
Canine Connections

Posted on Thu Oct 17th, 2024 @ 4:15pm by Sergeant Trent Busby (Kosugi) & Corporal Zul'arra (Hawkins)

Mission: The Gamma Expanse
Location: Marine Level
2545 words - 5.1 OF Standard Post Measure

With his arms crossed over his chest, Trent found himself staring out into space, looking at the play of colors in the nebula they were in. It troubled him, he was worried how this would be affecting those on the ship, as well as the canines that were on the Gladiator. With a grump he turned and headed out. Tapping on his communicator Trent called Zul'arra.

"Zul'arra its Busby, what is your location? I'd like to check on you and the canine unit. Busby out."

Zul'arra paused as she heard her earpiece communicator go off, the message from Trent catching her attention. She tapped her own device in response, her voice calm and composed despite the underlying concern. "This is Zul'arra. We're currently in the auxiliary cargo bay, running some training exercises with the canines. Everything seems to be going smoothly so far, but I appreciate your concern. You're welcome to join us if you'd like. Zul'arra out." Deep down she wasn't really interested, but all she could really do to show her dislike with people was sighing.

As she finished speaking, she returned her focus to the canines, her pale-spotted skin absorbing the dim light of the cargo bay. She couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility for the creatures under her care, knowing that they too could be affected by the uncertainties of their current situation.

A few minutes later, Trent walked inside the cargo bay, allowing his eyes to adjust to the dimmer light of the bay. For a moment he stood watching as Zul'arra was putting the canine through their paces then quietly moved up to where she stood.

"Corporal, have you noticed any effect that the nebula is having on our friends here?" nodding towards the canines.

Zul'arra turned to face Trent as he approached, noting the concern etched on his face. She gave him a nod of acknowledgment before turning her attention back to the canines, who were currently engaged in a training exercise.

"They're showing some signs of sensitivity to the changes in the environment and their handlers," she replied, her voice low as not to disturb the concentration of the animals. "Increased restlessness, heightened alertness, and slight changes in behavior patterns."

Zul'arra gestured toward one of the canines with her hand, a sleek black and silver-coated specimen, as it navigated an obstacle course with precision. "But overall, they're adapting well. We've been monitoring their vital signs closely, and so far, they're holding steady. It's remarkable how resilient they are."

She glanced back at Trent, a hint of admiration in her eyes. "We're keeping a close eye on them, adjusting their routines and providing additional comfort and reassurance where needed. They're not just our companions, they're part of our team, and their well-being is a top priority."

As Zul'arra observed the canines, her mind drifted back to her training days with John Hayter, the gruff but dedicated Marine who had taken her under his wing. She remembered the countless hours spent honing her skills in canine handling and combat tactics, his no-nonsense approach tempered by his occasional sharp wit and irreverent humor.

John had been more than just an instructor; he had been a mentor, pushing her to excel even when the odds seemed insurmountable. His unwavering support had bolstered her confidence, instilling in her a sense of pride in her abilities as both a Marine and a handler.

But it wasn't just John's expertise that had left a lasting impression on Zul'arra. It was his fierce independence and his refusal to bow to authority simply for the sake of rank. Even as he rose through the ranks to become a Lieutenant Colonel, he remained true to his convictions, never hesitating to speak his mind or challenge those in positions of power. In most cases, even breaking the rules to ensure the right thing happened.

Zul'arra couldn't help but smile as she recalled his smart-ass remarks and his defiant stance against the higher ranks, his irreverence a constant source of amusement and inspiration. In many ways, John had shaped her into the Marine she was today, instilling in her not only the skills she needed to succeed but also the courage to stand up for what she believed in, no matter the cost.

As she watched the canines navigate the training course with precision and determination, Zul'arra felt a swell of gratitude for the lessons John had taught her and the impact he had made on her life, along with the rest of the Gladiator crew who had saved her and her lost friends. She silently vowed to honor his legacy by continuing to uphold the values he had instilled in her, both on and off the battlefield. But it was still hard, even with a couple of them still around, for her to keep going without Hayter.

"May I establish contact with them?" Trent asked. When it came to canines being in the service, it was always best to ask permission from the handlers. "They are beautiful and i have a great respect for them. I actually owe my life to magnificent canines such as them." crouching down next to Zul'ara. "One in particular."

