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Better Late Then Never

Posted on Mon Aug 14th, 2023 @ 10:45pm by Captain David Hawkins & Lieutenant Obav th’Villos

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Bridge - U.S.S. Gladiator
1304 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure

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After having his long conversation with the executive officer about the upcoming arrival to Memphis Island and his concerns with his captain's thought process, David Hawkins reached out to the task force and requested that all personal got some leave after all that had happened with the Unholy Trinity. He knew that other ships were on their way back to their own missions, which were also vital to the protection of the Federation and their allies in the area. But all personal deserved time for down time and a chance for all to recharge. So he tried to make sure that his request was approved across the board.

But now that this was done, he made his way onto the bridge where he found minimal crew but enough to keep things going no matter what. In his chair sat an andorian in which he hadn't met before but knew his face and so he wasn't completely unknown.

"Lieutenant Obav, correct?" he asked as he came up to the lieutenant in a red command uniform.

The Andorian had the sense to know someone was approaching, and stood up as the ships commanding officer approached. He nodded to the man, as he stepped aside from the command chair. "That is correct, Captain Hawkins. Our mutual friend has... I'd be lying if I said he had all good things to say, but he recommended I say yes should I be offered a position here."

"Oh and who is that you speak of?" David asked as he looked at the Andorian. He was quite sure who it was that the younger officer was talking about. But in the end, there was no doubt there was a longer list then just one person that he was talking about. This made David feel as though he had a closer group of people he called family.

Obav's antenna twitched and he looked at the man, he didn't always get human humor but that really didn't strike him as a joke. "He said he talked to you, at least that was my understanding. Khelev ch'Koro. We served together for a while."

"Of course he did," David remarked as he took his seat and offered the andorian the executive officer's chair. "What do you think of Commander ch'Koro? What did he have you doing under his command?"

"I wasn't in his direct line of command, he was an Engineer and I was a pilot at the time. Aside from both being Andorian we both practiced kharakom and were able to spar together," Obav's antenna turned inwards toward each other. "He was a good officer, ridged and demanded the best from his people. He is a good friend too."

"And what did he tell you about his time under my command?" the captain countered with a focus on his reports in his hand on the tablet. But deep down, he was curious as to how his friend thought things went so many years ago.

"Not much, but he told me I should take this posting over others," Obav's antenna turned inwards toward each other. "I realize you haven't gotten to know me yet, but to me that speaks highly of you. He did tell me that you'd need an Andorian around."

"Yeah, but did he explain why, specifically?" David asked with a slight smirk.

"Not in specifics, but just that you needed one of us around," Obav's antenna wiggled in amusement. "I mean no disrespect, Captain, but perhaps you should ask him."

"Well I was thinking how much easier with you it would able to get Andorian Ale compared to myself," the captain shrugged before looking back at his controls on his console.

"It usually is easy for me to get a hold of more rare brands," Obav's antenna turned inwards in a shrug. "If you want a guess, I suspect it's more of the skill set I bring to the ship and that I'll fit in with your command style."

"Oh yeah, and what kind of skill set do you really bring to my ship? Are you part of the Blue Man Group?" David asked as he looked at his readings and over at him a bit from time to time.

"I don't know who that is," Obav shook his head, his antenna twitching slightly. "I'm assuming you've read my file. I can fly, I can fix things, I can fight and I can drink with the best of them."

"Yes, I saw you are more than capable of handling yourself, Lieutenant," David replied as he looked at the Andorian for a moment. He thought of the previous andorian he had trusted for years and still did. "I have no doubt that if ch'Koro chose you to join my crew, that it would be for a good reason. I trust the man. He is my brother. We fought together, against one another, drew blood together and survived many heart aches together. There is nothing that he and I haven't over come over the years. Even we're willing to sacrifice our careers for that very thing to do what was right. So when I say I trust the man, without blinking or thinking about it, I mean it. But what of you. What made you want this position, other then he telling you of the position and that you should take it? What are you looking to get out of the position and your career?"

"If you're up to date on my file, you'll see that I don't exactly play nice with others," Obav answered coolly, not exactly something he was happy about but his nature always seemed to get in his own way. "I need a place where I can actually get ahead, earn my third pip even. I wouldn't mind some adventure along the way and from what I have heard about this ship, that's likely."

"Not going to lie, I haven't had time to look at your file. It was sent by ch'Koro with a simple line... 'I hired this guy for ya. You're welcome.'," David explained as he shrugged. "What happened?"

"Which time?" Obav asked, as his antenna thrashed at the air a few times. "I have a temper, tends to get me in trouble and has held me back in my career. I'm also a damn good pilot, a decent engineer and a pretty good fighter."

After years working with ch'Koro, Hawkins new that even if an Andorian were to have a strong ability of holding back, it took an even stronger and more focused Andorian to hide their emotions from causing a subconscious response through their antenna. So he learned to watch their body language, just like others, but also their antenna as well.

"Yeah, you are in good hands. Loyalty and respect goes a long way as me, as ch'Koro. You do your part, I will do my part to take care of you. ch'Koro has a lot of pull. But he knows I have a little more," David explained as he adjusted and looked back at his controls. "So, this tells me what he wants me to do for you. Do your part, and you will be taken care of. Speak your mind as needed, but at the right time. Otherwise... I honestly don't care. Any questions, Lieutenant?"

"He's got pull because he's good at his job, his people skills could use some work if I'm being honest," Obav answered the Captain. "I don't have any questions at this point, eager to get started."

"Then I guess, Welcome aboard. Take your station, and prepare for us to arrive to Memphis Island. We are over due for some down time."

Obav nodded towards the Captain, his antenna turning inward towards each other before he turned on his heal and headed for the helm station.

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