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In the Shadows

Posted on Thu Oct 10th, 2024 @ 8:05pm by Captain David Hawkins & Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi

Mission: The Goddess
Location: USS Resolute / Memphis Island
Timeline: Back Post
4627 words - 9.3 OF Standard Post Measure

“Wakey wakey…” a male’s familiar voice spoke almost in an echo.

"Colonel do not rush this!" An irritated female voice replied.

Tayla groaned as her eyes started to crack open and then squeeze shut. "John?" she rasped out. She tried to lift her hand towards the voice, "John... please..." Tayla whimpered. Everything hurt, and she felt weak as hell. She almost remembered seeing his face as he rushed up to the throne to her. The collection of guardians that had surrounded her were in his way. She had passed out before he had actually reached her. "Please don't just be another dream..."

"Computer lower lights to 30% and turn off lights over the biobed." Emmah ordered as she nodded to Hayter that he could touch Tayla.

Moving forward passed the holographic crew member, John quickly stroked the trill's hand and almost sighed a sigh of relief before responded while resting his forehead to her hand while he held it in his own as well. "Yeah its me, not a dream. You aren't with those blood sucking bastards anymore," He lifted up his head just enough to look at Emmah and speak "See, I told you you got it. Not sure why you had to freak out so much. Need to get that holographic stick out of your ass and relax a little."

Tayla dropped her head and closed her eyes tightly breathing deeply as relief washed over her. She tried not to let out a tear, but her eyes betrayed her and one dropped from the corner of her eye. "Is she ok?" she demanded with fear in her voice, as her hand moved over her rounded stomach.

Emmah shot a glare at Hayter, "It is hard for me to relax in such conditions." she said tightly. She was most often a happy go lucky sort of holographic assistance, but she began her life as an EMH, and advanced one on the Gladiator, and over the years had evolved in to more, quite by design. In most areas she viewed the world with a childlike wonder, always learning, and it showed, but not here. Not now. She was the medical expert and Hayter was impulsive and not thinking straight.

She turned her attention back to Tayla, "She's alive." she said.

"Alive doesn't mean ok." Tayla said opening her eyes and looking at the hologram, honestly relieved to see her, but not fully understanding why she wasn't surrounded by loads of nurses and doctors.

Emmah looked at Hayter then back to Tayla, "She is behind in development, but your body did a good job in mitigating the damage to her. The placenta took a hit and I will need to closely monitor it for possible repair, which presents other risks. Technically you are far enough along you could give birth at any moment, but I feel she would fair better to remain in you as long as possible, while we treat you, so that she can get that support from your healing body." she said. "But..." she paused after seeing Tayla's relieved, yet still concerned face. "I am more worried about d'Jax. Your Symboint is struggling to maintain healthy levels as far as I can tell." She looked at Hayter, "The best place for all three of them is Trill." she stated flatly. "If d'Jax fails...." she said.

"Then I die, and its up to you to extract the baby and make sure she survives. If Trill is the best place, arrange transport." Tayla said to Emmah before she turned her hand in John's and looked back at him, gripping his hand. "God I'm so glad to see you..." she said.

"I'm glad to see you as well," he replied back to her before looking over at Emmah before back to Tayla. "As for ... three.. You are in best of care. Emmah got it, and we are safe. That is what matters. As for Trill, yes its the best place to go, but we kind of can't at the moment. We have all the experience and capability in the data base. I'm working on that best I can." He looked back at the hologram and non verbally chewed her hard core. "We agreed, and you damn well know it."

"That was before I knew the extent of her condition." Emmah said flatly back at him. "I have databases, but the Trill do not share a lot about symboint health care. Hell to speed up her healing I could use a pure blooded Trill or two with her blood type to infuse. Ironic as it may seem to give her more blood, half the blood in her body cannot support her unique needs. It will take weeks for her body to produce enough blood from her marrow to take the place of the non compatible blood in her body." Emmah argued.

"Wait... hold on. Why can't I go to Trill?" Tayla asked with worry. "I have a responsibility to protect both d'Jax and our baby John, if I need to be on Trill to ensure their survival..." she said.

