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Clear As Mudd

Posted on Thu Apr 14th, 2022 @ 7:11pm by Captain David Hawkins & Commander Liala Ziyal & Lieutenant Commander Mel Torma & Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi & Commander Raiden Kosugi & Lieutenant Josey Wales & Lieutenant Edruj Daughter of Thrawn & 1st Lieutenant Kyle Walken & Cadet Third Class Aarfa Barakzay & Petty Officer 1st Class Tia Smithy(Kosugi) & Emmah (Svidi)

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Observation Lounge - USS Arcadia
5289 words - 10.6 OF Standard Post Measure

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“You allowed for that ship to blow up!” David stated on the verge of yelling at John Hayter. They stood alone together in the observation lounge of the Arcadia. They were now dealing with the aftermath.

“I didn’t activate the damn self-destruct program. Not my fault the stupid CO of that stupid cargo ship thought it was a bright idea to upload that program in their systems,” the colonel replied almost as irritated as the commanding officer.

“Did you even ask your away team if they could deactivate the damn thing?”

“No I made the call to force the stupid junk they called a ship away from the Gladiator and Arcadia. Thought you’d be happy about that.”

“And in the process removing all possible evidence of the trinity on that ship!” the commanding officer snapped back.

“Saving the lives of your stubborn headed ass and those others,” the marine corrected. There was a slight pause before he raised a finger and corrected himself. “Sorry… And blue ball’s ship, the Resolute. Seems pretty quick thinking on my part. Hell I didn’t want to be on that damn ship. I do believe that was you that pulled rank forcing me to lead that away team. Seems to me that in the process of blocking a member of his crew from allowing his emotions to get in the way of a mission, it was you that allowed your emotions to get the best of you.”

He wasn’t wrong, and David knew that. It was still frustrating. This was not going anywhere and quick. There was a positive thing now, the remaining ships were out of the effected radiation area. It took a bit, but if forced their hands to act and think later. Still…

David took a deep breath wanting to punch the younger marine but suppressed the urge to. He still needed the man and beating the living day lights out of him, though soothing to the older former marine, it was not the answer to this situation whatsoever.

“You never learned to watch your tongue, have you?”

“Oh I have,” John remarked as he stepped closer to the view port. “But you know damn well that it takes a jackass like me to put you in your place as much as you put me in my place.”

“That maybe…” David started as he heard the sound of the doors sliding open. “… but next time, ranks will be left outside and I’ll bounce your damn face off every surface in the room. Do I make myself clear?”

“As mud, old man.”

“Shut the hell up and get prepped,” the captain stated as he looked at the man. “I have a meeting to get through here.”

The first figure though the doors was Callisi, who gave the pair of them a quizzical look. "Sirs, did I miss something?" she asked, but she had heard their discourse through the door. Bulkhead, sure, but soundproof they were not. "I don't need to separate you two, do I?" she asked, now with a touch of humor to her tone.

"You and your damn pointy ears," David muttered as he sighed. He turned and started for the replicator. "I need a stiff drink, anyone else?"

"I wouldn't mind."

"Pretty sure I told you to shut the hell up and get going," David snapped but looked at the marine. "I'll make it up to you after a bit."

"Sound good, hot head," John replied with a two finger salute. Nothing really phased the colonel when it was just he and Hawkins. So this was no different. As he started for the door, he walked by Callisi. "Na we are good. Don't worry your furry tail. Just stress and what not."

Callisi gave John a smirk, rolling her good eye, "My tail is just fine." but if it was one thing she knew well enough, it was stress. She turned towards David and gave a nod, "If the offer still stands, just some tea." she paused, "And I've never had them called 'Pointy'. Long, yes, but Pointy is new."

The marine officer smirked as he walked by but didn't say much more. David watched as he walked out before responding to Verra. "Tea it is. Please, take a seat."

Walken annoyed after being stuck in sickbay made his way in quietly and sat down, he was always one to fight with doctors about how hurt he really is. In his mind, it was just some scratches.

