
  • 13 Mission Posts

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Tue Aug 15th, 2023 @ 2:38am

Ensign Emma Walken (Walken)

Name Emma Washington Walken (Walken)

Position Biologist

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 141 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Somewhat pale skin like her twin brother, due to her upbringing with her Marine father Emma has always done her best to stay fit. She tends to either wear her hair in a bun but once in a while she will wear it down.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Staff Sergeant Jack Walken (62)
Mother Angila Walken (60)
Brother(s) Gunnery Sergeant Kyle Walken (29)
Tony "Shortstack" Walken (19)
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family N/A

Personality & Traits

General Overview A lot of people say Emma and Kyle are opposites of each other, unlike her brother she has almost never lost her temper. Growing up Emma was a lot closer to her mother than her dad so she avoided most conflict with him. It was her younger brother who encouraged her to go to college and not enlist in the Marines.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Intellect
+Physically fit

-Basic Phaser training only
-Raised in a Jarhead family so she tends to enforce strictly to rules
Ambitions Discover a pre-wrap species and be able to study them.
Hobbies & Interests Singing, not that she would let anyone know

Chemistry in her free time

Old school jigsaw puzzles

Personal History Emma grew up in a small town in Wisconsin, she is the middle of three children. Emma took to her father's rules well but she was always more of a thinking, she enrolled in a lot of advanced classes throughout her schooling mostly in science classes.

Around this time Emma and Kyle began to notice their mother was acting weird, they had no idea what was wrong until she went into labor with just the two of them home. Thankfully their neighbor next door was a doctor who helped their mother through it, and that was how Tony was brought into the world.

After graduating Emma was accepted into the University of Madison, after four long years, Emma graduated with a bachelor's degree majoring in Biochemistry but not content with that she spend another two years in Madison getting a master's degree in Biological Sciences. A few weeks before graduating Emma received news that the Wyoming the ship her brother Kyle was severing on was destroyed with all hands on board lost.

Two weeks later she was in near tears to find a message from her brother who had survived and was taken prisoner by the Gorn for two weeks. It was then she choose to do everything in her power to be assigned to the Hawaii, she was not about to lose her twin brother again after the fear she and her family went through. She was commissioned via Starfleet's ROTC program due to her studies and was assigned to the Hawaii as a biologist at the rank of Ensign. She had heard that the Hawaii was leading a task group to take back a planet that the Gorn had invaded she had a nice talk with her brother as she was en route to the Hawaii who had no idea she had been assigned there as a biologist.

After getting her twin brother back and still recovering from his time as a POW she secretly put in for a transfer to the USS Arcadia.
Service Record 2388-2395 University of Madison, Bachelor in Biochemistry and Masters in Biological Sciences

2395 Commissioned via Starfleet's ROTC program

2395 USS Hawaii Ensign
(2395) Biologist Ensign
2396 Transfer to the USS Arcadia