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Extra Work For All

Posted on Wed Jun 1st, 2022 @ 9:00am by Captain David Hawkins & Commander Liala Ziyal & Lieutenant Commander Mel Torma & Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi & Commander Raiden Kosugi & Lieutenant Josey Wales & Lieutenant Edruj Daughter of Thrawn & Lieutenant Lydia Whitlock M.D. & Lieutenant JG Eira Cortez & 1st Lieutenant Kyle Walken & Cadet Third Class Aarfa Barakzay

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Battle Bridge - U.S.S. Gladiator
2929 words - 5.9 OF Standard Post Measure

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The turbolift door slid open to show the hall of the Gladiator corridor. Unlike the main bridge of this ship and that of the Arcadia, the battle bridge or auxiliary bridge were still a walk away in the engineering section of the ship. So as Captain Hawkins and his senior staff were able to see the workings of their engineering and operations repair teams hard at work repairing the systems around them that were effected. There was something that came to him as almost a calming and relaxed feeling being back on this piticular ship. It was home, and he was back.

It didn't take long before they entered into the secondary bridge of the Gladiator. It was smaller, but not by much. It had all of the same department stations which helped them all instead of taking the engineering section as his new command center. The room came to life as lighting, consoles and even the view screen came to life. He slowly stepped down to the only center chair in the room and held the head rest as he looked around.

"Looks like the repair teams have done well getting systems online. Bring up the view screen and lets here the status of our departments," the captain order. The view screen came to life and there before them was the Arcadia and the Resolute before them. He took a deep breath and took in the nice designs of the starship before them.

" Security and tactical station ready and manned. " Responded Josey. " All security systems functioning normally and operational."

"Counseling is secure, sir," Lydia reported. Technically, she primarily represented medical, but because she was not the CMO, she knew it was not her place to speak for the entire medical department. Consequently, she elected to report him as a representative of the counseling department.

Liala had moved alongside Hawkins but as he aligned himself with the command chair she moved to an auxiliary console nearby to get updates in real time from there. "We have a nav point on the saucer." Liala spoke looking up from the console. "We should be ready to get underway soon once engineering reports we are clear."

The door swished open once again, allowing the binary form of Mel Torma to enter the battle bridge. "Oh Dia, it's a little cramped. You weren't kidding." she said, trying to maneuver into something close to the science station. No chairs, hardly any comfort, ergonomics right out the airlock. She logged into the science panel, and gave it a gentle pat to recalibrate the image matrix, "There, a little love is all it needs." she cleared her throats.

"Science is up and running."

Behind Mel came the starfighter element, Callisi. "Without any fighters in the bay at the moment I'm out of a position. Request temporary assignment to auxiliary helm assist." she offered, motioning to the furthest helm chair.

Cortez stood on the bridge at her own console and nodded, "Communications is all good to go, Cap." There was still a bit to do, but it was just the minor stuff.

Edruj knew the battle bridge to be cramped with not much space. She also knew that she would be of better use in Main Engineering. Edruj was covered in soot where she had been burned by plasma, and sweat. Small globs of pink Klingon blood could be seen in some places. This was what she loved, what she lived for, rebuilding a ship in the trenches as it were. The Klingon was still on leave technically but during the repair process has assumed the role of Chief Engineer and decided to continue that role as she opened a channel to the bridge. "Captain, this is Lieutenant Edruj in Engineering. The ship is ready to go but barely. I believe the human saying is with a hope and a prayer. You have full impulse and warp up to warp 2 I can't promise anything else. Weapons and shields are being worked on by the teams, but I doubt they will get to working order without a spacedock."

Josey cleared his throat. " Captain Hawkins, We may need to defend the Gladiator before we can get her back to a space dock. I've looked at the layout of this vessel and it has a fighter wing does it not? Take some of those fighters and some shuttle craft and attach some photon torpedoes to them and we could at least take the fight to an attacker if need be. It's a far sight better then standing around whistling dixie and waiting to be blown from here to kingdom come. "

Walken stood quietly as he listened to the reports of different departments, "Marines are bare-boned at the moment, minimal supplies and equipment but we will make do with what we have." Kyle looks down at his arms, the treatment that the Doc had given him was working. "Just give the word and I can send out my people to assist anyone should they need people."

Callisi chimed in from where she was standing, "It has a fighter wing, but they're in need of maintenance. Heavy maintenance. I could probably get one up and running within the hour, though from Edruj's last report I could take that fighter to go get help sooner than the Gladiator could get there at Warp 2. As for attaching a torpedo to the hull and using it, not a bad idea... but, I'll go where the captain needs me." she offered. "I'm at ease, and prepared, for either seat."

