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Thu Oct 17th, 2024 @ 4:15pm

Sergeant Trent Busby (Kosugi)

Name Trent Busby (Kosugi)

Position Marine

Rank Sergeant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 6'5"
Weight 225
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Deep Blue
Physical Description Big, muscular and built like the hull of a star ship. He maybe big and muscular but he is more agile than what he looks, think more pro wrestler. Has a well kept beard, his hair cut short. Has a tattoo on his left shoulder with his father's name in memory.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Max Busby (Deceased)
Mother Nadine
Brother(s) Henry
Sister(s) Martha
Other Family Uncle Theodore Aspen, Aunt Susie

Grandfather Rory Aspen
Grandmother Louisa Aspen

Other relatives yet to be named

Personality & Traits

General Overview Smart, tough, can be a little bit of a joker. Is honest. A very determined individiual. The marines are part of his extended family, and he is proud of being one. Keeps himself in good shape as per Marine statistics.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Skilled in hand to hand combat
+Skilled in phaser combat and demolitions.
+Strong Willed
+Fair Minded

-A bit of a joker
-Has an eye for the ladies
-Protective of his team
-Can be a hot head.
-Has an attitude of Lead, Follow or Just Get Out of the way.
Ambitions Sometime start a family
Hobbies & Interests Books, Trent loves reading different genres. He loves to participate in holo adventures when he has the time. Works to up his skills in fighting. He also plays three instruments, the violin, the guitar, and the piano. Horseback riding and Rope Tricks

Personal History Trent was born in Jackson Hole Wyoming, he and his siblings lived on a ranch that had been run by his mom and Uncle along with grand parents plus farm hands. It is still being run by his mom and grand parents, but not his dad. His dad was a marine and was in service when the Breen attacked Earth. Trent was 5, his sister Martha was 3 and his brother Henry was just a baby.

His Uncle Ted along with his Aunt Susie were there to help run things. Trent barely remembered his Dad, but decided he'd become a marine just like his father. His mother tried to discourage him from doing so but, his Uncle Ted was in his corner, and thought it would be a good choice in the matter.

Trent had learned to shoot when he was on the ranch, and learned to herd cattle and learned survival skills. When he enlisted he got through training, already hardened by the life he had when on the ranch.

In the marines he went into recon, was in infantry as well as part of the sharpshooters. Another detail he learned and that was demolitions. He has a slight attraction of making things explode and not explode.
Service Record 2388 for Basic Training
2389-2396 Served aboard Akira Class ship USS Leonidas
2396 Assigned to the USS Gladiator.