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Wed Jun 26th, 2024 @ 8:40pm

Lieutenant Commander Mel Torma

Name Mel Torma

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Dalacari
Age 36

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 197 lbs
Hair Color White (Blonde Dye)
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Both of the women named Mel Torma look identical, from eye color to fur color to hair color, and bear a resemblance to an evolved and humanoid version of the Earth creature known as an 'ermine'. The pair stand at 5'8" each, with long hair, generous figures, and a thick furred tail trailing behind them. Each of them serving as a distraction for the other as they go about their day to day lives.

Soft and friendly, Mel's blue eyes dazzle in any light, though some would be put off by her mouthful of rather sharp teeth, and while her hands show signs of vestigial claws, they're hardly more then just something to paint.

The pair are practically inseparable, always walking together as a pair. Everywhere they go, the two of them are together. This is due to the traits of the Dalacari.

Every Dalacari birth results in twins, and those twins are linked via a low-level telepathic bond, forming before their bodies finish forming in the womb. They believe that their souls are too big for one body, and therefore they are all twins, born with a best friend and confidant.

They've been known to finish each others sentences, talk in unison, walk in unison, and trade tasks effortlessly. They both respond to their name, "Mel Torma".


Spouse None
Children None. Mel is infertile with Non-Dalacari
Father Toc Torma
Mother Herra Torma
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Aunts and uncles, sure

Personality & Traits

General Overview Mel is inquisitive, kind, and understanding... especially in situations where folks are born all by their lonesome. She loves puzzles, especially mazes, since she starts at both ends and meets in the middle rather then going from start to end. As a binary lifeform she can approach situations from two angles, and can often offer at least two points of view. This causes people to often think she's opinionated. At least, that's what she read in the books.

She's very warm and friendly, and can quickly become friends with someone provided they're looking for a new friend. She has a reserved personality but can easily be convinced to go on the most ludicrous adventures, either on the holodeck or in the wide open spaces.

Strengths & Weaknesses One would think that having two physical bodies would be a huge benefit, but it means that Mel technically consumes twice as much water, air, and food as any singular person. She can literally have two points of view of any subject, and can do the work of two people, but can still only come to one final opinion. She is well learned, having had access to practically a library of knowledge both home and in academy, though there's a world of difference between Book Smart and Street Smart.

Mel cannot bear to be separated from her other self for long, and often grows uncertain or just incredibly insular until the two of her are reunited.

Her strength of personality is her true strength, though. She's friendly, open, honest, and cheerful. All the qualities to make a long term friend.
Strengths & Weaknesses One would think that having two physical bodies would be a huge benefit, but it means that Mel technically consumes twice as much water, air, and food as any singular person. She can literally have two points of view of any subject, and can do the work of two people, but can still only come to one final opinion. She is well learned, having had access to practically a library of knowledge both home and in academy, though there's a world of difference between Book Smart and Street Smart.

Mel cannot bear to be separated from her other self for long, and often grows uncertain or just incredibly insular until the two of her are reunited. At current, the maximum distance she can be separated from herself before anxiety kicks in is 10 meters. Though, line of sight must be maintained at these distances or she becomes fidgety and nervous far before that mark.

Her strength of personality is her true strength, though. She's friendly, open, honest, and cheerful. All the qualities to make a long term friend.

Like all Dalacari, she is hesitant to enter a military controlled situation. Her race puts defense before offense anytime, and she will usually always be looking for a solution not involving firearms. Or injury.
Ambitions Mel's ambitions are simple. Do her job, take studious notes, make plenty of friends, and find happiness. She doesn't dream to be captain, or admiral. She has realistic dreams. Often too solidly rooted in fact.

Perhaps discover a new stellar cluster, or have a scientific procedure named after her.
Hobbies & Interests Mel likes to read in her spare time, and write reviews for the books she's already read. She enjoys trying new things, and at times can be something of a thrill seeker, though she tends to shy away from singular events, or events that could separate her binary selves. She'll shy away from activities that are too violent for her tastes, and she's never trying paintball again. She loves literature, as well as group activities. To further her career, and her literary library, Mel speaks English, Vulcan, Klingon, Cardassian, and Ferenginar fluently.

Personal History As the Dalacari are a charter race with the Federation at the moment, Mel was sent along with a small number of fellow Dalacari to Academy. Once there, her exotic looks made her several new friends, especially since there were two of her (Or that's what everyone kept saying). At Academy, she excelled in mathematics and political sciences, especially in scenarios dealing with pattern recognition. She majored in behavioral science and psychology and was on the fast track to becoming a counselor, though she was turned down since singular folk grew nervous when there was someone else in the room with them.

Dismayed at having to choose another career track, she opted for something that she could apply all her current course credit to, and slowly gravitated towards a career in the Science track.
Service Record 2 Years Dalacari Civil Military Service - Drone Controller 2nd Class. This service was voluntary, as Dalacari military forces are volunteer only.

Science Officer - USS Makalu

Science Officer - USS Gladiator

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