Josey emerged from his office with a PADD tucked under his arm and made his way towards the turbolift. He had spent the last few hours compiling sensor readings from the Arcadia and cross referenced it to all the tricorder readings and samples taken during the investigation of the Nymphe prior to it's destruction. It was all right there, in full detail. The senseless and brutal murders done by the cultist, the sabotage done to the operating systems on the ship, The kobalt bomb boobytrap in engineering, blood samples and organic evidence and fingerprints taken from the victims so as to notify the next of kin. The report was lengthy but fully detailed and ready to submit to the Captain. A copy of the report also ready to be sent to Starfleet security to warn ships operating in the area to be on alert for cultist activity and to take the appropriate measures to safeguard they're ships.

Josey stepped off the turbolift and headed to the Captains ready room and chimed the door.

Raiden came up behind Josey, "The meeting is in the briefing room, lets get there."

Josey fell in behind Raiden and went into the briefing room, he got himself a raktajino from the replicator and found a seat near the middle section of the table and waited for the debriefing to begin.

Self-conscious and unsure of what was expected here, Aarfa slipped in and took a seat as unobtrusively as possible. After treatment for radiation and getting cleaned up and a bit of food she was feeling much better physically, but emotionally it was as though she'd passed through emotional overload to a sort of numbness, as if someone had hit an internal breaker switch leaving her deadened, nearly sleep walking through an unreal reality.

A new face, but a subdued posture. Callisi regarded Aarfa with a glance. She didn't recognize them, but that just meant that there's a better chance that they were a survivor from the other craft. Hopefully they brought some insight. Hopefully they had some answers. Either way, Callisi's glance turned back to the room, to the Captain.

Liala had been writing up her own report and felt nearly as if time had been passing her by. All that had happened, so much in such a short space of time. Now one ship less flew the stars, so many souls lost and with such barbarity.

She entered the lounge and saw Cadet Barakzay at the far end of where the Captain and she would sit. Walking over to her she placed a hand on her shoulder and leant down to a crouching position so she could speak to her privately. "Cadet, Aarfa." she spoke softly. "You have been through an ordeal that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, for that I am truly sorry. Where as I am not a practicing counsellor anymore I still want you to know that my door is open to you if you need to speak to someone." she said as their eyes met. "No pressure, and at your own speed."

"Thank you, sir," Aarfa said, dipping her head respectfully. "I sorry to have caused so much difficulty. Thank you for understanding."

Liala nodded at the response and smiled with a genuine warmth that nearly always made people feel a little better. She gave Aarfa a small squeeze on the shoulder before moving up to the top of the table and noticing that the Captain looked to have been in a heated conversation before the rest arrived. The small vein in his neck was on show, notable only she had realized this and walked past him placing her hand on his shoulder blade and letting it glide a little to relax him even a little before taking it off as she faced him giving him a 'take a breath face' before sitting down.

After making his way around from dropping off Verra's tea to her, he noticed the new arrivals and pondered at the Kainan before looking at his executive officer. He gave her a quick mental question of 'who the hell was that' with his facial expression but shook it off before taking position at the leading chair in the massive observation lounge. Taking her non verbal advice of 'take a breath', he took a deep breath and tried to clear his thoughts, what little peace that would give himself. Only it was about to get even more complicated with the discussion he had with Emmah and the scroll. There were still a couple more to arrive so he just took a sip of his coffee and continued to look around.

Raiden and Josey stepped inside the briefing room, Raiden taking a seat to where he can have a bit of view to who ever else came in, and also gave Calissi a nod, taking a seat next to her. he also gave a nod towards Walken. He had heard of the man's injuries. He was glad to see Walken up and about.

Tia passed by Hayter before she arrived at the briefing room. "Hello sir," giving a slight smile.

"You good?" she asked before heading into the meeting. Since she was on the away team, they would probably be needing her perceptions for this, so she stepped in. Gulping slightly.

