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Tis the Season

Posted on Sat Jan 1st, 2022 @ 9:53am by Captain David Hawkins & Lieutenant Colonel Johnathon Hayter (Hawkins) & Commander Liala Ziyal & Lieutenant Commander Mel Torma & Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi & Commander Raiden Kosugi & Lieutenant JG Eira Cortez & 1st Lieutenant Kyle Walken & Ensign Verelan
Edited on on Thu Jan 20th, 2022 @ 8:28pm

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Officer's Lounge - USS Arcadia
5280 words - 10.6 OF Standard Post Measure

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The officer's lounge had been decorated with festive streamers in reds and greens, flickering lights in all manner of colors, and shiny tinsel across the the walls in decorative arches. Dominating the center of the lounge at about nine feet in height was something akin to a tree. It had a pair of trunks that were entwined together like a spiral, with branches out in shelves that ended in blue needles. Like a pine tree, or a pair of pine trees. From its branches were hung shiny baubles and more lights. There were boxes wrapped in shiny paper under the tree's branches, though they didn't have any names on them. Merely there for decoration.

The resident Dalacari was putting the finishing touches on her decorations. Dressed casually, with a shirt that each had a festive location printed on it, she hung up bells and other knick knacks of the holiday spirit. The doors swished open to allow Callisi to enter, as the rabbitess came in to join in the festivities. Sporting a red dress, with a few green ribbons in her hair, pretty red shoes, and a sprig of mistletoe on one of her ankles. She carried a long bo, wrapped in shiny gold foil, and placed it under the tree. "Joyous festivals, Mel. Dia's graces to you."

Mel gave the rabbitess a pair of smiles, "Oh, thank you. Wait, wait I know this one. Good tidings and hope on this, the Emperor's birthday. May the gift they receive be what you need most." she recited, and Callisi actually smiled softly as she placed the box under the tree. This one had a tag. TO ALL, FROM THE EMPEROR.

"Thank you Mel. Got it perfect. Happy Birthday, Ts'usu." she looked around, enjoying what she could soak in of the colors and lights.

"Birthday? Emperor?" John spoke up as he walked up from the bar. His stance was loose and relaxing in his buttoned up t-shirt and jeans, with one hand half in his pocket while the other holding onto a half drunk beer. "After so many years, Mel, I don't think I have ever heard you speak of any Emperor and birthdays during this time of the year. What gives?"

Mel gave a pair of giggles, "No no, that's how the Ts'usugi do it, and Callisi wished ME a joyous festival. Like we do it. So, I wished her a happy holiday, as the Ts'usugi do it." and Callisi gave a smirk over towards John, "We don't have Christmas like Terrans do. We celebrate a holiday known as the Emperor's Birthday. Actually, we celebrate it twice, once around now where it's Ts'usu's birthday and then again in the middle of the year."

"It used to be we'd celebrate what the Emperor's actual birthday was, but that got confusing. So during their reign, the seventh Emperor of Ts'usu declared a date exactly halfway through the year from when we celebrated Ts'usu, and said that on this day, no Emperor past or future has been equally as close or as far from their home moon. The days grow long and weary, and we look forward to returning home. Thus, on this day, yadda yadda, it's my birthday." she smirked, "Or something like that. It was a long time ago. That's how you do it, though. For the Dalacari, it's joyous festivals. For us, it's the Emperor's Birthday, though technically it's Ts'usu's birthday but we celebrate them the same."

"For the Trilarks it's... I dunno. And I don't even think the Slate have holidays, do they?" she inquired, and Mel nodded, "They have four. But each of them is over a week long, and the first two days of which are coming to the realization that the holiday has begun." and she giggled.

Timia walked down the hall with her head held high despite the strange looks she was getting from people around her. She saw giggles, and a few gasps. One man even whistled, although she shot that one an Icey glare.

In chatting with Hayter at Meeka's follow up appointment he had spend time explaining that the part was an ugly or funny sweater party. That sounded fun so Timia scoured old records until she came upon an idea that made her laugh and would certainly make a statement.

