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Thu Aug 1st, 2024 @ 9:05am

Lieutenant JG Spencer Griffith-Bailey

Name Spencer Joseph Griffith-Bailey

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1
Weight 87kg
Hair Color Rustic brown
Eye Color Muddy blue/green
Physical Description - Has a tall and lanky but solid frame, with predominant muscles carved out
- His eyes are a muddy blueish green colour with a gold ring around the outside of the iris
- Hair is a rustic brown colour with flecks of natural lighter brown and deeper red through it, and is often cut short on the sides and back with it longer on the top
- Prefers to be clean shaven but will constantly forget and have the stubble of a beard instead, although he's been told he looks good with a full beard
- Spencer will often only give a half smile and this in turn will reveal two chipped front teeth
- The initials RW underneath a ruby coloured fairy wren bird are tattooed and can be seen on the inside of his left wrist
- His left hand is heavily scarred from a chemical burn that was left mostly untreated, and there are various scars across his shoulders, chest and his torso


Spouse Sarah Carson (ex-wife)
Children Rubi Wren Griffith-Bailey (7)
Father Joseph Charles Griffith-Bailey (60) - Civilian teacher
Mother Grace Marie Griffith-Bailey (58) - Civilian nurse
Brother(s) Caleb Ryan Griffith-Bailey (twin - 32) - Civilian mechanic

Personality & Traits

General Overview - Spencer can best be described by some as "annoyingly charismatic to the point you want to push him out of an airlock", but it always comes from a place of love, especially when he uses his puppy dog eyes to try and get what he wants
- Because of his love of flying, Spencer has developed a kind of cockiness when he's on the job that can come across as insufferable if you don't know him
- Most confident when he's in control of a fighter or just any aircraft in general, and is willing to bend or break the rules within reason
- He is insanely loyal to friends and family, and will do anything to make sure they are first and foremost in most decisions he makes
- Although he has made mistakes in the past that have cost him dearly, including losing Sarah and Rubi, he is trying his best and hardest to make it up to them for as long as required
- He now knows what he wants out of life and has taken every step possible in both his career and life to achieve it
- Is very approachable and will offer advice and help wherever needed
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
- Confidence in his flying and piloting abilities
- Having always acknowledged where he came from, Spencer will always be indebted to everyone who helped to raise and turn him into the man he is today
- He gets strength from knowing that his parents and family are proud of him and his achievements
- Being loyal to his friends, family and his crew mates

- Has a tendency to forget the more trivial things
- Rubi is often a sore point with Spencer because he doesn't get to see her as often as he wants
- The chemical burn on his left hand was deep enough to cause some nerve damage in his hand and there is some associated weakness with it as a result
- Spencer could be classified as hopeless when it comes to women as he doesn't usually have the confidence required to actually get himself a date. How he got Sarah to go on a date with him and marry him absolutely blows his mind every time he thinks about it
Ambitions Professional
To be the best pilot he can be, even if it's not as a fighter pilot, and one day get recognized for his contributions to Starfleet and the Federation

To eventually get a little house with some land, have a little family with a good woman (Rubi would be included too, of course) and learn from his past mistakes and be the best father he can be