
  • 49 Mission Posts

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Thu Oct 10th, 2024 @ 8:05pm

Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi

Name Timia Svidi

Position Chief Medical Officer

Second Position Second Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown


Personality & Traits

General Overview Timia has always considered herself lucky, and when looking through her life it seems this may actually be fairly true. It has given her a lot of confidence, and opens Timia up to take higher levels of risk. Timia tends to do only what she is reasonably sure she can accomplish.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Intelligent
+ Generally happy
+ Lucky


Personal History Timia was born on a merchant ship running around the universe. It was a fairly large cargo ship with a number of families on it. Enough to need medical teams, which her family filled in for. Both her parents were medical doctors, her mother in Starfleet, her father a civilian. Because of this Timia spent most of her days in the medical section. She could identify and order hypos from the day she could hold a hypo spray.

With a natural knack for medicine becoming clear to her and those around her as she grew she worked closely with her parents and learned all she could, while assisting in the field. As luck would have it a passenger on the cargo ship had received an injury and met her in the medical bay. He was a recruiter for a medical school on Alcar, on vacation. At 15 she correctly assessed, and treated him under the watchful eye of her father. It impressed the man and he spent the rest of the trip encouraging her to apply to the medical school.

In the end she decided she might as well, she wasn’t going to expand her skill base on the ship much more. One of the new places where the Alcaren people were remotely open to humans was at their Imly Academy, in the city of Asly, Alcar. They provided an accelerator program, as most of their students and instructors were telepathic, allowing for a different kind of learning, training, and practice experience. Along with another batch of hopeful ‘aliens’ Timia joined the Academy, arriving at age 16, as Alcaren considered any one over 14 legal age. She was one of the youngest, but her field experience and natural ability set her apart from her peers. She completed the program on time, which was a feat for a non telepath student. Most ‘aliens’ needed to take parts of the program over and add another year or so. It helped that her telepathic roommate was keen to help her learn and helped to solidify information in Timias mind telepathically, with Timias support.

After the program Timia looked at her life options and decided to follow after her mother's footsteps and join Starfleet academy. It had been a great jumping point of her mothers careers and had plenty of adventure and movement. Merchant ships world always be there as would her connections if she wanted a different job.