"Because a couple of the Unholy Trinity are out there and they think our child is the reincarnated God they have been waiting for, or whatever," John answered simply still wishing Emmah had a physical body so he could knock her head a couple times. He knew she was right but also knew that this was the best course of action. "Hawkins' task force was able to get the majority of those zealots bastards, but there are a handful of them out there which was able to knock out a couple full size ships and jump to warp. So if they are still out there, and have the connections they had. Trill is the first place they are going to go looking for you and our child."

"I was the Trinity... she is their goddess. I filtered and purified the cleansing blood, and somehow she was supposed to use it to purify the universe, but I was not clear on how." Tayla sighed. She looked at him, "THey hooked up a number of young people to the tubes coming out of me to replace their blood with the blood that had filtered through me." Tayla looked pained, "Most of them died as a result, which meant they were unworthy to serve me and their goddess. None could touch me and survive unless they survived the blood transfer." she said. "I saw so many die in torment." she let out a breath slowly. Death had never bothered her, it was a fact of life, as Trill she'd seen a lot of death, and even more so in her missions in Spec Ops with John. But this... this was different.

She looked at Emmah, "Do what ever you can, we will take time to heal us up." she gripped Johns hand again, "But you need to promise me that if d'Jax is absolutely not going to survive with what resources Starfleet has that you will take me to Trill, somehow. We've snuck into places many times." She let out a breath, "d'Jax is agreeable to this..." her other hand touched higher on her torso where the now slightly cramped symboint was resting above the baby. There were few times when she felt a mental war in her head, and her training told her that at times d'Jax would disagree with Tayla, despite the fact they were so fully blended. Tayla wanted to go to Trill and take the risk, d'Jax agreed with John and wanted to wait and not possibly draw the Unholy Trinity to the most sacred place for a joined Trill. The baths, where d'Jax's healing would take place.

Emmah grunted, "I am confident there is a lot I can do, for you and the baby, given enough time. I just have a lot of questions about how to best help d'Jax. I will do my best, but I have only the resources in the computer, and what is here on the ship, and I can not even consult with an expert from Trill." she complained.

Tayla looked at John again with a raised brow, her eyes glanced around, "This is an Intrepid's sickbay." she finally stated. She had served, and even commanded the Resolute several times over her career at Memphis Island. "You're not taking me back to MI are you?" she asked him. "What the hell did you do?"

"What I did? What 'we' did was what was needed in order to keep you three safe. Now lay back and relax. Just glad you came about," the former marine, who was now in civilian attire with his combadge and ear piece still in. He patted her hands which were slowly sliding out of his. "Everyone is doing the best they can in order to keep you three safe. So why don't we all just calm down a couple notches."

Tayla narrowed her eyes at him, before she gripped his hand again, "John Hayter." she said a little more forcefully. "I need more information or I am not going to be able to relax. Now talk, you big pain in my ass." she said. "Or I swear I will kick your ass as many times I have spots, once I'm out of this bed."

Emmah snickered a bit as she turned away and headed to the large screens off to the side to check on her tests and give them a moment.

"Better walk away... damn light bulb..." John remarked as he leaned into the Trill and signed as he thought of the best way to put it. But then again, the best way was simply straight to the point and women didn't like simple. They liked details... blah blah blah.

"We are on the Resolute and we are safe. But we are not travelling to Trill or Memphis Island. As a matter of fact, we aren't actually travelling right now at all," John answered simply. "We are safe, on a planet, hidden, while you heal up and we figure out the best course of action. While the Unholy Trinity think you are all dead, they won't come after us and will give up."

Tayla let out a breath and closed her eyes a moment before she opened them and looked at him again. "Who else do we have in our pocket?" she asked quietly. She wanted to know who to trust on this ship, and who was helping to keep them hidden and believed to be dead.

"Well in Federation space or elsewhere?" he asked simply as he stroked her hand. It was truly good to hear her voice. It was hard for him to see straight when hearing her voice disappearing the first time that they had disconnected.

Tayla watched his face for a long moment before she gave him a bit of a weak sloppy smile. "Both." she said. "I know we have always had outside of the federation contacts, considering our undercover work. How close to the chest are you playing this John?" she asked him before she grunted a little. One hand moved to her stomach, feeling a flutter. Considering Emmah's concern for the baby it was reliving to feel that.

"Closer then we usually have played this. That is how close," John answered his baby's mother. He knew all to well that she wasn't going to like this, so he held her hand a little bit tighter.

