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Information Gathering

Posted on Mon Sep 25th, 2023 @ 10:49am by Lieutenant Josey Wales & Commander Raiden Kosugi

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Security
2106 words - 4.2 OF Standard Post Measure

After the captain left, Raiden took time to get something to drink, walking over to where the replicator was at. "Green tea with honey." he requested, the tea shimmering into view. He lifted it up and walked from the replicator, to look at the two men who were in the interview rooms. Owen was sitting looking rather sullen, as he was now alone, the security personnel having left the room. They had made certain Owen had some water then departed the room. Esra on the other hand had his eyes closed, as if he were doing meditation.

Raiden looked over towards Josey, "I propose to let them sweat for a few minutes, while I drink my tea. How about you?" Raiden flashing a quick smile. "Are you going to get something to drink?"

Josey nodded and pulled a small flask from his pocket and took a swig and looked dissatisfied. " Gonna need a new thermo flask. " He grumbled. " The coffee has gone cold. " He walked over to the replicator . Medium raktajino, Black. " The machine hummed and delivered the desired item, steaming hot. " Wouldn't hurt to let them stew a bit, be about ten to fifteen minutes before I finish this. " He said as he held up the cup. " You might want a sandwich as well, we might be here for awhile. " He went back to the replicator. " Roast beef and cheddar on rye, with lettuce, tomato and mustard. " He turned back to Raiden. " Ya want one? " He asked.

"That sounds great." Raiden giving a laugh. "I am enjoying watching this going on" there wasn't anything that said they couldn't catch a lunch break while letting the two men stew for a little bit.

Once the sandwiches were made and both men started eating, Raiden watched Owen and then Esra with great interest. "Owen strikes me as totally opposite of Esra there. He is fidgety, where as Esra there is just calm as can be."

Josey nodded as he glanced towards Owens cell. " Esra acts like he doesn't have a care in the world and knows he has an ace up his sleeve. Owen on the other hand is acting stir crazy and will make absurd demands, He'll be the easy one to break so we'll start with him first before we move on to Esra and find out what cards he's holding.. "

"What if this is just an act?" Raiden asked, looking at Owen, "And what would actually have been their reasoning of pulling him into their fold unless he was a bit more easier manipulated? Did Tia do something to him which would have made him want to do something so heinous as implanting her with a nanite?"

Owen started settling down, acting as if he had no care in the world. Still there was the indications, the tells that he was nervous.

"So you want first crack at him? Its your jurisdiction now, your home turf." Raiden replied.

Josey grinned. " Why not. " And then walked towards the door, as they entered the room Josey nodded to the security officers in the room. "Gentlemen return to your stations. " The two officers nodded and wordlessly departed from the area. "Mr. Owen, have a seat. I believe we have a few things to talk about. "

Owen had risen from his seat when the two men had stepped in, then he sat down as requested. "What would you two want to talk to me about?" Owen giving a bit of a smirk.

Raiden just quietly stood there, giving a rather steady gaze towards the man who seemed to have no clue as to what he'd done.Or didn't even care.

Josey sat down with a complete poker face and pulled out a PaDD and started reviewing it. Josey glanced at him over the top of the PaDD. " You mean you have no idea why you're here? " He asked. " Let me refresh your memory for you. First off and the least offensive on the list was faking your own death. Followed by illegally transporting nanites in the federation and being a non medical personnel in possession of military nanites. " Josey let that sink in for a minute.

Just as Owen was getting ready to speak, Josey held up his hand to silence him. "Furthermore, you used said nanites and infected a federation personal Illegally and against her will. Not to mention that we have evidence backing all this up. Oh and let's not forget that you're a known member of a cult that is actively working against the federation, which also makes you a spy. Personally I am looking forward to handing you over to the warden of the new federation Cryogenic prison so they can flash freeze you into a block of ice and do a synaptic reprogram on you to be a good boy from here on out. Is there anything you like to add on your behalf? " Josey asked in a voice that felt no mercy for the man in front of him.

"StarFleet doesn't have anything like that at all!" Owen blurted out, being visibly shaken.

Raiden skewered the man with a steely gaze."Are you certain? You think you know everything don't you. And you know next to nothing."

"What about him?" gesturing towards where he thought the other man was.

"None of your concern is it" Raiden barked out.

"He is the one who recruited me." Owen responded.

Raiden just gave out a snort. "If he did, why did you get caught?"

"It was a ploy just to reveal his being a traitor to the Federation. I was one who was recruited to bring him in." Owen exclaimed.

Raiden just shook his head in disbelief. The man didn't seem to be able to keep his story straight.