Her sweater was red and decorated with all sorts of Santa's and reindeer. On one side of her chest there was a cut out, leaving one side of her chest completely exposed. The center of her exposed breast was covered by a big red reindeer nose, and two large googly eyes were higher up stuck to her skin. On the sweater itself the antlers were printed on to the fabric, and the 'face' was surrounded by glittering tinsel. She found herself someone, that despite her fairly thin frame, she had the perfect size chest to pull this outfit off.

For her lower half she wore tight black leggings and tall red leather boots with lace up straps and buckles going around.

When she arrived she paused just inside the room and smiled at the decor. It was very well done, and it sent a nostalgic shiver through her.

Raiden arrived, sporting a bright red sweater with what looked like green bauble ornaments and a Santa peeking around one at Mrs Claus. Around his neck was a red and green candy striped scarf. Upon his head was a Santa hat. Black slacks and red boots completed his outfit.

Over one arm he had a bag of apples, and in the other he held a cake called a kurisumasu keki. On top of the cake was three miniature Christmas trees, a miniature gold present with a miniature pine cone, ribbon and a leaf on it. Two miniature poinsettias with two red candles on it. Plus a small Santa going down a chimney the front part saying merry Christmas. In another bag he had over his shoulder was a three of bottles of sake and glasses. He stopped behind Timia, and got a good look at how the place was decorated. "This looks great!"

"Oh hey, uh.. Doctor how is it going?" his voice coming from behind her.

"Yes, Doc..." John jumped in as he looked at the only person wearing a ridicules outfit. "I see you finally fit into the crowd. I am so proud that you have relaxed and came to our level!"

Timia looked at John, her mouth opening a little before she looked at every one else around her. "Oh My God. You lied to me." she stated. "oooooh John Hayter... Pay back is a bitch, and so am I." she growled at him as her face flushed red. Quickly she realized that this was exactly what the man wanted, a rise out of her. Oh she'd get him back, she had some tricks up her sleeve, but for tonight, she had to try and own this.

Mel gave a pair of giggles at the attire of her crewmates. "Oh those are adorable." she didn't seem to mind Timia's display of sweater and flesh. Then again, different species altogether. Also, single instance life so.... eww.

"And a cake too? I'm really starting to enjoy sharing the holiday festivities."

Smiling towards Mel, Raiden said, "Yeah wanted to bring in part of my cultures to the festivities. You look great." giving the Delcari a smile.

He then directed his gaze towards Callisi. "You look great as well." giving her a smile as well.

Verelan heard the carols singing all around her has she entered the lounge. It sounded as if it was coming from a speaker and so she was determined to rectify that with a massive sing-a-long before the end of the night.

She adjusted a small but wide bottle of Vulcan Brandy and a tall but thin bottle of Romulan Ale. "No one's gunna know, no one's gunna know, now one's gunna know..." She put her bottles at the back of the table and sighed.

The decorations were still being adjusted and prepared so she offered her help as she adorned her Christmas t-shirt and hat.

Raiden made his way towards the table, and set his offerings for the festivities setting them up artistically. He looked around to see who else was there.

As the XO Liala often felt her 'requirement' to be at certain events and nothing seemed to bring the more Human crew closer together than the season of Christmas.

There was no holiday in the calendar year at this time for El Aurians so it was nice for something to fill that void. El Aurian years lasted 15 months and the acclimatization in the beginning too a while. Conversion to a 12 month calendar year and a 24 hour day/clock had its challenges.

The decorations were up, lights twinkling and the large green tree that filled the space well was adorned with the finest looking baubles in the galaxy. The food spread was impressive, but in truth it didn't really appeal to Liala too much. She sipped the alcoholic refreshments all the same and enjoyed seeing the crew in their element together.

It was nice to see them relax after a tough time of late.

Raiden noted those that were there, he saw Liala arrive, and got another look at the clothing that everyone was wearing. There was something about Timia's sweater that he couldn't pin point at first what was just nagging at him. It was a rather colorful sweater and creative.

His eyes then went over to what the other ladies were wearing. Deciding that he was being a dolt decided to walk over to where the others were, "If any of you would like some of the cake I brought in, I will share, plus there are apples as well. And you all look very lovely. And Timia your sweater-" Raiden stopped short.

