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A Little Rare

Posted on Wed Jun 26th, 2024 @ 12:43am by Petty Officer 1st Class Tia Smithy(Kosugi) & Conall Hennessy (Ziyal)

Mission: Just Another Day on Gladiator
Location: The Brass Falcon Bar & Lounge
Timeline: Gamma Expanse
1719 words - 3.4 OF Standard Post Measure

The door to the Brass Falcon quietly swooshed open and a somewhat tall woman, with short brown hair stepped inside. Her dark brown eyes looked about, liking what she saw. About her waist was a tool belt which held various tools. Right now, the place was bereft of customers a lull in business as it were. She was here to check up on the operations of the place, making certain all was functioning proper. She looked about for the one who ran the place.

"Hello? Anyone here?" she called out.

There was a loud thud as Conall hit his head on the underside of the bar. "Ah jeysus feckin eejit!" he shouted as he rubbed the back of his head. All unbeknownst to him where the voice had came from as he was facing the wrong way.

Turning, still rubbing his head, he came face to face with a woman in yellow. "Ah well aren't you a sight for sore eyes darlin?" he asked rhetorically. "Not every pretty girl that comes in here knocks some sense inta ma head but you've done it." he chuckled to himself.

"Well now, you're not bad looking yourself either. My name's Tia Smithy, Petty officer first class. And you wouldn't be the first man I've knocked some sense into." she said teasingly, with a wink, though part of it was true as well. Her mind went back to the altercation in the Canteen with the two Marines. "I came to see if you had anything that needed fixing." she added. "What's your name?"

"Ah well thank you ma'am. I try to keep my appearance distinctly average to not cause girls like yourself to swoon." he cleared his throat. "Hard job but us Irish lads don't shy away from it." he added before coming around the bar. "However you can knock as much sense into me as you like... I'll always come back for more." he winked. "Names Conall, Conall Hennessy. A pleasure to meet you Petty Officer First Class Tia Smithy." he took her hand and kissed the back of it lightly. "Bit of a mouthful though... I'll stick to Tia if you don't mind." he said with a devious twinkle in his eye.

Tia gave a half smile, which was a natural smile for her, though there was a slight wary look in her eyes. "Well now, aren't you a charming one. And Tia is fine by me. Plus Irish lads, as well as Scottish lads, tend to be quite charming." she added.

"Ach those boys across the water have nothing on us." Conall chuckled. "Now what are you wantin'? Here for a drink, a chat, some food, or business?" he asked.

"All of the above? Your place is the last check up on my shift. Making certain that things are ship shape for you. Is there anything that needs attending to? Anything that needs fine tuning." Tia pulling out her tricorder to do some scans. "The ship is heading into a nebula and equipment may end up becoming out of tune and not acting properly." glancing over towards Conall.

"Ah lovely." Conall clapped his hands. "My stove has been acting up a bit but nothing a kick and a severe talking to doesn't fix." he laughed. "You can come back and have a look if you like. I'll fix you a drink, what're ya havin?"

Tia grinned, liking to hear how Conall spoke. "Well now, what is your specialty when it comes to food and drink? I'm open to suggestions." walking towards the entrance to the kitchen. "Do you have something with a little bit of spicy heat?" she asked over her shoulder as she made her way towards the stove. "Oh and I am a believer of kicking the sweet spot on a piece of machinery and sweet talk it or give some spicy language to it as well."

"My speciality?" Conall asked scratching the back of his head. "Now I'm no saying I'm God in the kitchen but I do a steak baguette with peppercorn sauce and sometimes add a tobasco to the meat, some chilli with a fiery peppercorn sauce, maybe throw in some chips? Ah eh you lot call the fries." he shook his head.

"Kickin things is cathartic and that's a complicated thing for an Irishman to say." he chuckled. "But I knew ya had some fire in ya." he grinned.

"Oh I've been told I've got quite a bit of fire, enough that I got nicknamed Spitfire." Tia giving a chuckle as she took a good look at the stove. "If you want I can fine tune it, keep a spot for you to just kick it." turning her head to give Conall a grin and a wink. "And you said cathartic rather smoothly. And why would it be something difficult for an Irishman to say? Hmmnn?" Raising both eyebrows. "And also recommendation for a drink with our meal? I do love what you proposed eating wise."