" That don't surprise me none. " Josey stated to Callisi. " You'll do what you have to do your duty with no complaints. I learned that when we were aboard the Nymphe, during our investigation.You say you've got a lot of work to do on some of those fighters? Give me a call if you need an extra hand, I'm right handy with a wrench and I'm willing to roll up my sleeves and get my hands dirty. "

Josey's compliment hit Callisi exactly in the right spot: Her Pride. She puffed up a bit, standing a little taller, her ears stood up just that little bit extra. "You're quick on your feet and sharp as a knife yourself. The way you handed the IED was pure reflex, no doubt, no question." she offered in return. "You're in the right crew to get your hands dirty. A welcome addition."

Raiden had come in quietly and stood to one side, listening to all that was being put together.
What had happened to the Gladiator was just a mess.

" Raced enough shuttle craft and speeder bikes when I was younger. " said Josey. " Spent a lot of time getting her tricked out for better speed and maneuverability. Spent days screaming through canyons and wooded areas dodging rocks and trees, that and living off of pure adrenaline rush. When I went to the Academy and trained for security I cross trained in demolitions, figuring it would be a good fit with my chosen field. But I look at these fighters and see how beautiful and sleek they are, I reckon I have a touch of regret that I couldn't cross train in fighters. Not enough time when your already cross training in another area and getting shipped out on a cadet cruise. But the offer is still there when you need a hand. " Said Josey.

"Grey ops, deep behind enemy lines. Shuttles and troop transports, the occasional fighter. Though most of the time, when the reds were talking about escorting the package, I was the package. Troops, munitions, city busters. It was during a troop drop and recover that I got..." she paused, and all that inflation of pride that she felt from Josey's words went right out the airlock.

"... injured." she was silent for a moment before realizing there was more at stake then just her severely wounded pride. "I'll keep your offer in mind. When things settle down, I'll get you some sim time on a fighter. You won't be a Red, dash that hope right now. What you WILL be, is an emergency pilot if you're the only one with their head screwed on tight enough at the time."

" If your willing to give me a shot on the sim as an emergency back up fighter pilot, then I'll give it a shot to see if you can use me. As for being a full time fighter jockey, I don't think the Captain would approve of his security chief quitting and transferring to a new slot in another department much to his liking. But if I can be of any help by being a back up emergency pilot, then I reckon that's good enough for me. "

Raiden just smiled then he spoke up, "What's on the Agenda for today, Captain Hawkins. I do realize we've got more ground to cover in recovering details as to what happened here on the Gladiator. I'd like to find out if there are any clues as to where these savages are holing up. I'd like to actually put a hole in one or two of them to be honest, or more." Raiden didn't care right now, he was angry.

Josey looked over to Raiden. "I think most of us feel that way Lieutenant. But we need to capture them for information first, and some of them are going to have to stand trial, our dead and missing deserve that much at the very least, wouldn't you agree? " He paused briefly. " Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of what these fanatic cultist have done either, If they die fighting us while saving our people, that's one thing. But we still have a duty to do as federation officers. Do they deserve death? I reckon they might, But I will do my duty regardless of my feelings. Just like I know you will as well. ".

As Lydia listened to the chatter scattered across the battle bridge, some of it personal and some of it more mission specific, she could appreciate the sense of camaraderie even in the face of extremely difficult circumstances. As much as she wanted to see cultists pay for their acts of brutality, she couldn't deny she was also professionally curious to examine their psychology more closely. Of course, it was easy to dismiss the value of such knowledge in the face of seemingly cruel and senseless acts, but Lydia had found understanding other sentient beings, no matter how different from herself, always taught her something about herself, if not behavior in general.

"Thank you for the reminder for us all," Lydia replied in response to Josey's words. "I don't expect anyone to compartmentalize their feelings forever and I know all of this is going to test you far beyond how you've already been tested, but for what it's worth, whatever trauma people endure, recovery is always much easier if they can hold onto some semblance of their values in the process."

It seemed that no one closed the channel to Engineering and Edruj had been listening to all that was said. "They are without honor, and deserve death." She said almost under her breath, but loud enough for the comm system to hear.

Dr Timia Svidi arrived on the bridge, her face stony and her eyes cold. "What's left the tiny medical bay is a mess. None of you better be injured on this trip. I can't promise you'll survive it." she grunted. "It's going to take weeks to put it back together and restock it."