Now that he was a bit closer to Timia, Raiden realized what was nagging at him. It was just a brief glance and he quickly raised his eyes above chest level. And his cheeks went a dark red, along with his ears and the coloration was now heading towards the upper part of his face. A thought occurred to Raiden if he were an anime male, he would be having a nose bleed right now. "If you will excuse me, I am going to go get a drink." he squeaked out, and did a perfect about face and headed back to the table where he had his sake. He was going to need a drink.

Callisi gave a soft smile at Raiden's compliment earlier, but didn't have the chance to return the sentiment at the moment. Now, however, it seemed she'd have her chance. "Thank you. You're rather festive looking yourself." she offered. "Care to join me for a drink?" It wasn't a very well known trick, but Ts'usugi were masters of offering people a way out of commitments or embarrassing situations. Seems she was offering Raiden a way out of trouble here.

Raiden nodded, "A drink sounds really good right now. "offering a smile towards Callisi. "Would you like some sake'? Or is there something a bit stronger." With Callisi being there was helping him be focused on something else.

She considered for a moment as they strolled. At six feet, he was taller than her line of sight, but the tops of her ears were over his head. Fair and balanced, as all things should be. "I'll try a bit of your drink. The perk of being a squadron red is that I can probably sleep in a bit." she admitted with a smirk. She lingered to his right, so that when he looked over at her, he didn't get a good view of her right side. Mostly, her right eye. She did a good job of subconsciously hiding her disfigurement.

"Something stronger? Let's start slow. I learned how to drink during my Three, so enjoy the view under the table." she teased. All in good fun.

Raiden chuckled. "I've actually found that the underside of the table can be rather interesting. Especially when the drink hits hard." he did note that she drew attention away from her right side. He remembered speaking about it with her before, and it didn't bother him in the least. In fact he did think she looked sexy with it. How would she take it if he said something like that?

She gave a smirk, "Well then, we start with a drink and see where that leads." the rabbitess offered.

Ever being the late pair to arrive the Walken twins arrived finally. Emma decked out in a red Santa dress, white stockings, and her hair tied up. Kyle on the other hand simply had a stocking cap his sister forced him to wear that said I'm a grumpy grinch. In his hands was a bottle of aged brandy and a bottle of rum.

Mel gave a giggle and waved to the Walken twins. From one pair to the other.

Emma smiles brightly as she almost hops on over, "Hope I'm not intruding! I don't think I've gotten to meet you?" She asks Raiden aloud her smile never fading.

Raiden was caught off guard by this perky individual. She was lovely to look at, but he had sort of a deer caught in the headlights of a vehicle expression "Um.. I'm uh.. Raiden pleasure to meet you er. Sorry to be rude but.. what is your name?"

He also cast a look toward Callisi who probably could catch the sharp intake of his breath for a moment.

"Ensign Emma Walken." She shifted her head to Callisi, "So sorry to disrupt you both without introducing myself." Never one to lose her smile she offers out two fresh apples. "One point about being a half way decent biologist is studying botany on the side."

Raiden relaxed. "I'm sorry, I was being the rude one, and did you say Emma Walken. Oh you are the mysterious twin sister um, Kyle was speaking about. " he looked around to see where her brother was at. Raiden spotted Kyle and then looked back towards Emma. He accepted the apple, and took a bite from it. "Thank you, this is good."

"I wouldn't say mysterious. Nothing all the mysterious about me." Emma smooths out her dress. "Just an average scientist who does a little botany in her free time. If you are ever looking for real furit be sure to stop by."

Callisi accepted the odd fruit with a soft smile. A gift given, after all. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Callisi Verra, I'm the squadron element lead here on the Arcadia. Congratulations on your brother's promotion, it's very well earned." she complimented, before turning her attention back to the, what did they call them? Oh yes.... Apples.

"Never seen one before joining Starfleet's little band." she giggled softly. "They really do shine, don't they?" she buffed the apple gently against her chest, before taking a chomp out of it. Crisp, and a bit of a mess but... that was an apple for you. Once she was done with that mouthful, a soft smile graced her features, "They really are something. I don't have much experience with apples but it's certainly good. Thank you for the gift." she indicated the apple by raising it up a bit. "It certainly is colorful. Raiden and I were off for a refill, can we get you anything while we're over?"