Trent's mind went back to Otto, "Otto, I wasn't certain as to what breed he was, a mix of some sort. All I know was his head hit my shoulder and he was strong. " a fond smile crossed his lips and a far away gaze was in his eyes. "Loved that canine. Was sad when he was sent back home, with an honorable discharge. He saved my life though. Pulled me out of rather dangerous situation. I was half blinded, on the ground, left arm injured, and I didn't know which way to go to get back to camp. He came for me, don't know what he saw in me." giving a chuckle.

Zul'arra listened intently to Trent's story, her gaze softening with understanding. "It sounds like Otto was a remarkable companion," she remarked, her voice carrying a hint of reverence. "The bond between a handler and their canine is truly something special."

She glanced at the canines nearby, watching them with a mixture of admiration and respect. "Of course, you may establish contact with them," Zul'arra replied, her tone gentle yet firm. "Just remember to approach with caution and respect for their training."

"What are their names?" Trent asked, before he even made a move. "And I think they are going to have to know that I am alright to approach them, I am of a certainty that it will be you they will be looking towards for the signal."

Zul'arra looked up at Trent, her expression thoughtful as she considered his words. "These two ... their names are Fenrir and Kira," she replied, her voice steady. "And you're right. They'll need to know that you're safe before they'll come to you. Let me give them the signal." With a sense of purpose, she raised her hand and made a series of subtle gestures, a silent command that only Fenrir and Kira would understand. Then, she turned her attention back to Trent, her gaze unwavering. "They'll be here soon."

Trent gave an answering nod then observed as the two canines, Fenrir and Kira approached. He kept still, and waited for them to draw near.

As Fenrir and Kira approached, their ears pricked and eyes focused intently on Zul'arra. The bond between them and their handler was evident in their synchronized movements and the trust that radiated from their eyes. But they kept their focus on the newest arrival.

Trent having been crouching down by Zul'arra, stayed where he was at, not reaching out towards the dogs. He did though utter in a soft tone of voice. "Hello Fenrir and Kira. My name is Trent. I'd like to get to know you, however I will not touch you without your permission." He was using this tactic so that they canines will see if they are willing to have him approach them.

Zul'arra nodded approvingly at Trent's approach, recognizing the respect he was showing to Fenrir and Kira. "Military and police dog training emphasizes the importance of establishing trust and respect between handler and canine," she explained quietly. "By allowing them to approach you on their own terms, you're demonstrating that you respect their boundaries and autonomy. It's a crucial aspect of building a positive relationship with working dogs like Fenrir and Kira." She watched intently as the two canines sniffed the air, assessing Trent's presence before slowly padding closer to him.

Once the canines got his scent, Trent slowly lifted up a hand not moving it towards Fenrir, just let it hover in the air, "Fenrir may I touch you?" the marine being quiet and not making a sudden move.

Fenrir, the larger of the two canines, regarded Trent with a steady gaze, his ears perked forward in curiosity. He took a cautious step closer, nostrils flaring as he continued to sniff the air around Trent. Kira, the smaller and more agile of the pair, circled around behind Fenrir, her movements graceful and alert.

Zul'arra observed silently, her expression thoughtful as she watched the interaction unfold. She nodded subtly at Trent's approach, acknowledging his patience and respect for the dogs' space.

Fenrir, after a moment of consideration, lowered his head slightly and approached Trent's outstretched hand. His muzzle twitched as he sniffed at the marine's palm, his tail giving a tentative wag. Kira, emboldened by Fenrir's example, trotted up beside him and nudged her nose against Trent's leg, her tail wagging in a quick, friendly motion.

"They're responding well to you," Zul'arra remarked softly, her eyes reflecting approval. "You're doing exactly as you should, letting them make the first move. It builds trust."

Trent gave out a warm soft chuckle, being allowed to touch the canines after the first initial introduction. Reaching out and gently scratching the canines where they like to be scritched. "I am certainly glad that they are accepting of me. Rather important for that to happen."

