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The Shine of a Thousand Spotlights

Posted on Thu Aug 3rd, 2023 @ 11:37pm by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Commander Liala Ziyal

Mission: Just Another Day on Gladiator
1985 words - 4 OF Standard Post Measure

The auditorium that she had sang in so long ago appeared before her eyes. The stage set with her on it in a beautiful gown of white lace and flower design. A true tribute to the people of her old world, and very much akin to Elven legend of Earth.

It had been a long time since she'd been here, the holodeck that is. Well, in the auditorium itself also but that went without saying as it was long turned to dust now.

In front of her sat an orchestra of mixed species of the quadrant she now called home. Seeing the different races gave her comfort more now than ever and honestly it didn't matter who's body played the music as long as it flowed all the same.

She began to sing a slow melody, an almost Celtic tone to it with a mystical quality that would make it seem that magic was in the air. The floating crystaline lights that glided through the air lighting up the room effortlessly. The vines that grew on the interior of the building giving it that natural feel, a quality as if the ground might open up and declare the building its own once again.

Even the smells made her feel comfortable enough to close her eyes and lose herself.

He went looking for Liala, Raiden's feet taking him on a wandering path, lost in thought. Raiden came to a stop for some reason, then he looked up and saw he was outside of the holodeck. He had been thinking of maybe visiting his home back on Earth and listen to the sounds of the waves crashing upon the shores. However, there was someone else occupying the holo deck and he went to turn away and see if there was another one he could utilze. He paused though, taking a look to see who had the program running. Raiden's eyes widened, noting that it was, Liala who was inside. He reached up to touch the screen, to run his finger along her name, when the archway opened, as if to invite him in.

Raiden heard some singing, an almost ethereal quality to it, he knew it was Liala. As if they once again had a mind of their own, Raiden's feet took over and he stepped inside, the doors closing behind him and the arch disappearing to blend into the scenery. It had that tangible feeling of dejavu, almost reminiscent of when he and Liala first met. This time though he slipped into the nearest seat, at the back of the theater just to get the whole view, and to not disturb her singing, and he watched and he listened.

Liala felt a presence enter the holodeck, one she knew well, one she knew completely. There was a little smirk at the side of her mouth as she felt the feelings from him all the way from the back of the room. Although, truth be told, it was not a large holodeck to he wasn't that far away. Just the perception of such given the physics of the holodeck itself.

There was a rolling build up as she hit a long note and kept singing as she kept on going. Her hand gestures rising and falling with the feel, and beat, of the song. Her dress glistened in the lights of the hall as her voice echoed around the room itself almost enveloping anyone had they been sitting there.

Raiden was enraptured, caught up in the spell that she wove with her singing. Not on whit did he move, just enjoying the performance. His attention was focused just on Liala.

The song reached its natural end with Liala ending with a large show stopping note and then silence.

There was no clapping, no applause or shouts of happiness. Liala never put an audience in as she felt they were just programmed to be nice, they weren't real. No real joy, no real passion, and she missed that.

As she caught her breath she opened her eyes and moved to take a drink of water. After taking one she looked out into the auditorium "You know, spying on someone could be considered quite stalkerish Commander." she teased knowing it was Raiden in the darkness.

Raiden blinked, the spell was broken when Liala spoke. His soft chuckle echoed towards her and he rose up from his seat to walk down to where she stood. "I suppose I could be accused of that. The door wasn't locked and I saw your name and the door opened as if to invite me in. I couldn't help myself, I heard you singing, and was drawn in." he finally stepping upon the stage, the lights now glowing around them. "This is amazing, Liala."

"I remember XO privilege Raiden, most doors would open for you if you asked." Liala chuckled softly. "And you've not been to this one before, not like the first time you crept up on me." she teased him. "I didn't get the chance to sing in this one." a remorseful tone to her voice heard louder than any note she could sing. "I miss home..." she moved and sat on the edge of the stage.

Raiden sat near Liala his feet dangling over the edge. "Wait a minute, XO privilege?" he blinked. "I ... what the heck. I hadn't even thought of that aspect of the XO having the ability to just walk into a program that is running. Well I'll be..." he really needed to go over what he can and can't do as an XO.

He wrapped an arm around Liala, gently pulling her close to him. "This is a replication of the El-Aurian home or the most current one?" giving her a kiss at the corner of her mouth.

