
  • 33 Mission Posts

Last Post

Wed Jun 26th, 2024 @ 12:43am

Petty Officer 1st Class Tia Smithy(Kosugi)

Name Tia Daisy Smithy(Kosugi)

Position Engineering Officer

Rank Petty Officer 1st Class

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 150#
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Tia wears her hair short to keep it out of her way when she is working. Her build is solid, sturdy. She has dark brown eyes.


Father Hector
Mother Hesta
Brother(s) Adam
Sister(s) Louisa

Personality & Traits

General Overview She's a hard working woman, doesn't like a lot of fuss or muss. She just likes to get in and get it done. And just stay out of her way.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Hardworking

-Has a temper
-Doesn't suffer fools.
-Can be rather protective of the ship she is on.
Ambitions Professional- keep the ship running

Personal- whatever happens, happens
Hobbies & Interests Swimming, tennis, weight training, Rudimentary fighting skills more of a scrapper. Baseball and dancing. Love jigsaw puzzles and makes model ships, historical ones. Like a ship in the bottle sort. Camping

Personal History From a fairly large family. Has always been interested in taking things apart when very small. Her parents felt that she was going to be an engineer from the very start. She also loves to put things together and enjoys the mystery of where the mechanics went wrong.

Tia is from Flagstaff, Arizona not too far from the Grand Canyon and Monument Valley. Dad is a Park Ranger, an uncle owns a ranch.