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An Unexpected Icy Reunion

Posted on Fri Feb 3rd, 2023 @ 4:23pm by Lieutenant JG Eira Cortez & Ensign Anyi Nila (Walken)
Edited on on Thu Mar 2nd, 2023 @ 10:59pm

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Chief Ops Office
639 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Nila glares at the PaDD in her hands, she finally got free from her previous assignment. However, it seems she didn't escape all her former crewmates noticing that Eira Cortez was the COO of the Gladiator. She stood outside the COO's office with the transfer orders in hand as she buzzes the comm to let Eira know someone was waiting outside.

Eira was feeling slightly defeated as she had tried to get the department in order and had a few troubles with authorizations that she needed to follow up with the XO, and was struggling with not letting her own personal issues get in the way of things, so she almost missed the chime of the door. Her head shot up and she looked slightly confused as she wasn't expecting anyone.

"Enter" she called out, tossing a PADD to the side of the desk

Nila walks inside and sets the transfer orders down on Eira's desk. The Bajoran just looked Eira up and down, "Why are you in Operations Cortez? Did you fail as a spy?"

"Well you're the last person I expected to see." Eira responded flatly with a raised eyebrow. "Intel takes a toll eventually, Ensign. And plus, I was needed more here so it looks like you're stuck with me." She picked up the transfer orders. "But hey, welcome aboard. What made you come to the Gladiator?"

Nila ignored most of what Eira said, "I had heard the Chief of Ops was open, Hawaii became more trouble than it was worth." She looks towards the door, "Guess it's back to the bottom again."

"I wouldn't say you're back to the bottom again." Eira offered her a seat. To anyone else, there was definitely an ice cold tension in the room. "But I'd be happy to work with you to get back up higher again if you wanted?"

"Just remember." Nila sits down, "If I have a solution I will do it regardless if you agree or not." Nila was never one to bow down if she knew she was right.

"Why would I expect anything different from you, Nila?" Eira questioned in response. "I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on most things, so that'll be on you if you mess up. Got it?"

"I don't make mistakes." Nila folds her arms over her chest as she cocks her head to the side. "Since you are here did I need to worry about running into any other runaways from the Hawaii?"

"The Walken twins are here; Emma is in Science and Kyle is the Marine CO. That's all I'm aware of at this point in time." Eira replied in a cool tone. She wondered why the Ensign took such a disliking to her but didn't let it cloud her professionalism. As for the not making mistakes comment, she let it slide - sooner or later the Ensign would slip up.

"The jarhead and the bottle of could be worse." The Bajoran's frown didn't leave her face. "Have there been any major issues since you got here? You didn't secretly mutiny this ship this time right?"

"That's the one thing we've agreed on so far." Eira responded with a chuckle. "And we don't talk about that.. incident.. for reasons, so to answer your question: no mutinies due to a promise made a while back. And no major issues to report, just the Trinity issue."

"Good is there anything else you need before I head out to fix the ship?"

"I've got nothing else to add, Ensign. You can go."

"Very well, just remember this isn't Intelligence, Cortez." Nila spoke before leaving the room.

"Funny." Eira replied under her breath as she watched the other woman walk out before going back to what she was doing. This was going to be a fun ride.



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