"yeah I'm good. Don't worry. I'll catch a on the flip side," John encouraged the young engineer before moving on down the hall. "Speak up for yourself in there. Don't think he will ignore you just cause of your rank and inexperience with us all. Davy wants to hear all sides."

Silently Edruj slipped into the observation lounge of the Arcadia. She had taken her shuttle from the Gladiator and docked it with the Arcadia. In for a penny, in for pound as the old human saying went. she thought. She had assisted in getting the Gladiator back online for the most part and now had to stick around for the debriefing. She took a seat on the far end away from the Captain as she adjusted her familial sash. The decision to not speak unless spoken to was an easy one.

Timia arrived in a hurry, huffing a bit as she entered, her lab coat still around her shoulders. She paused in front of Aarfa, "Still feeling good?" she asked, wanting to check in on her most recent patient. Her eyes looked over the dog like cadet, she was going to need to study up on her race to make sure she was prepared from any fall out from his experience on the Gladiator. It had shaken her, she couldn't imagine having been stuck there so long with all that.

"Yes, sir. Thank you. I am good," the cadet replied politely. Everything still seemed a bit unreal, but she was certainly feeling infinitely better than she had been a few hours ago.

Emmah arrived moments later, a PADD in her hand, silently she slid in and stood near where Hawkins would sit. It was her typical place to be near his side, and it was nice to be able to be his aide again.

"Is that everyone?" David asked as he looked around the room. Now seeing another new face, which was a klingon in a gold uniform. He was wandering who this was and how they came apart of the away team.

There was a short pause as people worked their ways around to their own chairs. "So who wants to start this off first? I have Colonel Hayter preparing the next group of personal going over to increase the personal over on the Gladiator. So Let's get this going. Who wants to start off first? What did we find over there, who is our new arrivals, and what the hell happened over on the cargo ship?"

Callisi started by clearing her throat, "It was a bloodbath, sir. Grisly scene of a ritual bloodletting, bodies hung on display. Either to send a message or as part of a sadistic cult following." a pause, and she nodded towards Josey, "The lieutenant found an IED using a cobalt warhead, managed to disconnect it but it had to be beamed out before it could detonate. It was certainly there to eliminate any rescue or salvage party that followed suit, though why they'd go through the trouble of their rituals only to atomize everything is, well, beyond me. I can't comment on their tactics, though. I've seen similar tactics in the field, except the Koldarans used breeching charges, and they used survivors as the bait."

"We never encountered the enemy, though. Whatever happened on that ship we missed it."

Josey stood up and walked towards the Captain and laid a PADD down in front of him and stepped back a few paces. " That is the security report for the investigation from aboard the Nymphe sir. DNA, fingerprints from all the victims was able to let me determine that there were fifteen persons aboard at the time that the Nymphe was boarded. We found the chief engineer, his two assistants and seven cargo handlers in the engineering section. The Captain, His XO, The ships doctor, the cargo master and the cook were unaccounted for as we weren't able to finish checking the ship before we had to evacuate form the ship before it detonated. "

" As Captain Verra stated Sir it was a bloodbath over there. The Kobalt device in engineering was there either to take out any salvage or rescue attempts, or to eliminate evidence of the crime. we also found that the control panels on the bridge had been sabotaged as well, I believe that was to slow down any further searches of the ship." He turned to face Captain Hawkins. " Captain I can almost guarantee you that I can tell you how they boarded both the Gladiator and the Nymphe. What is the best way to attract the attention of any passing starship? " He asked. " That's right. Power down your life support to minimal, put all other systems on standby mode and drift. after that you activate your emergency beacon and wait, when contacted they claim to have wounded and no doctor and ask to beam over. Once onboard they stun the transport team and place a knockout or sleep agent into the air system, beam over more of their people and start your bloody harvest with little to no resistance. " He sat back down and sipped at his Raktajino.