Zul'arra watched as Trent interacted with the canines, her expression softening as she observed their response. Fenrir and Kira leaned into Trent's touch, clearly enjoying the attention. Zul'arra gave a slight nod of approval, her tone calm yet firm as she spoke.

"They're well-trained to recognize when someone means no harm," she said, her voice carrying a hint of pride. "It's crucial that they trust those around them, especially in high-stress situations. You've made a good impression."

As Trent continued to gently scratch behind their ears, Zul'arra added, "They're loyal and protective, but once they see someone as part of the pack, they're more than just guardians. They're companions."

Fenrir and Kira, now completely at ease, nuzzled closer to Trent, clearly having accepted him. Zul'arra's gaze remained steady, her voice filled with quiet confidence. "It's important for them to know who's on their side. You've done well."

"Thank you, I consider that high praise from you." Trent smiling. "I look forward to working with you, Fenrir and Kira. I've not had the chance to ask but where are you from?"

Zul'arra observed the interaction between Trent and the canines with a small, approving nod. Fenrir and Kira's acceptance of him was a good sign, and it seemed to relax her slightly.

"You're welcome," she replied, her voice steady but with a hint of warmth. "Trust is everything in our line of work. You've earned theirs, for now, which isn't an easy thing to do."

At his question, Zul'arra hesitated for a moment, as if considering how much to share. "Fenrir and Kira come from a specialized training facility on Risa. They were trained for high-level security and tactical operations, conditioned to work alongside those they trust. I was assigned to them after they completed their advanced training."

Her gaze softened slightly as she continued, "We’ve been through a lot together. They've saved more lives than I can count, including mine. Having them with me... it’s like having an extra pair of eyes and ears in the field. And now, it seems they’ve accepted you as part of the team. That’s not something they do lightly."

Zul'arra's eyes softened slightly as she responded, a hint of something deeper behind her words. "I was found on Memphis Island," she said, her voice steady but with a slight edge. "That's where I first crossed paths with Captain Hawkins and Colonel Hayter. It was a tough place, and I had to grow up fast—had to protect those who couldn't protect themselves."

She paused, as if deciding how much more to say. "It wasn't easy, but it shaped me. Made me who I am today. And it's why I'm so committed to my duty now. Fenrir, Kira, and I—we're here to make sure no one gets left behind again."

Trent nodded in understanding, "Never good to leave anyone behind, ever. I am glad that you are a part of the team and have you, Kira and Fenrir to look after the rest of us. Also we wouldn't be leaving you behind either. "

Another scritch behind the canines ears, Trent rose from his seated position. "When was the last time any of the marines has done any training alongside Kira and Fenrir? Also another question, where the heck did Hayter go?"

Zul'arra’s gaze softened at Trent’s words, but she didn’t answer right away. Instead, she gave a small nod, her eyes briefly drifting to Fenrir and Kira, who were now completely relaxed by Trent’s side.

At his mention of the Marines training alongside her canines, she considered it for a moment before speaking, her tone thoughtful. "It's been a while since they’ve had a full session with the Marines. They’re due for some joint exercises." She glanced at Fenrir and Kira, a hint of pride in her voice. "They’ll be ready when the time comes."

As for Hayter, Zul'arra’s expression grew unreadable. "He does have a habit of disappearing when you least expect it," she said with a small smirk, though there was an edge of seriousness beneath it. "But he always turns up eventually."

"Especially when he is needed the most." Trent replied, his eyes looking rather distant as he thought about Hayter. His eyes came back to focus, and reached out once more to scritch behind the ears of both Fenrir and Kira. "For now though, I best be on my way, and thank you Zul'arra for letting me get to know these wonderful canines." his eyes meeting hers.

Zul'arra watched Trent as his expression grew distant, clearly lost in thought at the mention of John Hayter. She understood the weight of that memory—they had both known him, both felt the absence of his larger-than-life presence. As Trent reached out to the canines, affectionately scratching behind Fenrir and Kira’s ears, she felt a pang of shared loss, though she remained composed.

When his eyes met hers, there was a brief moment of unspoken understanding between them. She offered a small, sincere smile. Her gaze lingered on Trent for a moment longer, then she turned to the canines, her voice slightly quieter, almost reflective. "Take care of yourself out there, Busby."




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