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Planetary Attack [Part One]

Posted on Sat Feb 4th, 2023 @ 11:02am by Captain David Hawkins & Commander Raiden Kosugi & Commander Liala Ziyal & Lieutenant Commander Mel Torma & Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi & Lieutenant Obav th’Villos & Lieutenant Josey Wales & Lieutenant Edruj Daughter of Thrawn & Lieutenant Lydia Whitlock M.D. & Lieutenant JG Eira Cortez & Cadet First Class Pallas & Cadet Third Class Aarfa Barakzay & Captain Callisi Verra & Lieutenant JG Willow Wales (Kosugi) & Lieutenant JG Spencer Griffith-Bailey & Ensign Kanan Mishra (Kosugi) & Ensign Emma Walken (Walken) & Ensign Quinton Grey (Kosugi) & Petty Officer 1st Class Tia Smithy(Kosugi) & Sergeant Trent Busby (Kosugi) & Corporal Zul'arra (Hawkins) & Corporal Briar McKinnon (Bailey)
Edited on on Wed Jul 5th, 2023 @ 10:25pm

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Shuttle bay
Timeline: Current
1525 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure


An all-call had been sent out to those who were needed to go after the missing crew and others. Engineering, Operations, Marines, Security Science and Medical. The coordinates where the headquarters of the Trinity were based had been sent.

Raiden had come down to see the preparations for those going to the planet where the Trinity Headquarters were at. It was time to bring their people back. He looked over to where the Captain stood, wondering if he'd have some words to say to those that were getting ready to leave. Turning back he observed the scurrying and the hustle and bustle of the preparations.

"I really hope this will be the end of the Trinity." he intoned.

"You have only been around this short time. Many of us have dealt with these bastards for several years," the Captain spoke up when he walked up closer to his executive officer as he looked around the area at the many people flooding in.

Liala was quite happy to be taking shuttles on their mission. The very thought of a transporter made her shiver profusely. The mission itself was not one she was looking forward to but she knew it needed to be done to save their people.

She had started to pack up medical supplies for the mission. No doubt they'd be needed, although she hoped not. Her capacity in this mission would be as a medical doctor, not so much a counselor one.

Edruj set the engineering kit on the floor at her feet. She slid her d'k tahg into her belt and her mek'leth into a sheath on her hip. She may have been an engineer but she would make sure that she was ready if an attack came. The Klingon woman did not know what to expect as they made ready for this rescue. She wondered if today really was a good day to die.

Willow came in with the others and was taking stock on who had already arrived. She stole a glance up towards Captain Hawkins, then went back to her prep work for medical needs. She also took a look at Liala giving her a nod. Willow hadn't spoken to the Chief Counselor as of yet.

Tia was there, she went next to Edruj, "Hey Chief, how are things going?" then crouched down near her to look at her kit as well.

"Well Petty Officer, the smell of battle is in the air. Today will be a good day to die. Let us hope our enemy dies with honor. Our job will be to make sure that we have what is needed to bring everyone home." The tone and cadence in which she spoke would be seen as stereotypical Klingon. Despite popular belief the eve of battle seemed to be Edruj's element.

Tia gave a nod in response to Edruj's comment

Sergeant Busby, he was there working to coordinate the Marines while Walken was on his away mission. He hoped the Lieutenant was doing okay.

Off to the side, Aarfa stood, seemingly still though every muscle was tensed, like her ancient ancestors waiting to spring at the sign of prey. In some ways that wasn't far off with respect to her mindset - the terrorists that had killed her crewmates needed to be taken down, but the true object of the hunt would be those taken captive (who, all the gods willing, would be found alive). Underneath that hunter/predator readiness though, her stomach was a tight knot of anxiety as she fought to keep her composure against the memories of the Trinity attack. She took a deep breath and straightened her spine, feeling the weight of the phaser at her hip. She would not freeze. She would not fail. What was left of her Gladiator pack mattered more than her doubts or personal darkness.

