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Into the Deep End

Posted on Sun Jun 26th, 2022 @ 8:02am by Captain David Hawkins & Commander Raiden Kosugi

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Captain's Ready Room - U.S.S. Gladiator
2222 words - 4.4 OF Standard Post Measure

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Finally the Gladiator was together once again. Hawkins walked into his old ready room and looked around. It was personalized with Tayla's own items and images. The guilt rushed over him as he felt as though he was stepping into her personal space. This would typically not be something he would be ok with at all, but he knew all to well that none of this was his fault, but the threat of the Trinity.

So he cleared his mind of the negative thoughts as he made his way around the desk and sat behind it. He brought up the data read out and logged in. He moved a personal image of Tayla and Hayter that was next to the display, placing it down on the table. He didn't need additional eyes on him as he sat there preparing for the mission at him. And he had one additional item he needed to deal with. That was when he tapped his combadge.

"Hawkins to Kosugi, report to the Captain's ready room.

Raiden was just finishing up placing the last of his belongings in his quarters, setting the picture of the family photo his mom and sent him. He smiled and said "I'll be speaking with you later Mom."

Hearing the Captain call for him, Raiden tapped on his combadge "On my way sir." and was out of his quarters in a flash. Arriving at the door of the ready room, Raiden took a moment to catch his breath make certain his uniform was straight then walked inside. "I am here as you requested, sir." there was certainly an expression of immense curiosity in his eyes and a not so small amount of concern as well.

The voice of the young officer broke David's thought process as he was looking at the read out on the display before him. The saucer section was fully integrated back into place with the rest of the engineering section. This was a good sign, but he also knew that they were running tests on the systems before giving him the green light to take her out.

"Lieutenant, need anything to drink?" the captain offered as he raised up a mug and coffee he had replicated before taking a sip of the steaming liquid.

"Some coffee would be good, and thank you."
He helped himself to get some coffee, and returned to where he could find himself a chair, there Raiden sat and sipped carefully of the beverage.

"Is there something wrong sir, that you called me in?" Raiden asked.

"I called you down to ask you about your expectations in your future in Starfleet. Where do you feel you stand in the next couple years?"

Raiden pondered over the Captain's question, then said "Eventually I hope to get to Lieutenant Commander and see where things take me, even do something more, stretch my wings and make something more of myself. I have now been feeling like I can do more, maybe even aim higher. I'm not in a hurry to leave the Gladiator though. Especially now that we've gotten her back."

"Good enough," David replied as he took the small box on his table and slid it across the table. "Computer, transfer Executive Officer commands to Lieutenant Commander Raiden Kosugi, Command authorization Hawkins seven, zeta, nine, nine, one."

The commander chirped and replied in the female voice. "Executive Officer command codes transferred to Lieutenant Commander Raiden Kosugi Authorization confirmed."

Raiden just sat there, the cup of coffee he was lifting to his lips frozen in mid motion. It was as if he had just been struck by lightning, and his brain just quit working. He stared blankly at Captain Hawkins, his eyes barely registering the fact something was being pushed towards him. Finally Raiden spoke but it was more of a squeak. "W-w-wait what?" he stammered out. Then cleared his throat, and his voice came out slightly more normal.

"Sir, what is happening? What happened to Commander Ziyal? Is she alright? Or is this one of those times of quiet and don't argue with you moments?" Raiden quipped, his head still processing what had just taken place.

"You have been field promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander and are acting Executive Officer until I find someone better or you are dead," David answered before looking over at the man and smirking slightly. "Sound fair?"

Raiden quickly drank the rest of the coffee that was held in his hand and set the mug down. "Okay." his hand reaching out and picking up the box which held the newest pips "Yes, sounds fair to me." he wasn't going to argue with the Captain, it still dumbfounded Raiden that this was happening. "So I do have a question, who will be the helmsman? Or will you have someone pinch hit for that such as Captain Verra? There are also two other pilots that have signed on as well."

"That sounds like an Executive Officer duty to figure out as crew rotation is one of those duties. But if you plan on staying as Chief Helms Officer, you take on double the roles. Otherwise, pitch me a replacement for you for the time being. If Captain Verra is your choice, I'll back it. Otherwise bring another to the table for us to discuss."

"I certainly have a bit of learning to do in this new role." Raiden mused, "As much as I would love to be helm as well, I am thinking we've got someone rather talented, who I think maybe capable of being acting helm. Just as long as I get to fly the Gladiator once in awhile." a smile beginning to form. "I propose that we approach Captain Verra and see what she says."

"I concur. Go ahead and make that your first priority after our meeting here. But remember, just because you are executive officer, doesn't mean you can't take the helm from time to time. Hell, I do it from time to time myself," David smirked as he looked away again from his display and looked the man over. "Taking on more responsibility doesn't mean you are stripped from enjoying those areas you joined up for in the first place to do. Just means you get to lead and help others into their desired outcome as well."

His slow smile became wider and brightened up considerably. Raiden gave a light chuckle. "Okay I will keep that in mind, and I certainly would love to see your skills in flying as well." Locking eyes with Captain Hawkins, definitely a lot of respect in Raiden's gaze could be seen. "Thank you for this opportunity, Sir." he gripped the small box tightly in his hand, Raiden's mind still in a whirl over what just happened.