Tia spoke up, "I can report that the engineering room was a mess, a horrible mess. Also I had found that the cargo bay where we had our runabout in, had various levels of radiation. And that was probably the reason why some of our instruments were acting up. There wasn't any time to have made a more thorough scan. I do not know how the self destruct program had been triggered but, we didn't have much time to do anymore thorough scans. Myself and an engineer from the Reliance, We had found that several couplings were loose or completely disconnected. Also there were some damaged isolinear chips that were inserted improperly and needed changing out. Which I did."

Edruj had sat and listened the stories being told seemed to be more like tales from a warzone than anything else. She had resigned herself to not speaking unless spoken to, however, it seemed that now she had to speak up. "Sir, if I may..." She started by addressing the Captain who sat directly across from her. "...I am Lieutenant Edruj on leave from the USS Mercutio. I was en route to a bat leth tournament when I found the Gladiator. After receiving no answer to my hails I decided to board her and landed by shuttle in the Gladiator's shuttle bay. Upon arriving I found a few people dead in the shuttle bay and most power offline. I made my way to the computer core as I thought restoring power would be best before executing a deck by deck search of the ship. After restoring main power I bumped into Commander Ziyal's team. I accompanied them to Main Engineering where I saw the full effects of what happened. The Barge of the Dead must be filled to capacity this day. Once in Engineering I was able to do what I do best and get most of the Gladiator's main systems operational."

"We have received a report from the saucer section of the Gladiator," Timia spoke up, "I've compared the dead, with that list, There are 32 people missing, among them Commander d'Jax, and Lt Commander Hanto, her cheif of security, Most every one else listed were members of the security and engineering departments." she reported. "I'll forward the updated list to you." she said.

"Whoever did this is without honor..." Edruj mumbled, but it was loud enough that most heard it. When she realized that she did not make to apologize for the outburst.

Josey nodded in agreement with Edruj's comment. " Captain permission to conduct a security investigation aboard the Gladiator, if need be I can do the investigation while the ship is being towed. I believe that power, life support and communications have been restored, and it should be done to preserve any evidence prior to her being boarded at the drydock by countless repair workers. I can start with accessing the security systems and find the critical areas that need to be investigated. "

"Granted, Wales. But you will need to get on it now, and clear for the ship to be manned asap. He looked at the lieutenant before looking at the young cadet before them. "Cadet, what about your bit. What is your explanation of being found."

Aarfa swallowed. She knew she was here to answer such questions and she wanted very much to help end whoever had been responsible for the murder of her crew, but it was still difficult to speak to all these strangers and recount events she herself was uncertain on. "I wish I understood how it all happened, sir, but I only know that we came upon a disabled civilian ship; I remember hearing the comm for medical to ready in case there were casualties. After that..." she shook her head, "I was finishing and going to head for the mess hall when the ship shook, and then red alert sounded with calls for teams to engineering. I assumed something in environmental was failing - the air smelled ...wrong..." Her nose wrinkled at memory. "Then came the order for saucer separation. Lieutenant Hanto told me to help herd the children to the saucer, so I did. Once it was away, we headed for engineering. that's when I smelled the blood..."

She paused, taking a slow breath to steady herself before continuing. "Most of our people were down. I don't know how. There were maybe thirty humans - strangers; scents I didn't know. A dozen of them hit five of us from all sides. We fought, but we were overwhelmed. I... " she glanced down, reluctant to admit she had used teeth in that fight as well, "...managed to break free. LT told me to run, so I did. I thought I might be able to get back-up, or heavier weapons, but I had to dodge fire and then the doors sealed behind me. I was trapped in that compartment where you found me. I heard the screams, smelled the blood, but I couldn't do anything." Her jaw tightened, ears and tail drooping at the memory of her failure. "Honestly, I don't understand why they left me alive."

Callisi was quiet for a moment, mulling over what Aarfa said, what they revealed, and what they expressed. "Left alive to tell the story." she offered, "I imagine. Probably more to sow fear and panic than be informative. Fortunately, you were more informative than they could have expected. At least now we have a few extra details of the time of."

"We know they came aboard a ship feigning inactivity. We know things started in Engineering. We know things started with life support." she counted off. "I've seen tactics like this before. I'm certain anyone with boarding experience knows that story. Take the ship, cut the power, change the air." a voice of experience perhaps.