"I suppose in Human tongue, the closest translation is Ethereal Dome." Liala spoke. "This was in the city of the Greenwood Forest. A beautiful city built into the very wood of the trees, around the homes of creatures big and small." She sighed. "What most people don't realise is that El Auria wasn't just a planet but a being in its own right. We were all connected to Gaiaka, Goddess of the world. We felt everything, almost tethered to the planet itself and I feel sorry for those on Kaitos who have never felt that... and even more so for those of us that have and lost it." Her eyes were glassing up a little, tears on the cusp of falling from her eyelids.

Raiden gave a nod, gently pressing his lips upon her head. "Liala, didn't you know that other planets also have a soul? This could include Kaitos. A new connection could be formed. " he stroking her shoulder in a comforting way. I don't know anything about Kaitos perhaps you can tell me about the planet?"

"Kaitos is... different." Liala smiled as his lips touched her skin. "Those of us who are from the old world have struggled but those that stay there longer acclimatise to it over time. Gaiaka is not there, maybe she's searching for us but right now she's not connected to us, or to Kaitos." she cuddled into him. "It's hard to describe the connection to someone, sorry."

"Do not worry, I actually do understand. Just not on the level as how you are describing. Hasn't there been found a holy vessel which could have some of her spirit which can be brought to the planet?" Raiden responded softly.

"There are a lot of ships that managed to make it to Kaitos. Mostly freighters, some merchant ships and a few military ones." Liala thought back. "There is talk of a holy vessel, the Chai'va, but it has not been seen for centuries."

"Has there been any sort of investigation or even having gone in the area of your former home? Perhaps there is a piece of your home world that has the vessel there, floating about?" Raiden remarked. "There always is a possibility. Has anyone checked?"

"No idea." Liala shrugged. "I lived on Earth before Starfleet, before Kaitos, and if I'm honest I've only been to the new world a couple of times. Investigations into that sort of thing would be the Grand Council, and I'm far from ever knowing what they think and do." she swung her feet a little more.

"I have heard from different peoples and religions that a piece of their deity lives within them. So the deity isn't lost or taken away. Or they have a representation of them to keep a door way open to their hearts. This tends to be forgotten and is tuned out. Connections can be made can radiate out no matter how far away ones home is or even the remnant of a home planet. Its a matter of keeping that spark alive." Raiden said softly. "My people they have many gods and goddesses, representations of powerful beings. Not everyone believes in them, but it is a rich part of the history that they hang onto."

"Yes, I am aware of Earthen religions." Liala smiled. "And mostly ours are as well. It was just different with Gaiaka, she was solely of the earth, of the land." she shrugged. "How on Earth did we get on to talking about ancient gods?" she chuckled and placed her finger on his chin.

Moving his head she gave him a small soft kiss. "I am happy to see you."

Raiden enjoyed her kiss, closing his eyes for a moment then opened them to look into her eyes. "I am happy to see you as well. It seems too long" returning her kiss with one of his own. "We seem to explore different subjects with relative ease." grinning. He looked around at the scenery. "Perhaps though someone will be carrying the seed of your planet's spirit within them and then it will blossom out into making Kaitos more like home and all would be able to connect once more to the planet. All there needs is just a seed." Raiden replied.

"Do you have any plans for tonight?" He asked, still holding her close to him.

Liala nodded as she listened to Raiden speak of seeds of faith as it were. He was right of course, a very smart man after all and one of the reasons she was attracted to him. Maybe it was the setting but she felt quite at home, both with him and how their relationship was at the moment.

"Not unless you want to make some with me." she hinted.

Raiden grinned. "Yes, I would love to make some plans with you. I was actually looking for you to check on you. To, see you." the dark haired man enjoying the feeling of her in his arms against his chest. Her kind and gentle warmth, brought solace to his soul.

"What would you like to do this evening?" Raiden asked.

"Well, there is an aspect to this program that can be activated where we can see a show here. Audience, singer... not me, and the atmosphere of what this place used to be liked when it was filled. Can also get some dinner beforehand. Don't want rumbling stomachs when we are in here." she said with a little levity to her voice.

"I can understand that one." Raiden responded with a laugh. "So dinner, then a show. I am yours to command." he teased with a twinkle in his eyes. "I do like that plan though, Liala." his voice taking on a rather affectionate tone. He kissed her forehead, stroking her soft silken tresses.

His kiss was soft and sweet. It gave Liala goosebumps on her arms and made her feel safe and warm in his arms. "What can I say? I'm a good planner." she smiled into him before looking into his eyes and kissing him more passionately than she had intended.


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