"My flying skills are more in the fighter pilot area," the captain remarked but paused and thought back. He hadn't had time to update his required annual flying to keep his wings. So he made a mental note. "We may need to go do that some time on our down time. Didn't we pick up a volunteer pilot that you took on in that department?"

Raiden nodded towards David at his comment about taking the time on their off hours for the flight time between them.

"Well there is Ensign Griffith-Bailey and Ensign Koges, I have spoken to them before the transfer to the Gladiator. And now that I am thinking over it. If we tie Captain Verra to the bridge helm position that would cripple us from her being on the fighters and we're probably going to need her for other maneuvers." He mused, then spoke about the other pilots, "The other two need to get in some more flight time." he mused, Raiden not realizing he was forgetting someone.

A few moments then it hit him. "Yes the one from the Nogura or was it another ship, the Resolute when we investigated the cargo ship." his brow crinkled as he thought. "Wasn't it a Lieutenant Obav th’Villos? Wonder if he'd be interested in signing on to be our new helm?"

"Sounds like an andorian. Last andorian we had was unable to handle his whiskey," David remarked but nodded. "Sounds like a plan. Did you say Nogura? Sounds familar. Isn't that the ship commanded by a tall, bald man who tells dad jokes only he laughs at?"

Raiden held up his hands. "i am not familiar with the Captain of that ship. I just looked up where that pilot came from. He flew like a bat out of hell when that ticking time bomb of a cargo ship began the count down. I've not met him before just well saw him from the distance, when Spitfire went on that runabout to get to safety."

"Sounds like the spawn of Commander ch'Koro's. May want to keep an eye on him, but if you feel he is capable. I have no immediate objections," the commanding officer replied. "Seriously though... Captain Hairbanger? Like seriously had a bald head, or a patch. Like his hair line was so far back, you needed binoculars. I feel like he would have been a changed man every time he took a shower, it would have been like he was brain washed or something."

Raiden gave a shrug. "I've not met the man, Captain Hairbanger? Okay that sounds like something you are making up. He was the Captain of the Nogura?" Raiden pulled out his PaDD and looked up the captain of the Nogura. "Oh his name is Harrington. You had me confused. Uh did you know him personally? Did you have a run in like in a drunken brawl?"

"No not a drunken brawl. But he was last known to be on a starbase. He seemed to treat his command like a hot potato, ship to ship to ship. You sure it isn't Hairbanger? Seemed like the type to sing in the shower," the older man thought once again to himself before shrugging. "Whatever. He seemed like a decent guy. Still, funny name."

"Can't say much about him. As for Lieutenant Obav th’Villos, I'll keep an eye on him when or if we can get him to come to our ship. Maybe Commander ch'Koro's knows him, the Captain of the Resolute seems iike he'd know quite a bit, I even noticed that he seemed familiar with the Gladiator. Just an observation of mine." he grinned. He looked down at the box with the new pips in it, a bit still in awe. He looked back up at Captain Hawkins. "I should get going still got things to do, and studying to do."

"Commander, before you leave. Add that pip. You deserve it. I wouldn't promote you and put you in that position if I didn't think you could handle it," David ordered and explained. "Congratulations, and sorry it isn't in a better more happier time. I needed an officer I could trust. There are many, but you are the perfect choice."

Raiden pulled out the pips and using a reflective surface he changed them out. "Thanks Captain, I don't know if I am the perfect choice but thank you, and I am not going to argue with you on your decision. Well not this one anyway." flashing a grin. "And you've got to tell me sometime about the Resolute and her Captain, sounds to me like you've got history with him."

"Ch'Koro? Yeah. He was the Chief Engineer of the Gladiator," David explained as he tapped his fingers on the table. "He was the inventor of Emmah and her mobile emitter band. He and my former executive officer, Mercia Kavi grew with one another and got married. They now reside on Memphis Island. Its an outpost on an island in the former Federation Romulan neutral zone."

Raiden looked surprised, "I've not heard of that, sounds pretty interesting. So will we be heading in that direction sometime? Would be interesting to see this place." he looked about the office then back to David. "So much history to catch up on where the Gladiator is concerned." the pip was now secure, and Raiden resolved to get in contact with his mom, dad and his siblings about this great news.

"Emmah you say." Raiden mused giving a nod. "Ah that lady I saw at the briefing, I had no idea she was a hologram. Well Captain is there anything else to discuss or will it be enough for now."

"Get spun up in all departments and get those reports from the heads of the investigation team. Once we get under way, We can discuss it all on the bridge. Hopefully we got something."

Raiden gave a nod, "I do hope we do find things out. It's going to take some long hours but we'll find something we really need to do so." Raiden, giving a firm look. "With your permission I'll get on it right away."

"Yeh... You re dismissed. We will talk later," the captain nodded. He watched the man walk out as he thought through the choice. But then shrugged. The young officer had some growing for sure, but he was the best choice under his command that he knew he could trust no matter what. Trinity needed dealt with right away. It was more than enough.

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