"Anything non alcoholic, I'll leave the drinking to my brother," Emma answers softly in all honesty she had never really drank alcohol before.

Eira was the next one to walk in, having forgone the festive red/green/gold combo and opted for a wintery blue and silver instead. Her knee-length dress was a somewhat dark blue with silver embroidery along the bottom to look like snowflakes and her almost white hair was curled lightly and pinned to the side to the side to match... Kind of along the lines of Jack Frost.

She took to one of the seats available and watched everyone and the festivities, questioning some of the outfits with a puzzled look.

Kyle was quick to go behind the bar and gran himself a glass as he opened the brandy. With a quick pour of the bottle the Marine was in his element outside of the soldier's life. Small wiff of the aroma before he downs the glass.

Raiden turned towards the bar noticing Kyle once again then he also saw Eira, he looked at Emma, "Have you met, Eira?" giving Eira a wave, "Eira I'd like you to meet Emma Walken." he then looked towards Callisi, "Non Alcoholic drink for Emma, and something like rum for me. What would you like?" giving a smile.

Eira stood up and gave Emma a hug with a smile, "I didn't even know you were here! Kyle never mentioned it!" This made her happier than she'd been in a while. Emma and Eira clearly had an opposites look going on tonight. "I'll have a peach balini please." She turned back to Raiden, "Emma, Kyle and I all transferred here from the Hawaii at the same time."

Callisi gave Raiden a soft smile, really just a ghost of a motion really. "We'll have to visit the wall unit for mine, we don't have any bottles back there. Something from home, it's called Kazobon. It's... like bourbon, but it has a flavor to it that most tend not to like. Someone said it reminded them of licorice." she offered. This was a nice feeling, just being part of the crowd. The dress helped distract from her eyepatch, and honestly that was worth the tiny bit of shame she felt this evening picking it out. Though, it did her pride good to know she wasn't the only one dressed to impress.

Raiden smiled towards Emma and Eira "I had no clue." He responded, towards the two women. "Kyle isn't what you would say talkative, then again, he is a man of few words but when he speaks you do need to listen. Then he turned to Callisi, "That drink sounds like something I would love to try. I do like the taste of licorice."

"Back in the Navy, we'd keep a small stash on the transport craft for those long trips. We couldn't afford to doze off on the flight in behind the lines, so a shot would perk you right up. Also, if you caught a cold and had a cough, a shot would clear that right up too." she giggled. "As long as we could claim it had a medicinal use, we could keep it on the shuttles, but if the shipmaster ever thought you were overindulging..." she just shook her head, "Not even a pardon from the emperor could help you."

"Well tonight..." David Hawkins spoke up after sneaking into the room and coming up behind everyone with a large crate of bottles before them. He sat it down on a near by table and pulled one out, which had a bluish glow to it. He popped the cork and took a swig before offering it to the nearest person. "... We indulge. Ranks are cast off and ..." he paused and looked at at the good doctor. "... i guess, good taste is out the window. I want everyone to enjoy themselves. I have brought my own stash to the party."

He took his bottle back from the crew member and stepped back a bit. "For my holiday tradition. This is and always will be mine. Gathering what family and friends I have, enjoying a good drink and gift sharing. I have it on good authority that when you get back to your own quarters, you will find a small gift in your replicator specifically chosen for you from me. It took me days to figure out everyone's and they are all gift wrapped, at least they should be. I truly hope everyone enjoys."

That brought a smile to Callisi's features. An honest, unrestrained smile. A rarity from the normally reserved rabbitess. "Be warned, Hawkins... a gift given freely is a powerful thing. Starts wars, ends them, brings families and empires together." she took a breath, "We're humbled by your generosity." and then it was Mel's turn to speak, "That's awfully sweet of you. Though, I hope it isn't socks." she teased, "Not all of us have the same feet." she joked, before turning serious. "Thank you."

Timia had excused herself for a moment before she returned, her sweater had been modified, making the reindeer double on her chest. She was going to own it. She neared the group as Hawkins made his announcements. "Thank you Captain. Maybe you will make a good CO after all." she said before she tossed a bundle of fabric at Hayter, "Gift for you sweet cheeks." she smirked. "A matching sweater, complete with your own pair of tits." she said.