Josey's steel gray eyes took on a cold hard tone and his voice dropped to a softer tone but with much coldness to it. " You know you don't lie very well. You have offered nothing concrete in the way of evidence and are doing nothing but throwing out wild stories in hopes of getting some sympathy, if that's all you have then this is going to be a very short interview. You know your really pathetic, start whining like a five year old with well what about him? " Josey shook his head. " Why do these cult recruit such idiots? " He asked Raiden. " He should be thinking about his own neck instead of the one in the next cell. So unless you can offer me something solid, and I mean right now! I'm just going to put you in isolation until we get to the Cyrogenic prison facility. " Josey stared at Owen for several moments and stood up. " Guards!! " He called out. and looked to Raiden. " He's useless and doesn't know anything, Lets go see what Esra knows. We've got plenty on him as well. Josey and Raiden started to move towards the door. And stopped right before they got there and he looked over his shoulder. " Last Chance. " Was all he said.

"I was framed, and Tia, she was agreeable to the nanites. She got her mind wiped so she couldn't remember what happened. Trust me, I am telling the truth! She is the one who you should be worried about. She is a plant!"

"What does she not remember?" Raiden cooly asked, turning to face Owen once more.

"Th-that she wanted me to plant the nanite in her, so-so she could watch as her people were killed. She is such a cold blooded, cold hearted wench. She played with my affections, she seduced me." Owen looked with pleading eyes, then his eyes narrowed, "You bought her innocent story didn't you. She sure has you both snowed doesn't she. What, did she sleep with you both? That is her mode of operation."

Raiden was disgusted at this point. He said quietly to Josey, "Lets leave, he is a rather sack of feces to say something like that."

Josey tapped at his PaDD. " Another false and baseless accusation, except this one aimed at the investigators. That's another charge I'll be adding to the list. We're up to around four hundred years so far on his charges before he can get paroled. It might be more merciful if we put him in a stolen shuttle and set it adrift in orbit around Talos 4 and send another federation ship to pick him up. What do you think? "

Owen just glared at the two officers, then stated. "Sure bring it on, you will see that I am telling the truth."

Raiden stepped towards Owen, "Look just to let you know, I have it on good authority, Tia actually liked you. She thought she had a chance and mourned you, thinking that you really liked her. She thought you were dead, and was willing go after Esra Bordan for vengeance. I saw that, when she was shooting at him as well as you, when she realized you had betrayed her. You caused her even more grief, you cut her to the core. And when she found out what else you've done to her, that hurt her even worse. I wouldn't want you to be sent to the Talos area, as that would be too quick of a resolution for you. Do you even care or even think what you did was wrong?"

Owen's demeanor changed to that of a bit of a triumphant one. Giving a big smile. "I knew she liked me, I could tell and I knew that and we had developed a decent friendship. I was planning on recruiting her to become part of the Trinity. Thought she would be perfect. After all she was just a lowly petty officer, always getting into trouble, well trouble as in being someone who got into fights. Then I realized that she wasn't going to be someone who would buy into the purifying the universe and come into the fold of the Goddess. Instead so I used our connection to each other."

He gave a pleased laugh. " Sure I was attracted to her, I actually hoped to be with her in a more intimate manner. However what the Goddess wished, my own wants and desires took second place. So yes I used her, I used her to find out things as to what was going on the Arcadia. I also was able to get onto the Gladiator to help in its capture. Sure I am confessing now, as well you've got me. And no matter how much I plead my innocence, its not going to really be proven that I am innocent. As I am not. May the Goddess smile in favor of my devotion to her. " He moved to crunch down on a hollow tooth then frowned, as nothing happened. He glared at both Josey and Raiden.

Raiden just outright laughed, he looked at Josey, "Well now, I think he just realized something is missing."

Josey leaned against the wall grinning. "It seems while you were out cold, we ran a medical exam to make sure you weren't to badly injured. Our Doctor was rather disgusted when she found your hollowed poison tooth and it was promptly removed and stored in the evidence locker. It wasn't to hard to piss you off and rile you up and show you how useless your lies were. In the end you confessed and then tried to cheat the hangman so to say, Only to have it snatched away from you at the last moment. " Josey laughed. " Now that's what I call justice. "

Josey turned to Raiden. " Come on, we've got more work to do. " He stopped at the door and called the guards. " You are to shoot him with heavy stun setting and strap him to an anti- grav sled and lock him in maximum security. I want four officers inside the cell area and two on the outside until he's off this ship and is to be monitored around the clock. I want him in perfect health when we turn him over to the JAG department. " He turned to Owen. " Your Goddess died when her machine was destroyed, She was nothing more then a delusional fantasy of idiots who tried to find meaning in they're sad lives and butchered innocent people for no good reason. " With that said, he walked out of the cell and smiled as he heard Owen being stunned and shackled to the anti-grav sled and taken to maximum security.

Raiden gave Josey fistbump, as they left the room the now unconcious Owen was in. "Let's see what Esra has for us, and is he someone inept as Owen."


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