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Petty troubles

Posted on Mon Jun 13th, 2022 @ 7:00am by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Petty Officer 1st Class Tia Smithy(Kosugi)

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Gladiator
1302 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Tia traveled along the corridors of the Gladiator, getting more of a feel of the ship, there were repairs to be done. Right now she was on the hunt for that which could be fixed in a short time, before she needed to get back to engineering. She found a couple of areas, having gone into the jefferies tubes. She had to replace some connectors, and recalibrate the energy flow from a conduit. She came out of the jefferies tube, closed the access panel and started walking quickly to the next section. She quickly turned the corner and literally ran into something/wait someone...

Raiden had just gotten done with his shift at the helm, turning it over to the next person. He was slated to meet with those assigned to a team by Captain Hawkins, to continue on solving this mystery. He was in deep thought as his mind went over what they could possibly find, the breadcrumb trail that the Unholy ones had left behind. He was so lost in the process that he collided with someone as he rounded the corner.

"Ack!" Tia squealed out as she fought to keep her balance, taking a step backwards, trying to regain her footing. She did a misstep and felt herself falling backwards. Her movement to the floor was abruptly halted when she found herself grabbed by two strong hands and being set upright.

"Whoops sorry, I hadn't noticed you.. miss.. Oh hello Petty Officer Smithy, fancy meeting you" Raiden quipped. " Are you okay?" a concerned expression in his eyes.

Tia bristled slightly but since he was a superior officer she managed to not bite his head off. "I am okay, thanks for your concern, Lieutenant Kosugi. I best be off back to engineering." her tone rather cold.

Raiden huffed slightly at her tone. "Look, I would like to know what I did to piss you off, Smithy." feeling rather confused at her initial coldness. Its not that he was aiming to hit on her, he honestly wanted to know.

"I don't want to talk about it." she answered stiffly, "Just something about you makes me irritated." she ventured to move around Raiden and continue down the corridor.

"Now look here Smithy, I don't want us to to get into it everytime we meet up. I want to know what is making you so irritable where I am concerned, I don't know much about you, we only exchanged a few words on that civilian ship-"

"And you were looking at me in a strange way." Tia snapped.

Raiden raised his hand as if to fend off Tia's ire. "What look did I give you?" Trying to recall that incident on the cargo ship. "I was just looking at you. Was it filled with pity? I don't think so, I was just trying to figure out what was going on with you. I gather that you had experience with seeing the horrific murder of the crew. I was just trying to figure out what to say to you."

Tia huffed, "You remind me of that awful XO on the ship I escaped from... So self righteous holier than thou." she turned to walk away.

"Wait a moment there, I think you are going too far. You don't know me at all and I've not judged you, except making an observation that you are rather feisty. Perhaps we can just not go down this road, you know maybe make a new start." Raiden had a hopeful expression in his eyes.

Tia gave the lieutenant a once over. "I'll think about it. Not making any promises." giving the helmsman another sharp look. "Just let me get back to my work will you?"

"Okay sure, not a problem." Raiden replied.

Tia spun on her heel and left rather quickly, putting distance between herself and that pilot, feeling his eyes watching her. This made her move even faster just to get out of his view.

Raiden watched until Tia disappeared from view, then shook his head. There was something the matter and for some reason he seemed to put Tia on edge. Someday he hoped to find out what was bothering her about him. Sure not like everyone is going to be his friend but, her reaction bothered him immensely. He continued on down the corridor, heading for the mess hall to get some food.

Raiden took a seat at a table in the corner, picking at the food he had requested. The food was just tasteless, none of its usual flavor was there. Was it maybe due to his concern as to the reaction from Tia? The petty officer was just slightly older than his sisters, and he never really had any problem with the ladies most of hte time, they liked being around him. Once again his mind turned towards the enigma of Tia Smithy, why she seemed to despise him even though he didn't know her personally.

He started eating just to make sure he had something to fill his belly, and have the energy to do his work. His eyes were staring at the table, not really seeing anything, just lost in his thoughts.

After a few Tia being hungry decided she'd go into the mess hall and get something to eat, she paused for a moment, feeling her heartbeat pick up speed, remembering when she had been caught by the former chief of security Evalyn. Sure it was on the Arcadia, and not here on the Gladiator but memories were still fresh. She scanned the mess hall, with her dark brown eyes, Tia's eyes settling upon a lone figure in a far off corner, chopsticks in hand, a noodle still caught between the two chopsticks.

Tia just rolled her eyes, at that sight, the man seemed well... maybe a little down? Thinking back on their earlier encounter in the corridor, Tia recalled that he acted as if she had physically slapped him, with her reaction towards him. And she recalled maybe a slight amount of hurt in Raiden's eyes before it was shoved behind a sort of wall. Tia wasn't a heartless woman and really maybe she over reacted just a small amount? Tia grimaced at the thought of perhaps she was just reacting a touch... spiky towards Raiden? After all he's not hit on her, maybe she indeed misinterpreted the glance he gave her while on that civilian ship?.

Feeling himself being subjected to a rather scrutinizing stare Raiden's head lifted from his perusal of the table, and locked eyes with... Tia. He groaned inwardly, he wasn't certain what she was going to do.

Tia gasped as Raiden locked eyes with hers, he caught her staring at him. She didn't know what to do, subconsciously frowning towards him. Should she approach him and go talk to him? Tia hesitated not knowing what to do. She took a step forward, then stopped, seeing him rise from the table he sat at.

Raiden saw her take a step forward, and it seemed to him that she was about to come over and give him a piece of her mind once more. He didn't need that at all not right now. He rose abruptly taking his food to the recycler and dumped it, and moved towards the doorway where she stood, gruffly said, "Excuse me, please."

Tia moved to let Raiden make his exit, saying not a word, as the man stalked out of there, not looking back. Tia watched as he left, until he disappeared from view. She sighed, maybe there was someone she could talk to about Raiden. Her mind went through to who she could talk to then memory popped up in her mind, maybe the Rabbitess, Callisi could answer some questions, shed some light on the man named Raiden Kosugi.


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