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The Princess Rescuers

Posted on Tue Aug 1st, 2023 @ 4:03am by Corporal Zul'arra (Hawkins) & Petty Officer 1st Class Tia Smithy(Kosugi) & Sergeant Trent Busby (Kosugi) & Lieutenant Colonel Johnathon Hayter (Hawkins)

Mission: The Goddess
1456 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Hayter paused and heard the annoyance behind him. Without moving, he called out over his shoulder. "Hey shit face, secure the shuttle. Have it prepped to have an immediate take off in about ten minutes."

Deep down, he knew that he was being very insulting. But in the end, he wasn't concerned about feelings. That was secondary as he raised his hand before the ensign could speak. He just pointed to the shuttle for a moment, before he lefted his rifle and looked before them.

Tia looked back at the person Hayter had been speaking to, and could only shake her head, then giving a small wave before turning back to follow after Hayter. She shifted her pack upon her shoulders which had her gear in.

Trent excused himself for a moment to let the others know that he'll be going with Hayter instead, then quickly rejoined the small group.

The sergeant cast a look at the one Hayter had spoken to, then headed towards where they would be needing to get inside, walking carefully along the way, looking for some traps or anything else that would impede their way inside. Upon not finding anything, Trent looked for the door that could lead them inside, he found one which seemed to have not been used for sometime, having noticed the lack of recent travel, no leaves crushed underfoot, nor twig bent or snapped indicating any passage. He was alert though just in case there was something or someone coming their way. He also looked towards Meeka, seeing if there was any indication of anyone approaching.

Not seeing any he then motioned for the others to join him. "I've found a door, its not been used in quite some time. " Nodding towards the vines which had semi covered the door. He proceeded to cut them away, until the door was cleared. It also revealed a keypad where codes were needing to be entered.

Tia stepped up to see the keypad, with not knowing the code to open the door, she thought for a moment, as she looked at it. "I can open this, I'll just hot wire it." She stated. And proceeded to dismantle the keypad, and taking the wires inside, and was able to make it spark, opening up the door, most of the way. It ground to a halt due to it needing maintenance and wouldn't move any further.

Trent moved a little bit down the corridor inside to check things out before letting everyone else go in, then he gave the all clear. "So far so good." he stated. "There are several ways to get deeper inside the place, one forward and one goes right and the other direction is to the left."

"Yeah about that," Hayter smoke up as he looked at his arm monitor and started to enter in command codes into the device. He then looked over at Meeka and whistled. "Come on girl. Get in here."

With that, the canine, followed by Zul'arra, moved forward into the room. The canine sniffed the air as she looked around before a slight huff came from her. But she stood still looking off to the right.

"The closer we get to Tayla, the signal from her implant will be able to ping off of Meeka's and we should get a clear position. As of right now, though, we follow Meeka's way. She has seems to have her scent," John replied as he looked at Zul'arra and nodded. "You trained with her, she knows you well. Lead her, and she will guide us."

With that, the corporal nodded and looked over at the others. "Ready whenever you all are."

Trent gave a nod and getting another look at those he was with sqaid. "Ready, lets get this done. "

Tia was feeling the tingles of something she wasn't certain how to describe it. Dread, that feeling of something, she had a bad feeling about this? She wasn't going to say anything out in the open. She had to move forward to whatever they were going to find after foillowing Meeka. A look towards Hayter, at least this would be some sort of peace for him. She hoped like crazy that his lady was alive and that he could finally be free of the guilt he might be feeling. She's seen the signs, heard it in his voice.

"Zul'arra lets go." Tia responded, "I'm ready as well."

There was a large cavern with a throne set in the center, the walls had tapestries hanging on either side of carved into stone, statues. There was evidence of more statues being carved. Hundreds of floating orb lights cast light all over, they were all at different heights and had slightly different hues to them. Their light caught the minerals making the ceiling beyond the orbs sparkle like the night sky. The sparkle was only broken by the darkened arch in which the blood of thousands were swirled around, flowing through a woman, Tayla who was held prisoner upon the throne with the blood from her and back up into the arch.

Nine young individuals, ranging in age from a youngster to a young adult, surrounded her. They appeared to have a few personal possessions around her throne to sleep on, implying that they were seldom far from her. They were always close by. The scarlet robes with silver and beaded ornaments were symbolic, as though they genuinely believed what they lived and breathed. Tayla inspired amazement in all of them.

"The unpure are here! Take positions!" a voice spoke up from another entrance as the away team walked in. Another in the same robs, who seemed to be one of the older of the group pointed at Hayter and the rest. Meeka barked but the The Purified Elder rushed to make a blockade between them. They all pulled out their own knives and gritted their teeth. "You are tainted, and will not take our Goddess!"

Tia's eyes went a bit wide, seeing what was facing them and also at the pregnant woman seated upon the throne. She managed to keep her temper under control, not snapping out.

Trent on the other hand, switched his phaser rifle to wide beam heavy stun. They were going to need a quick path to where Tayla was at.

"Colonel, let's go get her."

"Meeka, clear," Zul'arra ordered before anyone stepped forward towards the throne as the young female marine kept her weapon low, but ready to lift and target any possible new threats.

The canine sniffed around and slowly made her way around the unconscious followers. As she finished, she rushed over to the trill and sniffed before sitting. She gave a short low bark and trained her eyes on the woman laying with tubes sticking in her.

The rest of the away team moved forward as they kept an eye on those that were knocked out.

"Freaking hell, what did they do to you," Hayter questioned as he came up to Tayla. Those sick bastards used her and their unborn child as some relic for their sick gain. What the hell was all this, the questioned as he looked over at the group. "Prep for us to get out of here," he ordered as he pulled a small metallic device from his sleeve pocket and started to tap on the device.

Seconds later, a female hologram came alive and stood before them.

"We need your help with Tayla," John remarked as he looked at the blonde holographic female. "And we don't have a lot of time."

With that, Emma came alive and started to help. All the while, they suddenly felt the ground shake and equipment around them rattled. The Colonel took a deep breath before he quickly pointed to the downed people and worked on unstrapping Tayla.

"Scratch that. Everyone, grab someone and let's get to the Runabout. Let's go, people. NOW!" John ordered in a rush. IT was only a matter of time, before the area was no more.

Trent heard the order and shouldered his phaser rifle to help move people. Grabbing those he could whilst. As they started moving from the chambers. There was a flash of light and Trent hit the floor unconcious. Tia turned and fired at the acolyte who had shot Trent dropping him. She checked Trent's vitals, "He's alive" Tia said with a nod. Wrapping her arms around his chest from behind and dragged him out of the chambers. Once that was done she signaled for the runabout to beam the Marine to it. He disappearing from the hall and rematerializing on the floor of the runabout.

"Okay lets get out of here." Tia exclaimed, going and grabbing a couple of more people.


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