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Questions on Shielding

Posted on Sun Aug 4th, 2024 @ 12:11pm by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Lieutenant Edruj Daughter of Thrawn

Mission: The Gamma Expanse
Location: Engineering
1526 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Raiden was a bit concerned. They were going to be sending out runabouts to help to explore the signals that had been mentioned in the briefing. However what about shielding for the smaller craft? He headed into Engineering seeking Edruj out. In fact, this will be the first time he has come to talk with Edruj one on one. It was part of an XO's job to get to know the crew and Raiden realized that he was falling short on this part of his position.

The doors to engineering opened and he stepped inside, looking around for Edruj. "Lieutenant Edruj, may I have a moment of your time"

Edruj held a finger up to the XO indicating they should wait a second. "Take power from the Academy on Decks 13 and 14. They are not needed at the moment and we need to keep the shields raised. I want as much power in reserve as we can muster. If anyone asks you tell them I gave the order. Q'pla" The engineer that she spoke to nodded their understanding and set about their task. Edruj turned toward the Commander with a smile. "Now, Commander what can I do for you?"

"There is a plan for sending out shuttles and runabouts out to gain more knowledge as to the signals we have seen. Can shielding be improved for the vessels that we will send out?"

"I am using all we have just to keep the ship from being effected. If we extend our shields the runabouts would have to stay too close to the ship to learn anything. The best option is to create a link up between the shuttles and the main helm. Pilot the shuttles remotely with no one on on board. This way the radiation will not be an issue." There was a lot more that could be done. However, Edruj did not suggest is as there simply was not enough time.

Raiden gave a nod. "I will take that up with the Captain." he went quiet for a moment as he observed things in Engineering. The silence didn't last. "Looks like you have things well under control. And well done on the solution you came up with for the shielding."

"Thank you Commander. I was glad that we had someone on board who was willing to make the donation, so the idea could work. Most Klingons find honor and glory in combat. As for me, I take my honor and glory from the work that my team and I do. A ship's engine room is the definition of controlled chaos. The goal as Chief Engineer is to be the controller of the chaos." Edruj fell into step next to the XO as they walked through engineering. Despite all the work that needed to be done the Klingon woman did not seem to mind the conversation.

"This is the first time I've made a trip down here." Raiden remarked, looking about. "A controller of chaos, is an apt phrase. And the Engine room is the heart of the ship. Without it the ship can't go anywhere, and those here would die." he didn't mind talking with Edruj and he liked her perception of honor.

"That is true Commander. I look at my engine room as akin to Sick Bay. Dr Svidi keeps us all healthy and patches up our injuries so that we may continue to do what we love. We here in Engineering keep the Gladiator healthy and without injury so the ship can continue to explore the undiscovered country." Edruj waxed philosophical, however, she truly felt that the ship was practically alive.

"And it takes a certain artistry to keep the ship healthy." Raiden pausing momentarily to reach out and touch a nearby wall. "The humming of the warp engine, with its proper harmonics, it is a pleasure to hear it." Raiden finding the sound a bit soothing.

"Yes... This ship will continue to thrive so long as I have something to say about it." Edruj smiled she was rather proud of what she had accomplished aboard the Gladiator. However, she knew better than most that there was so much more to do.

"The Gladiator has been through quite a bit. You had arrived here during our dealings with the Trinity. Now that was a huge mess to deal with. I seem to recall in a report that you had freed a few prisoners from that world, where the Trinity had been stationed." Raiden focusing his gaze on Edruj. "you had gotten injured."

"Yes I was on leave from my previous assignment and on the way to a Bat Leth tournament. I found the Gladiator derelict in space and went to investigate. I had just gotten some power restored when I ran into you and your away team. The rest as humans would say is history." Edruj did not mind the company. Although she did wonder why the Commander was suddenly interested in the goings on in Engineering and her background. Despite the curiosity her Klingon pride would not allow her to ask of the superior officer's motives.

"Lieutenant Edruj, how is your engineering team doing?" Raiden asked, then he paused and shook his head. "Sorry, this next part of this conversation should probably be best done in a more suitable surroundings." Inside he winced as Raiden was feeling like he was floundering just a little bit.

"No need to go anywhere. We succeed and fail together, as such I hide nothing from the people under my command. These people serve with honor and bring glory to this ship and its command." Edruj spoke with the pride that people come to expect from a Klingon. In fact the words she spoke was perhaps the highest of praise that a Klingon could give. She was about to ask why the XO had an interest in what went on in Engineering. However, she stopped herself as she figured that he was merely checking in on all the departments, doing his job as the human saying went.

"That is good to hear." a smile appearing as Raiden heard the tone of pride in Edruj's voice. "I will make certain as to putting that in my report to the Captain later on. Is there anything that you feel is needed for Engineering? Is there anything that you need?"

"An industrial replicator would be welcome. However, there is most likely a very long line to get one of those. Short of that we can replicate most anything we need. We are doing quite well here." Edruj had been looking forward toward the warp core while she spoke. She turned toward the XO. "There is one more request Commander. If you and the rest of the Bridge crew can try to keep people from firing at my ship I would appreciate it."

Raiden gave a bit of a smile, hearing Edruj's comment of calling the Gladiator her ship. He understood it though, her reasonings. An engineer, who takes good care of the ship they are assigned to, the ship becomes theirs. He had felt the same when it came to when he piloted the ships he was assigned to, it was his ship. Even though the Captain was head of it all. When it comes to things firing at the ship. We'll do our best, Lieutenant for that not to happen. Can't promise you that Gladiator won't get dinged a little bit, but we'll do our best."

The Klingon woman exhaled sharply through her nose. "Isn't that always the way Commander. You all up there beat the ship up and get the glory. Meanwhile, we down here pick up the pieces." The tone of her voice and mannerism of her body showed that Edruj had been kidding, and this was a joke. However, there was some sad truth to what she had said.

"Indeed there is some truth to what you say." Raiden responded, his eyes meeting hers. "In some cases it does seem like what engineering does, is taken for granted. Your work here is appreciated, greatly. Which is another reason why I came down here."

"Well thank you Commander. We do enjoy keeping the ship together. Now, if there is nothing else there is some work to the engines to be done." Edruj would not leave until the Commander took his leave or dismissed her. However, she thought she would mention the amount of work that needed to be done.

"There is nothing else at this time. I'll see myself out." Raiden responded, turning to leave. "Thank you for giving me the tour of Engineering."

"You are welcome anytime Commander, and if you ever want to get that pretty red uniform dirty you know where to find us." Edruj said in that manner that Klingons had where you never quite knew if they were kidding.

An eyebrow raised from Raiden, then he chuckled, "I may have to take you up on that offer sometime. I'll see you around Lieutenant Edruj." when he stepped beyond the doors of Engineering, he looked back then shook his head at himself. He had a lot to learn still in his new role.


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