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Gathering the missing

Posted on Thu Jun 1st, 2023 @ 2:11am by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Lieutenant JG Willow Wales (Kosugi) & Lieutenant Commander Mel Torma & Lieutenant Obav th’Villos & Lieutenant Josey Wales & Lieutenant Edruj Daughter of Thrawn & Lieutenant JG Eira Cortez & Cadet First Class Pallas & Cadet Third Class Aarfa Barakzay & Ensign Emma Walken (Walken) & Corporal Briar McKinnon (Bailey)

Mission: The Goddess
Location: The Planet
1770 words - 3.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Over the coms came a message, and the message stated, that there are operatives inside taking care of security and will give the signal of when to strike. This was from Wales and Walken
Group A

Trent was ready to head out with Edruj, Briar and Aarfa, Trent was called back. There was a change in plans, he was to go with Hayter, Zu'larra and Tia. Giving a nod to Hayter, Trent asked for a moment and headed up to Briar, Trent said, "Keep with the others, I've got to with Hayter. Find Walken and Wales."

He looked at Edruj, "Sorry, I've got to go with them. Just take care." he said to the engineer.

"Q'Pla" Edruj said in response. She knew more than most the idea that one had to do as one was ordered despite personal feelings.

Trent then remembered something about Pallas and Aarfa. Just as he was about to leave he paused and looked at Aarfa, she and Pallas were roommates. "Aarfa, I'm counting on you to find Pallas where she's at, the others won't be too far away." He turned once more and jogged away to catch up with Hayter, Zul'arra and Tia, disappearing from view with them.

"Aye, sir," Aarfa tapped her nose. "I'll find them." It was a good suggestion, and one she was grateful for. In the confusing of scents and scent-memories from the rest of her crew, it would give her one clear objective to focus on.

Another shuttle landed, not too long after, the door opening and several individuals emerging, carrying weapons and duffle bags, they were a team made up of both Marines and Security. They looked around then one headed over to where Aarfa, Edruj, and Briar were at. He paused to direct another team member to try to contact the others who have come down. Then turned to speak to the highest ranking officer there.

"I'm Lance Corporal Ryan, any idea where Lieutenants Wales and Walken are at, even Colonel Hayter? he looked over towards Briar, "Hello Corporal McKinnon."

"Lance Corporal, nice to have you here." Briar said with a kind of nervous smile.

"Have you been able to contact the other shuttles?" Ryan also asked, looking to those who were near.

The breeze shifted towards where Aarfa was at, upon it carried a famliar scent, it was that of Pallas.

"I know where one of them is," Aarfa stated, lifting her nose to the breeze and turning toward the scent as she began moving. "Follow me."

Ryan asked, "So lets get caught up with the other shuttles" The marine following after Aarfa at a good pace he looked back towards Briar and gave a nod.

Group B

Willow looked around after getting out of the shuttle, feeling the wind whip around, stirring the tendrils of hair that had escaped her single braid. "Was there any sort of rendezvous place we were needing to meet up, with the others Or will this be the central location? " she looking towards Timia, Liala, Obav.

Pallas raised both of her eyebrows at the possibility that the location of the other two shuttles was unknown, but the cadet kept her mouth closed and stuck close to the others. She was confident that Callisi would not land them too far from the safety of the Security and Marines who were meant to keep them safe. Her eyes scanned the horizon, as methodically as if she were looking at lines of code. "There," she said, pointing with a tightly-gripped phaser at a column of red dust that was still dissipating from whatever had disturbed the soil. "That must be where one of the other shuttles landed."

Willow gave a nod, "Well, we probably should head in that direction."

Obav looked in the direction of the red dust, he made a face at it for a moment before he glanced back at Liala and Timia. Both of them were ranking officers. "What's our objective? Are we supposed to link up with the other shuttle?"

The various marines didn't wait for orders until told otherwise they set up a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree defensive perimeter. The ranking NCO a young Sergeant made her way over to the ranking officers. "Perimeter is set, we are ready to break down and push on your orders."

With Liala being the highest ranking officer and her having been the XO before she stepped down, Willow looked towards her then to Timia. "Commander Ziyal and Commander Svidi should we link up with the other shuttle?"

Just then she spotted someone who looked rather familiar approaching them. It looked like..

"Aarfa!" She almost shouted but managed not to do so. "Pallas, look who's arrived. They landed safely!" Willow then gave a bit of a wave towards Edruj, and Briar. It may not be considered professional but she was pretty relieved that they were there.