"I'll be sure not to breakdown on ya then." Conall grinned. "Last time I had a good kickin was when I was out in Dublin last year. Sometimes we love a good rammy to get the blood pumpin." he laughed as the memory flashed through his mind.

"As to your drink with yer meal I can recommend a red wine, possibly a white if you want something a bit lighter. If you're gonna still be on duty then I can do mocktails or soft drinks." Conall added.

"A red wine sounds great to me, and I am off once I am finished here, so... alcohol sounds great." giving a chuckle. then Tia went to work. In about a half an hour, she was finished, even gave the stove a real good cleaning. Just being thorough, she also checked the rest of the kitchen adjusting things, repairing what was needing to be done. When the time was up, Tia looked at Conall "I am off the clock now, but I do need to go get cleaned up, don't want to get things grimy while we dine together." she paused, "That is if you will eat with me hopefully?"

"I've got a washroom just through there, toilets just by the entrance. Need to keep my patrons close when they're drinkin... too much drink leads to many trips." Conall joked. "And I'll eat wit ya, sure. I'll make us both dinner and we can share a bottle of red. Can't think of a nicer way to spend an evenin before the late night rush."

Another smile from Tia. "Fabulous, I'll be out in a jiffy." she stated, then quickly headed towards the washroom. A few minutes later, she emerged, dressed in civvies, her coveralls folded and bundled with her took kit. Her attire was that of a red tee shirt, jeans and a pair of runners. There wasn't any sign of dirt not even on her hands. She walked over and as natural as can be gave Conall a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you"

"Well look at you." Conall winked as he accepted the kiss on the cheek and took a step back. "Even in a red tee and jeans you are the most beautiful thing I've seen this side of Risa." he grinned and chuckled as he led her to the table. Pulling out Tia's seat and then pushing her in he began to scurry back to the kitchen. "Be out in a jiffy love."

A full grin appeared, Tia having not expected this sort of fuss happening where she was concerned. Dang it she was feeling herself become charmed by this Irishman. Oh well, what can she say, she'll just roll with what was happening. "Uh certainly." she answered.

Coming out with two plates in his hands he placed Tia's down first then his own across from her. On the plate there was a sizeable piece of steak seared beautifully with some mash on the side and a few pieces of veg. He'd also put a small pouring jug on the plate which housed peppercorn sauce should she wish to pour it on top of the steak, or entire plate. Moving back to the counter he picked up two glasses of red wine and again placed hers down first before sitting down his own. "ith do leòr! (bon appetit, enjoy your meal!)" Conall said in Irish Gaelic.

"What you just said sounded rather pretty, what did you end up saying?" Tia asked picking up the knife and fork to cut off a piece of steak. She liked tasting the true flavor of the steak to determine if it needed something.

"Was just to enjoy your food, more or less." Conall replied with a smile. "I hope your steak is to your liking?" he asked watching as she took the first bite.

The first bite was was all that Tia had hoped for and more. it was done to perfection. One corner of her mouth lifted up, in a smile as she chewed. Once she swallowed that tender morsel, Tia looked at Conall. "Too bad you are not wearing an apron that says kiss the chef, as I would do such. " giving a grin which went from ear to ear. "It is delicious." then she set to cutting off another bite.

"Who needs an apron?" Conall asked as he lifted up the sleeve of his shirt and the words 'KISS THE CHEF' were tattooed on his bicep in a Celtic style. "You think I'd leave that statement to chance by it being on clothes?" he smirked at Tia. "I certainly won't deny you." he chuckled as he too took a bite of his steak. It wasn't often he had meals with people, it was nice.

"Well now, in that case." Tia rose up from her chair and moved to where Conall sat and leaned in planting a kiss on his cheek. She wasn't bold enough to just plant one on his lips, not yet anyway. She did give him an one armed embrace as well.

"Sign of things to come eh?" Conall grinned as he enjoyed the quick embrace and peck on the cheek. "Sounds like I'll need to impress you more with some of my cooking."

"Yes possibly." was Tia's answer with another beaming smile.


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