"You did as well as you could." Callisi offered to the cadet.

Josey looked to the Aarfa while holding a tricorder in his hand. " Thank you for your statement cadet, now I won't have to call you in for a witness statement. " Captain I'll be taking someone from medical to check out Sickbay in case something looks out of place and two engineers for the same reason and of course three additional security for investigation. I can hand pick them but I'd rather have volunteers. We'll leave in thirty minutes from transporter room four."

"Yeah..." the Captain raised a finger as he cut in. "Actually, changes of plans. Arcadia is needed to get back on track and return to home station. I am placing command of the Arcadia under Lieutenant Commander Ro'Thor from strategic operations. A new command structure will be taking over the ship, while I take you all onto the Gladiator to hunt down these bastards. We also have two other ships that will be helping with our investigations but for now. We need to get the Gladiator space worthy and see if we can't find our lost crew."

Edruj took a look around at the officers gathered. She saw a number of engineers and most notably the Director of Fleet Engineering. She knew that the Gladiator was going to need more than a patch job and that the Director would most likely have their hands full elsewhere. She looked toward Captain Hawkins. "Captain permission to join you aboard the Gladiator. That ship is going to need a lot of work and I figure you are going to need as many engineers as you can get. Also, I feel honor bound to find out who did this."

David looked over at the klingon and scanned her as though unsure what to expect from her. But thus far, she had showed that she was able to handle herself with or without the backup. So she maybe a good addition to the investigation. "Let's talk afterwards, shall we?"

Josey nodded his agreement with the captain's words, they sat well with him. Tracking down they're lost people and bringing to justice those that have killed their people was a priority with him. " Understood Captain, Once we've transferred over to the Gladiator I'll begin my investigation of the incident by pulling security footage and running cultist images through Starfleet security and intelligence databases and see if any of them are known, if so it will give us a destination on where to begin our search. "

Radien's face lit up when he heard the Captain's plan. "How soon will we be doing this? I am all for this!" oh definitely the chief helmsman was ready to get to the Gladiator, he had gotten a taste of what it was like to pilot that ship.

Tia wanted to get a chance to work on that ship as well, and would give her the chance to prove herself even more.

"We leave in a couple hours. But Emmah brought something over that was found over at the Gladiator," the captain remarked as he turned and nodded to allow her to step up to the table. "Go ahead."

TImia had a look of horror on her face at the idea of leaving the Arcadia and her fine medical facilities. She'd have to talk to the Captain later about staying behind.

Emmah nodded as she stepped up to the table, "Good afternoon. I have been a part of the Captain Hawkins crew for the duration of our knowledge of the Unholy Trinity. This attack differed from others, it seemed to be far more agressive and pointed. It is also the first time we have found confirmed hostages taken. Previously 100% of the crews facing the Tinity were murdered. The death scenes were cleaner, more organized, not a drop of blood left behind except what was used for the symbol on the wall." she explained.

"Another striking difference is this." she said laying a paper scroll on the table, "It is a scripture of some sort. It reads ...In the words of the ancient one... a great joy will accompany the great strife, for the three in one has come. The dawn draws near, after the darkest of nights. All those pure of blood shall be reborn under the hand of the three in one. For their souls will enlighten and purity will reign. Follow the words of the messengers for they shall lead you to your redemption." She paused and looked around at the table. "We need to analyze the paper, ink, and the words to see if we can find them on any other world. We don't know where this new resurgence of Unholy Trinity came from, and this may help us find them. THis is the first time we have ever had access to their scripture. We never found any of it before."

Callisi perked up at this. "With all the divergences and differences, are we certain it's the same group and not a copycat?"

