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Quick Meeting

Posted on Sat Feb 4th, 2023 @ 9:42am by Sergeant Trent Busby (Kosugi) & 1st Lieutenant Kyle Walken & Corporal Zul'arra (Hawkins) & Corporal Briar McKinnon (Bailey)

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Gladiator
Timeline: A little bit before the Sting
988 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure


SGT Busby had come across an ensign who was nursing a drink, he recognized the man as being Ensign Mishra. He knew that Lieutenant Walken had gone on an away mission. Why was the man back? Was Lieutenant Walken back? Trent tried to quiz the man further but Mishra just walked off quickly not wanting to talk about it. This raised Trent's curiosity and he tapped on his combadge,

"Lieutenant Walken, are you back on the ship? Is there something that I need to know about?"

Trent then contacted Briar, "Corporal McKinnon meet me at the briefing room."

"Aye, I'll be there in a few." Briar hadn't been expecting the message and dropped the spanner she'd been holding before turning and walking away from the Gryphon she'd been tuning.

"Corporal Zularra would you come to the briefing foom as well." Trent sending out the message. It was time for a bit of a meeting anyway.

Walken was still dressed in the rags as he marches down a hallway. "Doesn't matter I'm not going to be here long. Gather everyone." He orders before cutting his comms.

When all arrived, Trent took in Walken's outfit, "What is the situation sir? I ran into an Ensign Mishra but he wasn't talking much at all."

Briar walked in and stood at ease, also looking at her CO's clothing choices, then the Sergeant, then down at her feet before looking back up. She was interested to know what was happening and how she was involved.

It didn't take long before Zul'arra she found herself in the marine briefing room as well and simply nodded at those higher ranking officials as well. She knew that they were going to be part of the next assault that was overheard among those of the crew. There was no doubt about it in her mind.

"Reporting as ordered," Zul'arra replied as she looked around at parade rest.

"Speaking freely sir, what is happening? As I briefly mentioned, Ensign Mishra was a bit gunshy when I found him nursing a drink. I knew there was something on his mind but as to what that was he took off like a scalded cat." Trent stated

"Long story short the op went FUBAR at the end, leaving it to the Navy, and the gun gets jumped. Ensign Mishara made the choice to take out the target with their phaser and alert the compound. So now I have the pleasure of going back out there as a traitor." Walken grumbled staring at the stupid outfit he was stuck in. "So now you all get to assault the location I will be stuck inside of."

Trent rolled his eyes, "Well that certainly explains why he didn't want to talk to me. Due to his goof up, this has caused a problem. Hope the Chief of Security deals with him." he took a sip of his coffee. "What is the new plan? What's your orders while you and the others are doing your work?"

"Whatever the orders or plans are I can know nothing, if this ruse fails the less I know about battle plans and placements the better," Walken stated. "Go to Hayter and gather every squad lead. Plan the assault out but I can know nothing."

Trent's eyebrows raised, "You benched him sir. I saw the orders that you didn't want him involved." Trent wasn't being disrespectful but he felt he needed to bring that up. Trent placed his cup down on the table, after having finished his coffee. "No disrespect sir."

"To be fair though, Hayter probably has more experience than all of us combined and I also understand why you wouldn't want him involved, but I would personally prefer to have him involved to get his perspective on things." Briar piped up, unsure of how her two cents on the matter would be received.

"Actually, Lieutenant Walken didn't bench him. It was Captain Hawkins, himself, who benched him. Whether or not Lieutenant Walken requested it or recommended it, I don't know," Corporal Zul'arra spoke up as she looked between the two. "As I work with his dog as the dog handler, I have had a chance to talk to him between shifts."

Trent gave a nod towards Zul'arra then turned back to Walken, "So its going to be up to you, Lieutenant Walken to contact the Captain, to see about getting those orders rescinded. Or are you planning on my sending in that request." an eyebrow raised towards Walken.

Trent paused for a moment, mulling over what he said, then he gave a determined smile, " You know, the captain is probably rather busy to go through that channel and we don't have time to get that permission. We'll see that it is done getting Hayter in on this. besides you did say you do not want to know about the plans. It will be on me. You can count on us." then he looked at the others present. "What do you say on this?"

"Regardless, removing Hayter was still my call. I won't go into the reason but the situation has changed that." Walken sighs loudly. "But...if he places his own objective over the mission he is to be removed do I make myself clear."

Trent looked back at Walken, "Okay I'll keep watch for that." Giving a nod. "Anything else anyone wants to add?" Looking at Zul'arra and Briar. "Or we can call this meeting to a close and get ourselves ready for the next part."

Trent looked at Walken, "Sir, be safe on your mission and be careful, we'll hopefully meet you someplace. He wasn't going to say much more due to what Walken had said, the less he knows about the plans that were needing to be made, the better. Who knows if the Unholy Trinity had ways to make a person talk, or convince someone to spill the beans as it were.



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