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Mon Nov 20th, 2023 @ 8:26am

Lieutenant JG Willow Wales (Kosugi)

Name Willow -Callingbull- Wales (Kosugi)

Position Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human- Algonquian
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 150
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Tall curvy Native American,black hair which reaches almost to her waist.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Ahanu
Mother Winona
Brother(s) Maskwa (Bear)

Sister(s) Awena
Other Family Grandfather Chaska Star Fleet Doctor

Personality & Traits

General Overview Willow has considered herself to be someone who has many layers for her to discover who she is. She is consistently striving to do her best, may not always reach the level that she sees herself gaining. She isn't a quitter though and open to learning new skills and even refine the skills she knows.

Generally she is a person who has a pleasant demeanor but she does have a side that isn't always pleasant. Just don't anger her, don't get on her bad side. She strives to better herself.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Compassionate
+Dedicated to the well being of others

-Somewhat superstitious
Ambitions To be as good of a doctor as her Grandfather. Explore the stars, and learn of other cultures medicines. Increase her knowlege in the overall medical profession.

Her personal goals find a person she can share her life with, to have a family, but also both of them work as a team to better peoples lives. She isn't looking for Mister Perfect though.
Hobbies & Interests She loves to do bead work, go hunting with a bow, leather work, fishing and hiking. And is also into naturopathic medicine a knowlege of modern medicine and knowlegeable of natural medicine like that of Oriental medicine and the herbal medicines she learned through her grandfather and father's teachings.

She does artwork both painting and drawing. A pad of paper and a pencil can be found in her possession for her various doodles as she called it. Plays the flute.

Personal History Born May 27th, 2371
Place of Birth Rockingham North Carolina

Her mother is a historian, her father is a doctor as well as her grandfather. She and her three siblings lived in Rockingham, North Carolina. There was plenty to do for her and her siblings living on the 20 acre farm/homestead. Her grandfather Chaska, was a Star Fleet Doctor who loved his job. He retired to the homestead to be with his family after the death of his wife during an attack on the ship they were on. His wife had been in security, Chief of Security. The ship had been boarded by pirates. The pirates were repelled but at the cost of her life and some of her security team.

When she turned 18, Willow determined that she wanted to join Star Fleet. She wanted to travel amongst the stars, and follow in the foot steps of her grandfather.

Service Record Assigned to the USS Arcadia
Reassigned to the USS Gladiator