Pallas grinned at the sight of roommate. “Good to see you again, Aarfa.” It had been mere minutes since they were all in the shuttle bay but the rapid action and uncertainty of the trip made the elapsed time feel much longer.

"Where are the others?" Willow asked of Aarfa.

"We did land safely," Aarfa replied with a short nod. But she had little notice of pleasantries, her nose was alive with scents and she was keen to hunt the Trinity terrorists. "Another shuttle is that way." She jerked her head in the direction. "Unless there are other Dalacari here."

"Not that I am aware of." Willow remarked as she was considering on following after Aarfa.

Ensign Mishra had scouted the area just outside of the shuttle, then motioned for everyone who would be exiting the shuttle that it was safe enough. He looked over to where Commander Torma was, then got a message on his com, well that came on the badges.

"Commander Torma, we may have a rendevouz point for us to meet up with the others. What say you?"

Mel gave a pair of smiles to the ensign. "Oh certainly. As you may not know, Dalacari are social creatures." she pointed out, "So, if the question is 'Want to invite friends to a party', the answer is always yes." she giggled, an oddly stereophonic sound. Her expression went from amused to serious quickly though.

"Just, be careful. Federation hospitals are no place for a get together." she cautioned. One of her forms had a satchel of equipment, just incase a scientific approach was needed. The other held a phaser, just in case a different form of approach was required. She exited the shuttle, Armed Form first, as though scouting for herself. Which honestly probably wasn't too far from the truth. She kept her glance on a swivel, as Hayter might say, one form always looking in a direction the other couldn't, or just keeping one pair of eyes forward to avoid tripping. Times like this, seeing the Commander move on a combat mission, cautious motions and personal field of perception... it was easy to forget that just a few moments ago this being was laughing and worried about getting space sick. Watching her slide into the role, from scientist to 'evolved from predator stock' was a bit concerning. A bit unnerving. A bit...

And then she nearly stumbled.

"There's a rock here." she covered. Such a graceful predator.

Another shuttle landed next to Shuttle C, and from it came other security and Marines.

Mishra gave a nod to those who just arrived. "Looks like we're gathering together for the next push." the security officer remarked.

Emma Walken looked around at all the movement of the marines and security forces. "We might be, I think that would be a bad idea. Since we are split in three it would make sense to attack from as many sides as possible."

"Well that would make sense."Mishra answered Emma. "Just need to find out the plan well besides the security system going down. It would seem that for this group, Commander Torma is in charge." He looking towards the Chief of Science.

Quinton looked at the others with him. It was time for getting this done.

Mishra took a good look around then he went a little bit pale as he saw someone walking towards the group he was with. It was... Lieutenant JG Kovak, a ferengi! He was the acting Assistant Chief of Security for the Gladiator whilst Lieutenant Josey Wales was on his assignment.

"Hello er Lieutenant Kovak, sir" Ensign Mishra giving a slight gulp.

Kovak looked towards Mishra. " Are you ready for a fight Ensign? I hope you are. " He then tapped his combadge. " Attention all ground units, Group A will take the left flank through the woods and out of sight of the fortress. Group C will take the right flank through the woods and circle around to the rear to cut off any escaping units and or make entry through the rear gate if you can and support the other units and catching the enemy in a crossfire. I'll be leading Group B and we'll be going up the road right to the front door and knock good and loud so they'll know we're here. Once we receive the word we'll move out. Move to your respective areas and form up. "

A crewman turned to his friend. " He looks like a Ferenegi, but he doesn't sound like one. " Kovak stopped and looked at the crewman. " I don't have the lobes for business, nor do I believe in those foolish rules of acquisition. Others of my kind call me a throw back, not that I give a damn, We're here to do a job so let's do it crewman. "

" Sis yes Sir." Came the response, as he headed towards his staging area.

Mishra looked around, then spoke up, "So, Sirs there is an order for us to get to the others shall we do so?" basically to those who outranked him. "You know, some of us go with medical team, and some with engineering? I maybe stepping out of my boundaries, but lets get inside and do what we need to do!" his message going over the communications meant just for the away teams. And whatever we do, we'll need to do it quickly!"

Just then coming over the comms were the reports from other security and marines which had landed near the other shuttles. Security system had been brought down, prepare to move in, its a green light. Lets go after our people!" Someone had called out.

Then it was on, the push forward to get inside, to take back their people.


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