She looked at Radian, "SO what do you think? More balanced hmm?" she said enjoying the fact her first version of the embarrassing sweater had send him running away in search of a drink.

Kyle had been silently drinking at the bar, being sure to give the Captain a nod of approval before finishing his next glass of rum. This time of year was never his favorite. Emma on the other hand returned Eira's hug, "That's just like him, the secret to prying any information from his is drinking with him. Or bribe me, of course, I hold all the secrets he has. At least the funny ones." Emma smiles she loved the holidays and was glad to share it with the people here.

Callisi offered Timia a glance, and then a smirk, "Well, it's certainly more symmetrical." she teased

Raiden had taken the bottle that the Captain had held out, taken a drink from it then handed it back to him. Now though he wished he had it once again. Especially when Timia came up to him and called attention to her.. She was... he could feel the heat rising up from his neck all the way up his face. He looked, blast it he looked and his eyes flashed up to her eyes. What could he say?

"It's getting a bit warm here isn't it?" Raiden croaked out, running a finger along his collar. He was definitely making sure not to let his eyes drift downwards once again. She had lovely eyes, concentrate on the eyes. Though his peripheral vision. Nope nope it wasn't going there. "You have beautiful eyes, Timia. I mean Doctor, I mean." he was starting to stutter. OKay he had to get a drink.

"Raiden." Callisi offered up, "Do you want some advice? She *wants* you to look. She's presenting." the rabbitess mentioned. "Sometimes a lady just wants to be noticed, wants to be seen and recognized. Just remember your childhood lessons, Look but don't touch."

Verelan watched the large room with a smile on her face. She celebrated this particularly conflicting and confusing Human holiday with her family well, as they felt that they had to keep up with the neighbours. In the end however, plain gifts were exchanged and a simple meal was prepared within her family unit.

Her father in particular was puzzled as to the way some Human children behaved when receiving gifts. Santa was supposed to keep a 'Naughty' and 'Nice' list and according to him there were some children that didn't deserve them.

She put an 'osol' twist into her mouth and licked her lips. She had to remember the Romulan Ale and 'osol' as a good combination for a later date.

Raiden looked towards Callisi, then back at Timia, clearing his throat, he then said, "Erm Timia, they are... more balanced yes..." deciding to take another look, but it did send another wave of heat going up his cheeks. Then he raised his eyes back to hers. "You are a beautiful woman and you can make a sackcloth look like fine silk, and very stylish. You have style, beauty, and charm."

Kyle was laughing quietly to himself after polishing off another drink. 'Good luck, I hope you don't crash and burn fly boy.' He thought to himself before shifting his head down.

Emma watched now taking the seat next to Eira, she leans in and whispers. "Side bet, Raiden and Callisi leave the party together." She tilts her head and offers out her hand to Eira.

After he said those words to Timia, Raiden stared at her for moment, gulped, turned and walked over to where the Captain was and grabbed the bottle of rum he held in his hand and lifted it to his lips and took a nice long drink from it. He belched, "Good stuff Captain." wiping off his mouth with the back of his hand, giving a bit of a grin.

David looked at the helm officer and paused as he took the bottle. He wasn't completely sure what the hell had happened but he shook his head slightly as he chuckled for a moment before taking a swig of his bottle again. "So glad people are loosing it up a bit."

"I'll take that bet," Eira responded and shook Emma's hand, "What's a bet he'll say something else that'll get him in trouble too?" She laughed quietly.

"I'll take it because it won't happen. Christmas magic" Emma declares with a smirk. "Just you wait Eira."

Callisi shook her head, rolling her eye at the belch. She crossed the distance to rejoin Raiden, and to actually join the Captain. "I'll be the judge of that." she made a motion for the bottle. A sniff, and a curled look of 'man that was a mistake' before the rabbitess took a pull from the bottle. It wasn't a sip, or a sample, but enough to demonstrate that she served a full tour back home. She returned the bottle to Hawkins possession, then gave Raiden a nod before she let go of the breath she didn't know she was holding. "Not bad. For, you know, Terran liquor."

