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Opening the Flood Gates

Posted on Wed Jun 26th, 2024 @ 8:40pm by Captain David Hawkins & Commander Raiden Kosugi & Commander Liala Ziyal & Lieutenant Commander Mel Torma & Lieutenant Obav th’Villos & Lieutenant Josey Wales & Lieutenant Edruj Daughter of Thrawn & Lieutenant JG Spencer Griffith-Bailey & Captain Callisi Verra & Ensign Quinton Grey (Kosugi)

Mission: The Gamma Expanse
Location: Observation Deck - USS Gladiator
3961 words - 7.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Captain David Hawkins stood alone in the Observation Room, the soft glow of the holographic displays casting an ethereal light across the empty chamber. The morning briefing was scheduled to begin soon, yet none of the crew had arrived. It was unusual; his officers were usually punctual, their dedication to duty unwavering. As he waited, Hawkins took a moment to reflect on the past couple of nights, plagued by unusual nightmares that left him restless and unsettled.

The nightmares had been vivid, haunting visions that seemed to blur the lines between past and present, reality and illusion. Images flashed through his mind—scenes from past battles, faces of fallen comrades, and glimpses of a future shrouded in darkness. And now there had been nightmares of his first command till now. It wasn't adding up at all. Each night brought new terrors, leaving Hawkins grappling with a sense of unease that lingered long after he woke.

With a sigh, he ran a hand through his hair, trying to shake off the remnants of the unsettling dreams. He couldn't afford to let his personal struggles cloud his judgment, especially now, when the crew relied on him more than ever. The mission in the Gamma Quadrant was fraught with uncertainty, and they needed a steady hand at the helm.

As he paced the room, Hawkins couldn't shake the feeling of foreboding that hung in the air. Something wasn't right, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Was it just his imagination, or was there something lurking beneath the surface, waiting to be revealed?

Lost in thought, he barely noticed when the first of his officers entered the room, their footsteps echoing softly in the quiet space. It was time to put aside his personal concerns and focus on the task at hand. The crew depended on him, and he wouldn't let them down, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

If someone took a blood sample from Edruj right now it would most likely be racktijino. That is how much of the Klingon coffee she had drank over the past couple of days. The expanse had caused all kinds of issues with their systems. The most obvious being that the warp drive was inoperable. This above all else the Engineer was determined to get working. She reported in for the briefing a few minutes late, and expected it in progress. However, she was surprised to find the Captain alone. "Morning Captain. My apologies for my lateness." She said as she stood behind her normal chair. Klingon custom said that when the Captain stood you all stood.

Captain Hawkins turned to face Edruj as she entered the room, his expression stoic yet tinged with concern. "Morning, Lieutenant," he acknowledged, his voice carrying a tone of authority tempered with understanding. "No need for apologies. We've all been burning the midnight oil lately."

His eyes flickered briefly to the Klingon engineer, noting the signs of fatigue that lingered beneath her determined façade. He respected her dedication to getting the warp drive operational, recognizing the importance of their mission and the challenges they faced.

"Grab a seat, Lieutenant," he said, gesturing to the chair beside him. "We're just getting started." As Edruj took her place, Hawkins's mind raced with plans and contingencies, his focus unwavering despite the uncertainty that loomed over them. They had a mission to complete, and failure was not an option.

Spencer was the next to arrive in the observation room and he too was carrying a cup of coffee. There had been too many late nights for him and the sleep deprivation was starting to catch up with him - maybe one day the caffeine will wear off and he'd crash hard.

He cocked an eyebrow at the fact there was only two others there, "Morning Captain, Lieutenant." He took a seat, sipped on his coffee again and wondered why he'd been called here as well when he wasn't part of the senior staff but shrugged it off.

The next one through the doors to the Observation deck was the resident Dalacari, Mel. Something was... off... about the pair. Both forms had a larger than normal mug of coffee in their respective possessions. Terran coffee, even. Not even the blue tinged svarta that Mel usually preferred in the morning. Just, regular coffee.

Their other hands had a Paad in each, but there was just something collectively off about her. And to see a Dalacari off their game was staggering. Whatever it was that was bothering Mel was severe enough to even make her look...

And then one of her yawned. Oh sweet lord Dalacari had a lot of teeth! She yawned like one would expect, where it starts cute and then her mouth just kept opening and her tongue did that curly loll thing, and then everything returned to normal. When the sensation of yawning stopped for one of her, the other immediately yawned in sympathy. A sip of coffee followed, in sync.

"I'm so sorry, I... I hardly got any sleep last night, I think I might schedule a stop by medical after the meeting. I, I had the most..."

"... horrible night. Tossing, turning, tossing AND turning. Terrible nightmare. I'm sorry I should be more professional. I apologize." and she withdrew a little back into her shell, taking a pair of seats and trying to almost hide behind her tail. Tails.