Aarfa had quietly followed the counselor. It felt strange to be back on the ship, almost surreal. She closed her eyes, inhaling, but the scent was almost more disorienting - not the smell of her Gladiator, or - thankfully - the scents of blood and death that been her only companions here so recently, just the overwhelming scent of cleaning agents and disinfectant. It didn't matter, she told herself. All that mattered was that they'd find the whoever did this and keep them from ever doing it again.

The captain turned his chair and looked over at the new voices that was on his bridge. Eye contact was made with Doctor Svidi. There was a deep desire to snap on her and kick her off the ship. But in the end, he was better than that, plus her actions didn't help either. "Supplies were brought over by Hayter. Hit him up, and you should have most of the basics. He even said he had taken a stroll through your own office as well to make sure you felt at home in some little bit in your new office."

Ignoring her glare, he looked over at the Helm officer before she could speak. "Raiden, take your position and set course to meet up at the starbase and the saucer section of the Gladiator. That is the first thing. This also give us the chance to resupply the starship for the mission ahead of us." He looked around the faces and gave everyone a moment to take their positions.

Josey took his station at tactical and was eager to get underway and the ship fully restocked and reclaim the saucer section. They had people that either needed to be rescued or buried, and most importantly, they had a cult to hunt down and put a stop to them once and for all.

"Aye Captain." Raiden answered as he took his place at the helm of the battle bridge. The console was online and he did keep in mind of the highest warp he could do, was warp factor two. He layed in a course for the station, feeling excitement course through him. Once he got the go ahead, from the captain, the warp engine was engaged and they were on their way. Raiden glanced over to the station next to him, wondering who would be manning that position, along side him.

The stars turned into silvery streaks, Raiden's pulse picked up in the glorious feeling of being back in a part of the Gladiator. The grand ship was going to be put back together and the crew reunited with home.

"Aye Captain." Callisi responded, and then turned to head towards the turbolift to head to this half of the ship's shuttlebay. Whatever fighter compliment was there, it was up to her to get at least one of them working by the time they got out of warp. Worst case, they'd need an extra set of fists in a fight. Best case, a forward observer.

" So at warp two, how long will it take us to reunite with the saucer section? " Asked Josey. " I know space is limited in the drive section when ir comes to berthing, I can stay with the security unit in the enlisted bunks. Not like I ain't been there before. " He said. " That and it'll give me time to get to know some of the new people better. "

Walken made his way to the doors of the bridge, "Don't think my presence is needed up here anymore, if you need me call for me otherwise I'm going to keep my marines occupied with minor tasks. Anyone finds spare alcohol I'm laying claim on it you know where to send it." He laughed quietly to himself.

"Before everyone disappears," David spoke up as he looked away from the view screen to the crew around the battle bridge. "I know people aren't thrilled with roughing it up in barracks, or having bunk mates while on the Gladiator. But this is only for the next week while we are heading back to get the saucer section. During this time, we aren't going to be sitting on our hands or whining and complaining."

He paused and glimpsed at his Chief Medical officer for a moment before he continued as he looked at his first officer. "Ziyal, Toral, Walken, Cortez, and Kosugi, I want you to look into the other attacks. I want you to look for patterns on the hits and whatever you can find like Who was hit, where they were hit, where the victims came from etc...

"Lieutenant Svidi and Emmah, review the medical side of the attacks, and compare them to the last times reported as well. Use your medical staff as we know that more heads and eyes will see all aspects of things.

"Wales, Edruj, Barakzay, and I will be studying the Trinity's old machine. I have already requested the computer to start recreating the original structures and temple where we had our major conflict with the Trinity's high priest. Maybe we can find some hints to which we could find something there. Any questions?"

" I reckon we should get to it then. " Said Josey, as he looked forward to doing the investigation and getting their people back.

"Where do you need me?" Mel asked, while Callisi stopped in her tracks to listen to the orders given.

"Still want me on the flight deck?" the cyclopean rabbitess asked, for clarity.

"Callisi, you can join us on the holodeck. It wouldn't hurt to have another pair of eyes on this," the captain remarked. Then it hit him and he looked at the fighter pilot. "Eye... you know what I am saying."

" We've got our orders, so let's get moving. " Wales looked up. " So which holodeck are we going to Captain? "

"Holodeck 6, in one hour. Make sure we are all settled in. Then off to work," David answered as he looked around the staff. "You heard the man... Let's get going."


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