"I brought all these bottles of liquor and yet my bottle is the one everyone wants," David remarked as he looked at his bottle. He smirked as he moved a little off to the side Out of the corner of his eye, he continued to watch the group. But he noticed that John had disappeared. That wasn't a good sign, he thought to himself as he took another gulp, feeling the warmth really starting to kick in a bit.

Raiden looked at Callisi, "Oh yeah you were going to be introducing me to your alcohol." giving a bit of a smile. "You know back in Japan and China this isn't Christmas there, it is our version of Valentine's day." He could feel the warmth going from his stomach to his arms and legs. It felt nice.

The cyclopean rabbitess offered Raiden a smirk, "We don't have Christmas either. We'd be celebrating Ts'usu's Birthday. Same idea, just without the obese jolly fellow with a few hundred million counts of breaking and entering." she said with a smirk. "So, unless I miss my mark with holidays..." in the spirit of the myriad of holidays across the cosmos, Callisi held her hand out for Raiden to take. A hand that had seen troubles, had seen hardship, but was still soft and warm to the touch.

"I did promise you a drink." she hadn't forgotten. "I had Mel add it to the replicator base. I'm terrible with chemistry."

Raiden took Callisi's hand, without hesitation giving her a smile. "That sounds like a plan, allowing her to lead him towards the replicator. He could tell that she had quite the life, feeling the strength and yet the gentleness in her grip. "Your hand feels good in my hand." he remarked quietly.

And with Raiden in hand, the one-eyed bun bun gave a nod and a soft smile as she walked with him towards the wall replicator. Then past the wall replicator towards the door. Then through the door and out of the lounge.

Kyle cringes as he pours himself a refill from the rum bottle he brought with him. He walked over to the Captain with three other glasses, pouring one with his rum and the other two with the Captain's. "Well while Raiden does his thing, it's only fair that we test out the stashes of each other and find out which Marine has the better one."

"Sounds like a challenge, Walken, or do you prefer to be called Kyle?" David replied as he took one of the glasses which was now filled with a new rum. He looked over the glass and liquid before looking back at the younger marine.

"Doesn't matter." He answers as he lifts the glass. "I've been called both so whatever is easiest for you. So let's see if the old Marine still has the Marine spirit."

This caught Hawkins off a bit but smirked and raised his class up in unison. "Fair enough, Youngling," David countered before downing the rum. It was more warm and forward tasting then what he had started off with. But he handled the kick decent. If he hadn't already been drinking already, it may have caught him off guard a little more. He took a moment and nodded. "This is made ain't computer replicated, that is for sure." he paused as he pulled another bottle out, smaller, more rectangular and smirked yet again. "Let's see if you can handle this."

Walken downed his glass of rum and set it back down, "I don't do fake computer made when it comes to liquor." He answers as he lifts the smaller bottle he looks it over. "Well now, what's the surprise with this one?"

"Would you believe partial penalizes?" David smirked as he poured the drinks for the two.

Emma stands up her hands in the air as she points at Eira, "CHRISTMAS MAGIC!" She announces doing a spin for everyone as she smiles.

Eira laughed and nodded in defeat, "Okay, okay, okay what do I owe you?" She loved seeing the joy on her face as she did the spin.

"Hey fly boy!" John called out now wearing the sweater that was given to him by the doctor. With one hand, he tried to jokingly cover his chest with one hand while holding a stick with a string and a mistletoe hanging over the Lieutenant's head. "Stop moving, only one of us can be unstable and this won't work if we are both moving."

Timia was smirking as John ran over. "You'll never forget this." she said as she rushed over to Raiden. SHe grabbed his face as the mistletoe hung over his head. SHe planted a kiss on his lips, firm, and sure. When she pulled back she held his face for a few more seconds. "Merry Christmas, don't read it in to it." she let his face go and wiped her mouth, "Any one got any mouth wash?" she called out.

Raiden's progress going out the door with Calissi was halted for a moment when he was kissed by Timia and having Hayter on the other side. He was stunned, that wasn't anything he had anticipated. He was certainly glad that Callisi was holding his hand. He might have fallen over in a faint. Raiden was bemused and... what the heck?! His cheeks going a fiery red. He looked back at Timia, so bewildered, then continued on down the hallway with Calissi.

~~~ Night Fades ~~~

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