to the USS Arcadia to take on the roll of Chief Security Tactical Officer.

2397- Reassigned to the USS Gladiator with most of the Arcadia crew a few months later, Still as the Chief Security/Tactical Officer.

2398- Married Willow (Callingbull) Wales while on shore leave on Memphis Island.