Tayla looked up at him and arched a brow, "That's close, and you're avoiding the question." she pulled her hand back and folded her arms, "Spill before I get my ass out of this bed and find out for myself. Or I talk Emmah in to telling me what you clearly don't want to." she said.

"We were in Slipstream for a bit. I'd say just inside Delta Quadrant? We went past former Romulan space, where the Klingons took advantage of their power vacuum. I had heard and read about it over the years, but they really move in," he explained at the speechless Trill. "Well to be fair, I dropped us out and allowed the drive to cool down for a half a day? But we were fine, we got the Resolute's experimental stealth system back online before we even left."

There as a slight pause before he finally rubbed her arm and just starred at her arm. "Listen. There are four things you can't get back in life. The word after it's said, an opportunity after it is missed, time after it is gone, and trust after it is lost," he sighed deeply before looking at her.

"I apologize that we are in this position, but I was not about to risk the chance of that damn zealot group coming back to life, for the fourth or fifth time, and coming back for you and our child. I took the opportunity to force the Resolute to be hacked, by yours truly, with the help of our lovely EMH. And before you ask, the Resolute crew were beamed over to the Gladiator, before the ship was supposedly blown up in space. We were snatched up, and high tailed it out of there. So be pissed at me all you want, but can't say you cant trust me in making sure you and our baby are safe. We already lost to much time."

Tayla rubbed her face, "I'm not pissed that you're protecting us John." she said. She reached up and touched his face a moment. "I just... You stole a star ship. Even if we do get the all clear how could we ever go home?" she asked him. "I left my damn mouse on Memphis Island with a caretaker!" she suddenly said. She knew it was the worst time to be worried about that, but she cared for that little rodent, and the thought occurred to her she may never see it again. "This is a lot... A lot to process."

John took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the situation on his shoulders. Tayla's touch on his face brought a slight comfort, but her words struck a chord. He nodded, understanding the gravity of what he had done.

"Yeah, it's a lot," he admitted, his gaze meeting hers. "But we can't go back to the way things were. Not now. We'll find a way to make it right, Tayla. We always do."

As he helped her settle back in bed, John couldn't shake the weariness that had settled in him. The emotional toll of the past events and the decisions he had made was catching up. He needed a moment to collect his thoughts.

"I'm going to walk back to the bridge," John said, looking at Tayla with a mix of concern and determination. "You rest up. Emmah's got you covered, and I'll figure something out."

He stood up and, after a lingering glance at Tayla, headed out of sickbay. The corridor felt empty as he walked, the weight of the ship's situation heavy on his mind. Tayla needed time to recover, and so did he. The choice he had made to protect her and their child weighed on him, and the consequences were yet to unfold.

As he walked back to the bridge, John mulled over Tayla's condition, Emmah's concerns, and the risks they were facing. He couldn't shake the feeling that time was slipping away, and tough decisions lay ahead. The safety of Tayla and their unborn child was paramount, but the path to ensuring that safety was shrouded in uncertainty.

John entered the bridge, his footsteps echoing in the silent expanse. As he settled into the captain's chair, his mind buzzed with the weight of his recent actions. The decision to hack the Resolute, to go off the grid, to ensure Tayla and their child's safety weighed heavily on him.

He stared at the viewscreen, the stars blurred by his troubled thoughts. Had he made the right choice? Was there another way? Doubt gnawed at him, but he pushed it aside. In his heart, he knew he had acted out of necessity, out of love.

But the consequences loomed large. They were fugitives now, cut off from their former lives, from everything they knew. Tayla's concern for their unborn child, d'Jax's struggle for survival, Emmah's expertise—it all swirled in his mind, a storm of uncertainty.

Yet, amidst the turmoil, one thing remained clear: he would do whatever it took to protect his family. He would navigate the treacherous waters ahead, face whatever challenges came their way.

As he gazed out into the vastness of space, determination filled him. They may be adrift now, but they would find their course. Together, they would forge a path to safety, to a new beginning.

As John sat on the bridge, lost in his thoughts, the holographic emitters flickered to life, projecting Emmah's form beside him. He glanced at her, noting the tension in her demeanor as she began to speak.

"John," Emmah's holographic form addressed him, her expression serious. "I've completed the latest scans on Tayla's condition. She's stable for now, but her recovery will be complex."

John nodded, acknowledging her report, but before he could respond, Emmah's tone shifted, her holographic image mirroring her growing concern.