Lydia entered carrying extra medical kits for loading on the shuttles. In her experience, one could never have too many of those. She made sure to include some standard kits as well as some more specialized ones meant for more severe trauma injuries. No one knew exactly what they were going to face, but everyone even remotely familiar with their enemies knew that it have the potential to be intense and more horrific than anything they could imagine or anything they had already experienced. She had only to think back at her first meeting with Aarfa to know that.

The next figure to board the drop craft was one of the pilots. Big feet, long ears, unmistakable in any crowd. Callisi carried a simple small duffle, which she stashed under one of the pilot chairs before claiming it for herself. As she passed each member of the crew assembled, she gave a nod and acknowledged each of them. By name of she knew them, by rank otherwise. Once she was seated, she started the automated pre-flight warm up, then turned to face the assembled while that compiled.

"I imagine we're still waiting for some late arrivals. I'll give the same speech they gave me back in the Navy. This is a mission of mercy." The cyclopean rabbitess started, pausing for a moment.

"Our goal is to find our own and grant them relief. Rescue, or Revenge. To the enemy, we grant mercy. Fast and clean, as opposed to the burden of a long life."

"I know Starfleet frowns on this kind of action, this level of sanction. Keep our people safe if that's more your stomach. I'll get you there. I'll get you home, no matter what. That's my part." She turned to look everyone in the group in the eye as she spoke, conviction and pride made for interesting bedfellows in her tone.

"Concerns, doubts, they stay here. We'll need every seat for the trip home." she paused, "And that's the speech. Mostly."

Pallas wanted to tell Callisi that she was sure that everyone here agreed with her, and that they all shared the same mission, or something like that. Maybe, one day in the future, the cadet would have the experience and calm to both think of the words, make them form in her throat, and say them aloud in a manner that was persuasive, inspirational, or at least convincing to other crewmembers. But now, as she was unexpectedly thrust into this assault and rescue mission, not one that she was used to but, at least in theory, one she was trained for, she felt nothing but a nagging feeling that maybe she had it all wrong. Maybe she was not cut out for this sort of role. It was one thing to box in a ring with rules and a referee, but no one here was going to call time or stop the fight if... when things started to get too messy. What she had told Lieutenant Walken about not being cut out to be a Marine felt like it was being confirmed, if only by the knot in her stomach. Pallas looked back at Callisi again, wanting to ask her for some reassurance, but this was not the time or place. Knowing that she was here, ready to take them all home again, that was at least something. She checked her gear over once again, the medkit slung across her front, hypospray strapped to one hip and the hand phaser strapped to the other. She was as ready as she was ever going to be. Avoiding Callisi for now, because she was not sure if she would be able to maintain her professional facade if she spoke to the fighter pilot, Pallas walked over to her roommate, seeing Aarfa's tenseness even before she reached her. "Soon," she said simply.

"Aye," Aarfa nodded and offered a small smile. She could sense - literally, with her nose - her fellow cadet's tension and anxiety. It mirrored her own, though she was also keyed up after Callisi's speech. If they were on Kaina there would have been a chorus of howls in response, but (as she'd learned her first months in the Academy) people didn't do that in Starfleet and tended to find it disturbing if you did. "It will be over soon. One way or another. If my nose is worth anything, I can at least help drive it to our way."

Emma sheepishly waited, she had done everything to avoid being a Marine like the rest of her family. Yet somehow she will have to go into battle as a scientist. She simply shook her head.

Cortez walked in, ready and silent as ever, and tapped Emma on the shoulder making her jump. She could sense the tenseness radiating off her. "You're gonna be fine, you know. Your brother will be fine, and I'll personally make sure you're kept out of it as much as possible when it all goes down."

"Q'Pla!" The large Klingon woman called out as she punched her chest in salute. A moment later she had a small console on the shuttle activated. It displayed all of the engineering readouts for the shuttle. She was ready for her battle with technology, it had begun.



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