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Planetary Attack [Part Four]

Posted on Sat Feb 11th, 2023 @ 8:40pm by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Ensign Kanan Mishra (Kosugi) & Lieutenant JG Willow Wales (Kosugi) & Ensign Quinton Grey (Kosugi) & Petty Officer 1st Class Tia Smithy(Kosugi) & Sergeant Trent Busby (Kosugi) & Lieutenant Commander Mel Torma & Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi & Lieutenant Obav th’Villos & Cadet First Class Pallas & Captain Callisi Verra

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Gladiator
Timeline: Current
1212 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Shuttle B

Willow was seated upon the shuttle being piloted by an Andorian who was listed on the manifest as Lieutenant Obav th’Villos and the other was Captain Callisi Verra. Neither one of them she had met before nor had layed eyes on them either. Willow had settled down upon a seat to await their turn to head out on the mission. Willow glanced at the other medical staff, that were present. Timia, Liala, Lydia and Pallas. She wondered how they were feeling about this next leg of the journey.

Willow asked Pallas quietly, "Are you going to be okay for this next part?"

The cadet nodded and responded quickly, though her knuckles looked a bit pale as she gripped her medkit tightly. "I will be okay, sir," she smiled tightly. "There are others who will be in even more danger, and others who already are. I am carrying with me the thoughts of the ones that you allowed me to help you honor. I know we cannot let them die in vain. I am ready to help, however I can."

Willow gave a nod, "Good, and I am glad you are here. You will be most helpful" giving her friend a pat on the shoulder. "And we'll get through this we will."

Pallas's smile remained tight, but her knuckles relaxed a bit at the friendly contact and the reassurance. She refocused her attention on the pilots. Well, mostly on one of the pilots. Seeing Callisi in her element, behind the helm during a dangerous rescue mission, the very same type of mission that had led to her leaving the Delta Quadrant in the first place, a mix of emotions washed over her. Concern, respect, admiration... and something else that was growing. Those emotions were enough of a distraction that the cadet began to breathe more easily. If Callisi could focus and do her job, so could Pallas. And she would.

Callisi reflected on what Obav said... "I'm not half bad behind the stick myself." ... half bad. Half bad. The rabbitess shook her head. "Half bad is for mass transit. Blink craft have one pilot seat for a reason." the pride of earning her red was nothing she could simply toss aside. Did she appreciate the consideration? Perhaps deep down, yes. Did she welcome the help? Certainly not. "Pre-flight check complete. Engines warm." she called to her co-chair, while she routed the controls to the inertial compensator to her forward panel. Something could be said that this was not going to be a smooth ride.

She looked very casual, to the observer about. She looked at home. This was her element, her training. Her world. Well, not her WORLD... but it was her comfort zone. She gave a glance over to Obav after a moment, head a little lowered. Just a little. "I'm ... sure you're fine by Federation standards." she had to learn to play nice with others.

Then Willow commented to Liala, "This is it." readying herself

Liala smiled, albeit a weak one. "As Humans say, 'There is no rest for the wicked'."

"This is indeed true." Willow giving a brief wink.

Obav's antenna quirked and a little smile crossed his lips, something he'd picked up from spending so much time from humans. Andorian's didn't typically have a lot of facial expressions, even more so for those that grew up on Andoria proper.

"And here I thought I was going to have to do a lot of work today," He replied to Callisi. "Maybe on the trip back up I can fly in a straight line or even turn the ship. Exciting day."

Timia poked her head up between the two, "Can we dick measure after we have rescued people?" she asked looking between the Andorian and Rabbit. "Or do you two measure what sticks out of your head?" she teased.

Obav gave Timia a knowing look, she was certainly abrasive but that didn't bother him one little bit, "I'm fair sure those ears are bigger. If you're offering to measure the other parts, as a professional Doctor of course, I won't say no."

Shuttle C:

Opal Wickson, the secondary pilot of the shuttle C slid into one of the seats of the shuttle. She was a redhead with dark brown eyes and took a glance at Spencer. "So you ready to do this?"

"I was born ready." Spencer gave a wicked grin and continued doing the final checks without looking at who said it. He didn't want to prove himself on this mission so he was focused on what he was doing until he made the mistake of looking up at her. "Um, sorry, who are you? I don't believe we've met?"

"I'm Ensign Opal Wickson, your co pilot" the woman giving a charming smile. "It will be nice to get this rolling. What do you say we move it." giving a laugh.

"I say we make it out of here in one piece AND with all our crew, and first rounds on me. Let's move." Spencer countered. It was good to have someone next to him who matched his enthusiasm.

Spencer turned back to the controls and announced they were ready and waiting for the take off command before sliding the controls to engage the thrusters, "Waiting for the signal now."

Quinton caught up with Commander Mel Torma and slid into a seat near her two forms. Quinton placed his go bag at his feet and adjusted his sitting. "Looks like we're going to be facing an interesting situations. I'm excited and also a bit nervous," he remarked. He looked over towards the other officers who were there as well. "Hi there," he said in greeting to Logan, Emma, Eira and Mishra.

Ensign Mishra ducked his head as he was still off from having messed up on the last away mission. Now he was in a slight amount of trouble. He glanced over at Logan Cale, but didn't say anything at the time.

Opal looked at the passengers and said, "Okay things locked up tight, and secured we'll be well on our way.

Quinton then looked at Mel, "What will be the plan when we get to planet side? For this rescue mission?"

The pair of Mel took a breath and held it for a moment before letting it go. "The plan is, keep your head down, keep your eyes open, and don't get hurt." she offered, a smile on both of her faces. She was nervous, moreso than she was letting on. No need to scare the others.

"Follow orders and trust your gut." she offered, as helpful advise. "And if you..." and as one form stopped talking, the other started. Flawless and smooth.

"... see me duck, DUCK."

A deep breath from Quinton then he nodded. "Right, make certain to duck." this was going to be his first away mission and heading into a rather hot bed mess of a situation.

The signal is given for the rest of the shuttles to take flight. Opal looked at Spencer, "I'll hold you to it on the drinks. I think we all are going to be wanting drinks after this."

Over the communications came Raiden's voice "All of you, make sure you get back." and he ended communication.



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