"What you've done, John," Emmah started, her voice tinged with frustration, "taking the ship off the grid, hacking into Federation systems—it's reckless. We're putting ourselves at risk, and for what? To avoid a few zealots?"

John's jaw tightened as he listened to Emmah's rebuke. He understood her perspective, her dedication to protocol and safety, but he couldn't afford to second-guess his actions now, not when Tayla and their child's lives hung in the balance.

"We had no choice, Emmah," John replied, his voice firm. "We couldn't risk those zealots finding us, putting Tayla and the baby in danger."

Emmah shook her head, her holographic form shimmering with intensity. "But at what cost, John? We're operating outside of Federation law, risking everything we've worked for. And for what? To hide from a handful of extremists?"

John's gaze hardened, his resolve unwavering. "We'll deal with the consequences when the time comes," he said, his tone resolute. "But right now, our priority is keeping Tayla and the baby safe. And if that means bending the rules, then so be it."

Emmah sighed, her holographic image flickering slightly. "I understand your concern, John. But we can't keep running forever. Sooner or later, we'll have to face the consequences of our actions."

John met her gaze, his expression determined. "I know," he said, his voice steady. "But until then, we'll do whatever it takes to protect our family. Even if it means going against the rules."

Emmah nodded, her holographic form softening slightly. "I'll support you, John," she said, her tone gentle. "But please, be careful. We're walking a dangerous path, and I fear the consequences if we're caught."

John nodded in acknowledgment, grateful for Emmah's support. As he turned his attention back to the viewscreen, he knew that their journey was far from over. But with Emmah by his side, he was confident they could weather whatever storms lay ahead.

The scene shifted, and John found himself standing in a sterile Starfleet hospital room. Tayla lay on the biobed, her face pale but peaceful in sleep. Hayter stood beside her, his expression drawn with concern.

Emmah stood nearby, engaged in conversation with a Starfleet doctor, identified by his uniform as a Commander. Their voices were hushed as they discussed Tayla's condition and the best course of treatment.

John approached, his heart heavy with worry. Despite the unfamiliar surroundings, he took solace in the knowledge that Tayla was in capable hands. As he joined them, he braced himself for the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that together, they would navigate this new chapter in their lives.

"How is she doing?" John asked as he walked up to the medical staff.

The doctor, a man with greying hair and a steady demeanor, looked up from his conversation with Emmah and offered a reassuring smile. “She’s stable, but the recovery process will be slow. Her body is responding well, but both the baby and d’Jax are in delicate condition. We need time.” He glanced at Hayter..

Hayter, usually brimming with bravado, seemed unusually subdued. He nodded, his fingers lightly brushing against Tayla’s hand. "Yeah, I understand," he muttered, reluctantly pulling away. "As long as she’s in good hands."

The nurse at his side nodded in agreement, checking a medical console beside Tayla's bed. "Her vitals have improved slightly, but it's going to be a long road. She'll need rest, proper treatment, and close observation."

John Hayter crossed the room quietly, his gaze shifting from Tayla to the newborn resting in the nearby incubator. The soft hum of medical equipment filled the air as he approached, the baby’s tiny form cocooned in warmth. For a moment, the weight of everything lifted. He exhaled softly, gazing down at the delicate face, so peaceful and unaware of the chaos swirling around them.

"Hey, little one," he murmured, reaching out to gently brush his fingers across the incubator’s clear surface. "You’re tougher than you know."

A nurse approached, her demeanor calm and reassuring. "She's doing well, all things considered," she said softly, offering him a warm smile. "A fighter, just like her mother. She still needs time to grow and develop, but we've got her stable. She’s in good hands."

John nodded, swallowing the knot in his throat. "Thank you," he said, his voice low, his hand lingering a moment longer near the infant. He looked back over at Tayla, who was still resting, and then back at the nurse. "I just need them both to be okay."

"They’re both fighters, sir," the nurse replied gently, her smile unwavering. "Give them time to heal. We’ll do everything we can."

With a final glance at the newborn, Hayter stepped back, his heart still heavy but a little more at ease. For now, at least, they had a fighting chance.

As John stood by the incubator, absorbing the moment of quiet with his newborn, the soft whir of the ship's holographic emitters hummed to life. Emmah appeared beside him, her expression a mix of concern and focus, her hands clasped in front of her as she studied the infant.

