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A medical query

Posted on Sun Jul 23rd, 2023 @ 7:32am by Lieutenant JG Willow Wales (Kosugi) & Petty Officer 1st Class Tia Smithy(Kosugi) & Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi
Edited on on Sun Jul 23rd, 2023 @ 7:33am

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Sick bay
Timeline: before the Planet Assault
1594 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Tia had a question and the only person she could even think of to ask, would be Doctor Svidi. And so she went in search of the good doctor. Now whether Doctor Svidi was in, that remained to be seen.

Asking one of the medical personnel who passed by, Tia asked. "Excuse me, is Doctor Svidi in?"

"Follow the sensation of cold and I'm sure you will run in to her." the nurse said rolling her eyes a bit. "She's in lab 2 inspecting the set up." she said motioning down a side hall off of the main sick bay.

Sensation of cold? Tia didn't voice her thoughts but she went in the direction that the nurse had told her. Tia wasn't certain about why the nurse was acting this way, if anything, Doctor Svidi hasn't been any trouble to Tia. In fact, the engineer felt a bit of loyalty to the lady. After all Svidi was the one who helped her out, and was a bit of a guiding light for Tia to get away from her bad situation.

Arriving at Lab 2, Tia knocked at the door frame and poked her head in, "Doctor Svidi, i was told you were in here?"

"I swear to all that is holy if you ask one more stupid question I'll rip your nursing licence..." Timia looked up angrily, "Oh... You're not Nurse Garce. incompetent harpy." TImia shook her head and looked back at the scope she has been working on. "What can I do for you?" she asked with no apology with her greeting.

Not bothered by Doctor Svidi's outburst, Tia stepped inside. "Well hopefully my question isn't considered stupid, but here goes. If someone is transported onto a ship, would there be a record of all of the biosigns including a blood type? I don't know if there would be a blood sample but, could it be possible?"

Timia glanced back at Tia, "It is standard procedure on Federation ships to take a log of biometric status when using the transporter rooms. This would include blood types. No samples would be taken though... There have been a few rare instances of the bio metrics from a previous transport helping to restore something that got seriously messed up. Why?"

"I have reason to believe that someone who had been on the USS Tsul, the ship I had been serving on, may have infiltrated the Gladiator under the guise of a refugee from a disabled ship. And this person, he may have played a part in what happened on the Gladiator. And the same for what happened on the USS Tsul. Long story short, a friend of mine, Owen Black had been transferred to the Gladiator, before the ship had been taken over. Owen was the new transporter chief here. He had left a recording of his suspicions of one of the refugees, well a part of his personal logs when he first came onboard this ship." Tia worried her lower lip before she continued.

"I know I probably should take this to security, but I have a name of the person who had been on the T'sul, wondered if by some small chance there could be a way to find the jerk, through biometric logs and trace where he may have been, may have gone to?" Tia pulling out the isolinear chip that contained Owen's personal log. "Its probably a long shot though, very long shot, to even do some tracing of this individual. Owen had gotten an image of the person, its here on this." wiggling the protective container that the chip was inside.

Timia eyed the container a moment. "The computer can do a standard image search, but there is no guarantee it will properly connect an image to bio metric logs. Its worth a try, and I'll start the search, but you do need to take this to security as well."

"Okay I will make certain to do so, Doctor Svidi, once you have a copy of this." Tia handing over the container. " I do have another question, have you ever had an encounter with an apparition of someone you used to know?" Tia was still bothered by what had occured with her experience where Owen was concerned.

Timia frowned a moment as she took the container and started to make her copy. "Encounter with an apparation... typically that is called a halucination." she said slowly, "When did this happen?"

"it was last night, and I have been wondering if I had been hallucinating. But how in the world would I have been guided by someone I used to know, and found a personal record?" motioning towards the isolinear chip Timia was making a copy of. "Which is what I gave to you; a bottle of bourbon of which I left in my quarters, a swiss army knife and this." she pulled out an old antique pocket watch, laying the two items onto the counter. "I do know that makes me sound a bit crazy, but it happened."

TImia's lower eye lid twitched. "Mind if I take a scan?" she asked. "That is more than a coincidence. Some people believe in spiritual guidance's when needed, but that seems a little.... extra." she said and motioned to a bio bed

Tia gave a nod and went to take a seat on the bio bed, "I agree, and it is creeping me out. Though I have heard from time to time that unexplained phenomena happens as well." she laid back. " Owen was the one who helped me get off the Tsul, and to the Arcadia."

"Was he one of the drained or did he die in other ways?" Timia asked as she opened her tricorrder and started to scan looking for anything that might need a deeper scan through. "Could it just be survivors guilt?" she suggested. "Once I clear any medical reasons I think you should book a chat with the counselor."

"He was listed in the manifest as being deceased but I hadn't thought to check any further" Tia remarked, "And it could be just survivor's guilt as you stated. But still strange for me to find the belongings that Owen left for me. Including the isolinear chip that I gave to you."

A movement just off to the side of Timia, caused Tia to look and her eyes widened with dismay, her blood pressure starting to rise. "Owen, what are you doing here? No I am not going to follow you. I already did. Just stop, you are dead and I don't want to be thought of as going crazy."

Tia could see the ghostly form of Owen, coming up beside Timia, him reaching out towards Tia. Tia also was feeling the coming on of a headache, and her hand reached up towards the area where the pain was starting, on the side of her head.

Willow had just come in and hearing Tia's calling out to someone, "Doctor, would you like some assistance?" Willow walked over to check on the readings, her eyes becoming filled with concern. "I am seeing something from the scans you are taking, doctor." Willow glancing up at Timia. " it looks like a nanite device is attached to her ocular nerve."

"What?!"Tia exclaimed."Get it out of me!"

"Tia is it?" Willow queried, looking at the woman sitting up right, "How about laying down upon the bio bed, and we'll see about getting that out of you." her voice taking upon a soothing, but firm tone, to get the engineer to do what was needed.

Tia nodded and stretched out upon the bio bed, closing her eyes to try not to see the image of Owen come into view.

Willow looked with great concern at Tia, the woman's heart rate seemed to be climbing, and the engineer seemed to be going into a slight stage of panic. She could feel Doctor Svidi watching closely as a quick decision was made. Getting a hypospray, Willow pressed the device against the side of Tia's neck releasing 5 miligrams of diazepam were given to Tia, it working rather quickly. Tia relaxed, and Willow breathed softly in relief.

The next step that needed to be taken care of was to remove that nanite that was causing trouble for Tia. Bringing up the holographic imager, with which would aid in pinpointing where the nanite was at, Willow then retrieved the bio-probe which would conceivably be able to 'beam out' the nanite which was attached to the optical nerve of Tia. intaking a breath, Willow activated the probe, and there it was, the nanite was captured and sealed up into a vial to keep it from escaping and also shut down. Who knows what sort of information could be found there.

Tears of genuine relief streaked down Tia's cheeks, no longer could be seen the image of Owen, haunting her. "Thank you, I thought I was going to go insane there." wiping away the tears and looking at Timia as well as Willow with gratitude.

"You are welcome." Willow replied putting away the instruments. She checked Tia's vitals, finding that they were going back to normal. "Okay you may go." glancing towards Timia for an indication off her approval.

A crash could be heard from another part of medical, Timia having a rather stern expression immediately left to investigate, leaving Tia and Willow there.

Willow turned to Tia and remarked. "You definitely are free to go, as she could hear Timia's voice raise.

Without a moment's hesitation, Tia left, it was time to go.


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