Josey walked in next with a large mug of his own in hand. " Smells like a regular raktajino convention in here. And did I hear someone mention nightmares? " He looked about the room. " Been having some issues with the targeting sensors as of late and driving me bonkers trying to track it down. Anyone else having issues in they're own departments? " He asked. " That and my security personal have been reporting that we have had an increase with some of the crew on the verge of fighting each other. My team has broken up eight incidents before they got involved into a full blown fight within the past twenty four hours. " He reported.

The hustle and bustle of the ship never failed to surprise Liala. She had been on the way to the briefing and stopped three times by passing crewmembers hoping to get a word with her. A corridor was never a place for a mental health check up but she did her best to reassure them and tell them to come see her when they were off shift, of if cleared by their department head to come see her sooner. The main concern, their inability to leave, the warp core shut down.

Entering the briefing room she was instantly hit with the smell of coffee of all kinds. It was almost overpowering to the sense of the El Aurian but she simply smiled. "Morning everyone." she said softly. The vibrations around all of them were in disharmony. She could see the strain, and feel their emotions wash over her like a strong tide.

"Liala, how are you this morning?" Hawkins asked as he nodded to her.

Raiden finally arrived, he had been in the midst of doing some training and the reminder of his session coming to an end hadn't sounded. He had a mug of green tea in one hand, and the other hand he was making certain his uniform was all straightened out. He gave a quiet smile towards Liala, giving a nod towards Hawkins. "Morning Captain."

Liala felt Raiden's eyes on her and for a moment it distracted her from the captain's question. Quickly she managed to bring herself around. "I'm fine thank you sir, little tired but otherwise okay. How are you?"

"Commander," David nodded as he felt a little more comfortable after all of the dreams he had been getting here recently.

Raiden took a seat, "I do believe that Lieutenant Edruj had done something that may well help to deal with the intermittent radiations that we are facing inside the nebula?" looking towards the chief engineer.

Josey took a seat at the table. " I hope it helps to clear up the unusual problems that we've been having on the ship as of late. But I still can't figure out why the crew is on edge so much. "

"It could be a mix of the unknown and the fact that we are in the Gamma Quadrant," David replied before he sipped his coffee.

"Guuuuh, the Gamma Quadrant!?" Mel grumped. "I've never been here before but if they've weaponized lack of sleep, then just drop me off back home before we get to where..."

"... they've weaponized a coffee shortage or something." she complained, but there was no edge to it. This was just a tired Mel, casual enough with the crew that had become something of a family. "Hey, anyone else hungry?"

The captain looked at the twin form and thought of how easy going she was, even through the stresses of life. He was somewhat envious of her ability to maintain a sense of humor even in the face of uncertainty. "I think we could all use a break," he agreed, offering a small smile. "And food sounds like just the thing to lift our spirits."

Captain Hawkins glanced around the table, taking note of each crew member present. There was Lieutenant Raiden, ever the optimist, with his expertise in engineering. Chief Engineer Edruj sat nearby, a look of determination on her face, likely already contemplating solutions to the ship's problems. Josey, the ship's science officer, sat with a thoughtful expression, her mind undoubtedly analyzing data and theories.

Then there was Mel, the ship's twin science officers, whose tired yet resilient demeanor never failed to bring a smile to Hawkins' face. He appreciated her ability to lighten the mood, even in the midst of uncertainty.

"Let's get started. Who wants to start off first?" David asked as he took his chair at the head of the table with his mug of coffee.

The door swished for a late arrival. It was Callisi, from the flight deck. Her uniform was scuffed, her hair scuffed, and she sported a few... had she been in a fight!? "Apologies for the tardiness. There was a situation on the flight deck. It's been resolved." she reported in, "I'll check into medical once the meeting is over. Walking Wounded, as we say." and with that, the cyclopean rabbitess gave a nod to the assembled, but it was a slow, measured nod. She didn't seem in a rush to shake her head quickly anytime soon. For all she knew, she had a walking concussion.

Mel shook her head, always getting into trouble. She stood to go to the nearest replicator to conjure forth something to eat. She got two large plates to share, one covered with buttered rolls, and the other covered with little finger-food sized chunks of cooked meat, as well as a smaller personal plate of the meat snacks. The "To Share" plates she put out for others. The "FOR ME" plate she kept to herself.

"Reports of heightened aggression and competitiveness on the flight deck have been confirmed, and said aggressiveness has been quelled for the moment." was Callisi's official report to kick things off. "No equipment was damaged in the suppression." which would, in theory, also include her prosthetic eye. "I've sent the parties involved to medical to recover. Though from what I hear Medical might be busy."