Josey spoke up. " If we can have the fine personal of the science department run an analysis of the paper and ink, it may point to a planet within this or another nearby system. At the same time security can check the text and cross reference it and hopefully turn up something in this or a surrounding system. One of the two investigations should turn up something. "

"Science will have their hands on that as soon as we are done here. As far as CopyCat. I am going to have to agree with you, Callisi. There are similarities. But that is only the symbols and the blood draining. All the other things we have found and see have completely diverged from the way they used to be. We could be seeing a different sect of the Cult, or people just trying to get away with slitting throats," David replied. He was on the same wave length but without all the evidence, they couldn't be completely sure of what was all going on.

Callisi gave a nod. "Regardless, it sounds like our objective remains the same: Stop them. Just be careful about looking out for blood. Cults that spill blood probably have no qualms about letting their own blood get shed." she shook her head. "Leaders sending minions out to die to further a cause and all."

"Yes," Aarfa agreed quietly, and then stronger. These people had killed her pack; they could not escape. "They must be hunted down and stopped. If you will have me, I would join you for that hunt."

Josey looked directly at Aarfa. " Cadet Aarfa, I reckon the captain won't object to me asking you a few questions. First off, what is your field of specialty? Second. Have you ever even held a phaser before? And most importantly, Why do you want to go on this hunt so badly? " He asked, and sat back and waited for an answer.

"Sir," Aarfa straightened, coming as close to being at attention as possible while seated. "My field of specialty is security, so yes I have held a phaser before and qualified in its use. My secondary training is in tracking, search and rescue. As to why I want to join this hunt, these..." her ears flattened back, the body language along with word in her native tongue that was almost a growl conveying what the universal translator could not directly parse, "...cultists murdered and abducted my crewmates. If any survive, there is a duty to recover them. If they do not... I could not prevent it when this cult struck but will do everything in my power to ensure they cannot strike again."

" This will be a joint security and marine operation for the recovery of our people, your skill in tracking and your knowledge of your crewmate scents will be a benefit to the mission, Just remember I get mighty nervous when I have someone behind me with a phaser and a vendetta in their heart. This ain't no simulator at the academy, your targets shoot back and you might die out there. And we need to take prisoners as well for intelligence gathering and to find out where they are holding our people, Do you understand cadet? " Josey looked to the captain. " Sir, permission to bring the cadet along as a tracker during the rescue operation. "

The captain nodded in agreement before look around the room. "Finally, before I release ya, expect the next couple weeks to be cramped. We do not have many quarters in the drive section so find yourselves bunk mates. Doctor, you will be working out of a smaller secondary medical bay. I doubt to find ourselves on board like this for long, but bring all supplies you need. Bring only a week's worth of personal belongings. We head over in two hours. Final questions?"

Josey looked about the room. " Don't look like there are to many questions at this time Captain. Standard routine Sir? One foot locker of gear and some personal items sent to the cargo transporters and all personal return to duty station to assist with packing supplies to bring to the Gladiator and use the transporter closest to their work station to board the Gladiator afterward? So we have two hours before you transfer your command. "

"Fair enough. Get your departments prepped and ready. Colonel Hayter is getting supplies, gear, and shuttles prepped and going. Dismissed," David ordered as he stood up and waved at the klingon not focused on the rest. They had their orders and he didn't have the extra time as they didn't either too get to the Gladiator.

Callisi gave a nod, rising as the call was made for dismissal. She had a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it. Prepping her department for the transfer, encrypting the computer core and scrubbing whatever was needed for the transfer over. Bunk mates? She smirked, it'd be just like old times. There'd be time for chatter later, until then she had a long list of tasks ahead of her. With that in mind, she quickly departed. Only offering a quick smirk Raiden's way as she left. Cramped quarters, the Captain said... she made a slight detour towards Lieutenant Kosugi. "Captain said to look for bunk mates." a pause, "Consider." she offered, though before he could offer up an answer the rabbitess was on the move. Had to pack up Operations, had to pack a week's worth. Had to pack a season of personal entertainment.

Edruj fell into step with the Captain. This was not exactly what she had in mind for her leave. But, a good mystery never hurt anyone. Besides, honor demanded that she help uncover what happened to all of those people. She only hoped that Captain Hawkins would allow her to join the team.

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