"She's stronger than expected," Emmah said, her voice soft but clinical. "I’ve been monitoring her vitals along with the medical staff. Given her early arrival, the prognosis is better than I initially thought." She glanced at Hayter, her normally detached tone softened, an unspoken layer of sympathy there. "You both got her through this."

John looked at Emmah, his eyes weary but filled with a quiet determination. "Tayla’s the strong one," he said, glancing back at the baby. "I just—did what I had to. What any father would." He sighed, running a hand over his face. "But what about Tayla? How's she really holding up?"

Emmah nodded, her expression growing more serious as she shifted focus. "The doctor and nurse here are correct. Her condition is stable, but recovery will take time. There’s still concern over d'Jax, but we’ve taken all available measures to support the symbiont’s health. We have some data on symbiont care, but as stated before, it's limited. Starfleet databases only cover so much. we are doing everything we can, John."

Hayter nodded, his jaw tightening with the weight of it all. "You’ve done more than enough, Emmah. I know you were working with limited resources, and—hell, I’ve been tough on you. But you’ve pulled through, kept her alive. Thank you and I am sorry" His voice was raw with gratitude.

The nurse, still by his side, gave Emmah a nod of acknowledgment. "They’re in the best hands possible. Tayla’s vitals are improving steadily. We’ve got a plan in place for her continued care, and the baby’s getting stronger by the hour. It’s a long road ahead, but things are looking up. And thank you."

"Why are you thanking me?"

Emmah glanced at the incubator, then back at John. "I know you're not one to sit and wait, but right now, that’s what you need to do. Focus on being here for them, and leave the medical side to us. You’ve done your part."

Hayter nodded, his fingers brushing against the incubator again. "I hear you, Emmah." His voice was quieter now, the fight in him tempered for the moment. "I’m just not used to feeling so… helpless."

Emmah’s holographic form softened, her stance less rigid than before. "Sometimes the hardest thing to do is let go of control. But right now, what they need most is you being present, ready when they wake up. The rest—we’ll handle it."

John gave a small, almost reluctant smile, glancing between Emmah and the nurse, then back at his newborn daughter. "Alright. I'll be here. For both of them."

Emmah’s gaze lingered on the baby, a faint smile touching her lips before she turned her attention back to John. "We’re not out of the woods yet, but we’re getting there."

With that, the holographic doctor faded out, leaving John standing beside his child, feeling the weight of uncertainty but knowing, at least for now, they had a fighting chance.
As he stepped out into the corridor, two guards stood waiting, flanking the entrance. Their expressions were unreadable, but their presence made it clear what was about to happen. Hayter stopped for a moment, his heart sinking as reality hit him. He had crossed the line, stolen a starship, and put everyone he cared about at risk. Now, there was no avoiding the consequences.

And there, waiting for him, was Captain David Hawkins.

Hawkins regarded John with a stoic expression, arms crossed over his chest. The tension between them was palpable, but it wasn’t anger in Hawkins’ eyes—it was understanding.

"John," Hawkins said calmly, stepping forward, "you’ve put us in a hell of a situation."

John’s jaw tightened, but he kept his gaze steady. "I did what I had to do. I wasn’t going to let them hurt Tayla or our baby."

"I know," Hawkins replied. "But now we’ve got a problem. Stealing a starship, faking your death... Those are the kinds of things that don’t just go away."

John glanced at the guards, then back to Hawkins. He knew what was coming next, and despite everything, he was ready to face it. "So what happens now?"

Hawkins let the silence linger for a moment before he spoke. "You’ve got two options. One—turn yourself in. Face a court martial. You and Tayla go into protective custody, and Starfleet deals with the fallout. Or two—" Hawkins' voice dropped slightly, "—you help me deal with this Unholy Trinity situation for good. We make sure they never come after Tayla or your child again."

John raised an eyebrow, surprised. "A deal?"

Hawkins nodded. "I can make things right, John, but we need to end this. Together."

John looked at Tayla’s room, then back at Hawkins. He knew this was the only way. "Alright," John agreed. "But if we’re doing this, we do it my way."

Hawkins gave a small nod. "Fair enough. But make no mistake—there’s no going back from this."

With a final glance toward Tayla’s room, John took a deep breath and squared his shoulders. "Let’s get started."

--- End ---

Lt Colonel John Hayter


Commander Tayla d'Jax




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