Josey glanced down at his PaDD and shook his head. " I'm not certain what is going on currently, But since we've arrived in the area security has responded to eight incidents of heightened aggression. Of the eight, seven were fights that had to be broken up. Of those seven, one actually turned to attack security and had to be stunned to stop his aggression for the safety of the officers and those around them.

Josey tapped his combadge. This is Wales, Send two security to Sickbay to prevent any more fights and to protect non involved crew members.

Aye Sir. came the response. Josey exhaled softly and then looked back up to those around the table. Counseling or Medical wouldn't happen to have a supply of magical chill pills lying around somewhere would they? " He asked already knowing the answer.

"Would Delta T count?" Callisi asked, dead serious. Okay, 99% serious. "It's a relaxant agent you get when you burn a variant of tea. I mean, you could also brew it, but burning works quicker. Plus it gives us a campfire to relax around."

"Callisi! We are NOT getting high to relax!" Mel countered.

Raiden had a half smile hearing the exchange between Mel and Callisi. Obav was at his post in Helm. He tapped on his combadge.

"Obav, are things still good out there?" With most of the department heads being in the briefing, Raiden felt that someone needed to keep watch and take the command seat for now.

"All quiet," Obav replied with a nod to Raiden. "I'll call if things get wild, no need to worry."

"Definitely not getting high... the last thing this ship needs is more unstable emotion." Liala commented a little less than her usual chipper self. "The counselling department has been overloaded the last few days with requests, drop by visits, with people struggling to sleep and those that do are having rather intense dreams. Some show an uncanny familiar theme, almost as if they are sharing a brain or part of some large communication network, for lack of a better term." Liala sighed. "But the lack of sleep will account for the increased agitation and aggression in some of the crew. The more sleep we lose the worse it is going to get... especially in humans. REM sleep is very important to your species to keep your body and mind regulated."

Josey nodded in agreement. " REM sleep is very important to humans, one could even go insane after awhile due to a lack of it. I'm no doctor, But would the use of Neural stimulators or Neural transducers be able to help in the long run. I know they can be programed to shutoff after a time period. I may not be a doctor but I'm certainly married to one. " He said with a grin and then took a swig of coffee. He then stood up. " Well with the talk about food I think I'll get myself a sandwich. " He walked over to the replicator. " A Ruban sandwich on marble rye please. " The machine hummed and delivered the requested item and he returned to the table and sat back down.

Raiden glanced over towards Josey then back to the others. "Well, looks like we've got our work cut out for us."

Josey agreed with the X.O's Statement. " We kind of know what we're up against here, But it's going to get worse before it get better. " He said without a hint of doubt in his voice.

"If there's something that needs focus, and lack of ... Rem Sleep... is the issue, let me know. I can help lend focus." Callisi offered. "I've been good on terrible sleep since my Three."

Mel remained quiet about her need of sleep. Though Callisi gave the binary officer a nod, "Dalacari are good on SOME sleep, but they really, really appreciate their ALL sleep." and at that Mel relaxed, "Lack of sleep causes increased risk of ghosting. Oh that's.... that's a thing where I kinda lose track of myself. Just for a moment, but it..."

"... takes a bit to recover from. Mostly just a 'I was here a moment ago', and then there's a moment of panic. Think of it as..."

"... aggressive deja vu." a pause, "Purely mental. Recovery is instant, in severe cases I won't recognize myself for five, six seconds."

"Tops." she said in unison.

Raiden drew in a deep breath then let it out slowly. "Any other reports as to how things are? Around the ship?" deciding to interject something.

Josey checked his PaDD. This is interesting, luckily not violent. I've got a team member trying talk a crewman out of a jeffries tube. He believes that there is a monster in his storage locker and won't come out until it's gone. She seems to be making some headway in calming him down. That's the only other report I have at this time. "

The door to the briefing room opened and in stumbled Quin. He tried to smooth his hair down, but it could be seen that he had probably not been sleeping. "S-sorry sirs for being late, I was working on a report." he stopped then straightened up "I am here as requested, if you don't mind my commandeering the view screen."

Raiden was a little bit perplexed at the arrival of Ensign Gray.

Quin though was going into business mode. "Yesterday night, while going over readings from the probes, it was discovered that there were energy signatures that were coming from these coordinates." clicking on the view changer and a map of the nebula was shown that had been brought about by the readings of the probes. "In this section, the planet that had been first recorded is of a harsh environment. Not really a good place for anyone to live unless underground. Over here though. "Pointing towards the far left section, then enlarging it, "this is where several energy signatures which after doing a bit more observing, a couple seemed to match something like ours, being on impulse. However I've not requested help from Engineering as of yet, to confirm the energy signatures."

Another click. "There is another perplexing signature, I feel that we are just a little bit too far away to get a good read on it. It seems to be fluctuating every so often." Quin looking at Hawkins and Commander Torma. "this is one or two days away from where we are currently at."

