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Mon Jul 8th, 2024 @ 4:27pm

Commander Liala Ziyal

Name Liala Ziyal

Position Chief Counselor

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species El Aurian
Age 197

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 6"
Weight 130 lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Liala has striking blue eyes and a very beautiful smile. Her demeanour is one that puts people at ease and has one of those faces that people just open up too. She has a slender frame with an athletic build.


Spouse None
Father Vaccin Ziyal
Mother Nois Ziyal (DECEASED)
Brother(s) Berde Ziyal
Disea Ziyal
Logis Ziyal
Sister(s) Reso Ziyal
Marsala Ziyal
Boul Ziyal
Harley Ziyal (Identical Twin)

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses + Empathic nature
+ Always seeks a diplomatic option
+ Patient, kind and warm hearted

- Refuses to believe that people cannot be helped
- Overprotective of others
- Trusts easily
Ambitions To continue to assist those in need when ever she can.
Possibly to become an instructor, or professor, at Starfleet Medical.
Find someone to settle down with.
Hobbies & Interests Painting and drawing are a huge hobby of hers as she considered herself an artist before leaving El Auria. She enjoys a good book, can play the violin and piano and has been known to hold a tune.

Personal History Liala Ziyal was born on El Auria, a beautiful world with unspeakable sights. More specifically she was born in Sale Hospital in Lua, a costal city on one of the main continents. Her father was a police detective on the home world as even in those that are long lived there is criminals. Her mother was an engineer.

She lived with her brothers and sisters for many years before the Exodus happened forcing them to flee from a technologically monstrous foe.

Up until that point she had been a free spirit, an artist and musician but the turmoil she witnessed after that moment changed her life.

Luckily all her family made it too the Alpha Quadrant and began a new life in a new place.

Liala entered education once more specialising in psychology and studied the minds of many species, the techniques used and the deep desire to help people overcome their problems has always been something that has spoken to her. Ever since that moment on board an escape ship, seeing the sheer terror in a young girl’s face, the blank stare of a man’s eyes. That was enough for her to want to try and break through the barriers that the mind throws up.

In 2321 she opened her own practise on Earth, more specifically Pasadena California.

Over the years she saw many people from different walks of life suffering from a variety of conditions. There was one defining condition that she discovered and named Temporal Tinnitus. This condition was discovered when a man came into her office claiming to be from a different time. This at the time was not a plausible explanation of what was happening.

Upon further examination and several visits, and personalities, it was discovered that his brain emitted and attracted chroniton particles. This was unheard of and to the current day hasn’t been seen again. The patient in question would have shifts in temporal bands that each time a new set of memories would be implanted, thus making him a new individual. The proverbial ringing of memories that were not his own.

With assistance from some scientists and the trust of her patient they were able to devise an implant that blocked the attraction of chroniton particles. This stopped that entry of new unknown memories from different times, he became his own man once again.

In 2343 she looked up to the stars and decided that Starfleet would be her path. Due to her degree already learnt her path was not as long as the other students in her year so she graduated in a shorter time.

Her first posting was on the USS Invictus as ships counsellor, one fish amongst a few. It took a bit of adjustment being at the bottom of the pile as it were. She wasn’t in charge of her own practice, she had a boss who didn’t like her, and she found it all very frustrating.

It wasn’t long before the Chief Counsellor was indicted for taking latinum bribes from someone in order to clear them for duty when they weren’t fit. This only came out when the individual in question crashed a shuttlecraft into the side of the shuttle bay when he wasn’t meant to even be in one.

It was a time of upheaval in the counselling department and her new boss was a nice gentleman she got on with for many years, Lieutenant Commander Rajesh Singh.

In 2350 she was promoted to Senior Counsellor on board the USS Orlando. Still not a Chief position but due to her experience it was seen as a wise move for her career. She would remain on the Orlando for 10 years until it was decommissioned.

The year 2360 came and she was finally given the role of Chief Counsellor on board the USS Jerry Springer, an odd name to be sure she had thought. During her time on board she also began to take classes in diplomacy, trying to increase her knowledge and possibly investigate helping the command staff a bit more when it came to mediations and such.

In 2375 she became Chief Counsellor/Diplomatic Officer on board the USS Yellowstone. It was here she helped mediate a truce between the two-warring faction on Sulata V, a planet that was in the middle of a civil war. Unfortunately, at the time they had captured some Starfleet personnel and it was her job to get them out. She did and received a commendation for it.

In 2387 she left for pastures new on the USS Phoenix, again in the Chief Counsellor/Diplomatic Officer role.

It was during her time here that a temporal infraction occurred. The Phoenix and her crew were sent to an alternate time into the middle of an area of space where women ruled the roost. The Captain of the Phoenix, a man, insulted the matriarch of one of the powerful planets in the system they arrived in and they were then targeted for ‘punishment’.

Liala approached the Captain with the idea that she takes the reins whilst they were in that time. She had done research by contacting local business and tradespeople, learning the ways of the time and how the best approach would be to stop the upcoming siege on their ship, at least until it was repaired enough to get back home.

It took great strength and acting ability to convince Matriarch Nota that she was the true Captain of the Phoenix and that her man would be punished by their own accord. She apologised profusely but with strength behind her words and sent a gift of food befitting the likes of that species.

Fortunately for them the ruse worked, the bravado and acting skills paid off. She had stalled long enough for their engineer to come up with a way to get them home. They left and were back home with a month’s loss in their own time.

She left soon after, her head still stinging from the event and everywhere she looked on the ship she was reminded of how fickle and dangerous time could be.

From 2388 she served on board the USS Valkyrie in similar role.

In 2397 she was approached to transfer to the USS Arcadia, an Odyssey class, as its Executive Officer, under Captain David Hawkins. Previously she had not wanted to take on the role of an XO as it would take her away from patients and the ability to help people through their needs, their stories but she had decided to take the leap and see what happened.

During the course of her time as an XO she missed being in touch with patients, connecting with those that needed help and decided to take a step back down to her true home as a Counsellor.
Service Record USS Invictus - Counsellor
USS Orlando - Senior Counsellor
USS Jerry Springer - Chief Counsellor
USS Yellowstone - Chief Counsellor/Diplomatic Officer
USS Phoenix - Chief Counsellor/Diplomatic Officer
USS Valkyrie - Chief Counsellor/Diplomatic Officer
USS Arcadia - Executive Officer, then took a step down to Chief Counsellor