Josey studied the maps for several moments before he spoke. "I take it that it means we'll be heading that way? " His question directed towards the Captain. " It stands to reason that they might have answers to questions that we have, And perhaps whatever is effecting us here may not be as bad over there. But there is still the issue of us not knowing if these persons or creatures are friendly or hostile, and with our sensors leaving us half blind and the targeting sensors acting up I would recommend that as we get closer to the area that we have the weapons in stand by mode in case it is needed. "

Edruj listened intently to everything that had been said. Like most engineers she hated meetings and preferred to be working keeping things in tip top shape. However, the Ensign's report on these energy readings was the first thing that interested her during this meeting. "It is possible that those signatures are static warp trails, or engine exhaust." She spoke up, if there was someone there now that would be something to snap the doldrums.

Hawkins listened intently to Ensign Quin's analysis, his expression serious as he considered his words before looking over at Lieutenant Edruj, the Chief engineer. "It is possible that those signatures are static warp trails, or engine exhaust," she suggested.

"Thank you, Ensign," Hawkins responded, nodding in acknowledgment. "Your insight is valuable. We'll need to gather as much data as we can to determine the nature of those signatures before making any decisions." He turned his attention to the others gathered around the table. "Let's proceed cautiously and prioritize gathering more information. We need to understand what we're dealing with before we take any further action."

Hawkins listened intently to Ensign Quin's analysis, his expression serious as he considered his words. After a moment of contemplation, he glanced over at Lieutenant Edruj, the Chief Engineer. "It is possible that those signatures are static warp trails, or engine exhaust," she suggested.

"Thank you, Ensign," Hawkins responded, nodding in acknowledgment. "Your insight is valuable. We'll need to gather as much data as we can to determine the nature of those signatures before making any decisions."

Turning to Josey Wales, the Lieutenant and Chief Security Officer, Hawkins added, "Josey, I agree that we should proceed cautiously. However, I believe it's worth investigating these signatures further. We'll need to exercise caution, but gathering more information could provide us with crucial insights."

"As for the possibility of this being the lost ship we've been searching for," Hawkins continued, "it's certainly within the realm of possibility. However, we can't jump to conclusions. We need concrete evidence before we can confirm anything. Ensign Quin, I want you to coordinate with Lieutenant Edruj and Chief Wales to gather more detailed scans of those energy signatures. Let's see if we can narrow down their origin and composition."

He paused for a moment, his gaze sweeping across the assembled officers. "Given our current situation, reaching out to Starfleet Command is not feasible. We're in the Gamma Quadrant, and the nebula is interfering with our long-range communications. Additionally, we can't rely on sending messages through a wormhole either."

"We need to proceed with caution, but we also need to be proactive in our approach. Time may not be on their side."

" We should be able to get you the information that you need Captain. " said the confident security chief. " If we get close enough, I believe our scans might even tell us what they had for dinner. " He said with a grin. " As we all know, it's hard to find something as good as federation sensors or shielding. "

Raiden listened to what was being said, then remarked. "Wouldn't that be more almost sitting in their lap?" raising an eyebrow towards Josey. He turned his attention to Hawkins, "I agree with you time may not be on their side or ours either. However with the shielding system that Lieutenant Edruj has come up with, we should be able to find out more answers. I suggest Captain, that we adjourn this meeting and work on things in a smaller capacity. "

Captain Hawkins nodded, considering the points raised by his officers. "Callisi, get yourself checked out in Sickbay. Your health and well-being are crucial."

Turning to the rest of the officers, he took a deep breath, letting the weight of their situation settle in. "You're right, Lieutenant," he addressed Josey with a nod, acknowledging his confident assessment. "Federation sensors are unparalleled, and our shielding gives us an advantage. We'll rely on that to gather the intelligence we need."

He then looked at Raiden, appreciating his pragmatic approach. "I agree, Raiden. Sitting in their lap might not be necessary, but getting as close as we can without compromising our safety is key. Edruj, I want you to work with your team to fine-tune the shielding system. Ensure we're protected from both external threats and any anomalies we might encounter."

Hawkins paused, his gaze sweeping across the assembled officers. "Given our current situation, reaching out to Starfleet Command is not feasible. We're in the Gamma Quadrant, and the nebula is interfering with our long-range communications. Additionally, we can't rely on sending messages through a wormhole either."

"We need to proceed with caution, but we also need to be proactive in our approach. Time may not be on their side, or ours. Josey, I want you to focus on the security and tactical aspects. Raiden, work with Edruj on the engineering front, especially the shielding systems. Mel, I need you to analyze any scientific data we gather, and Liala, continue supporting the crew's mental well-being. Your insights will be crucial."

He took a moment to meet each officer's gaze, conveying his confidence in their abilities. "Set a course. Hopefully we find our people. Dismissed."

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