
  • 4 Mission Posts

Last Post

Thu Jan 27th, 2022 @ 7:28am

Ensign Verelan

Name Verelan

Position Intelligence Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Vulcan/Romulan Hybrid
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 160
Weight 55
Hair Color Chocolate Brown
Eye Color Chocolate Brown


Spouse NONE
Children NONE
Father Amin
Mother N'Keth
Brother(s) NONE
Sister(s) NONE
Other Family NONE

Personality & Traits

General Overview Verelan is an unusual woman as she makes friends easily and is open with a smile and with a joke or two, when it is warranted.

She is also a proud member of both her Vulcan and Romulan blood and will defend both vehemently.

She suffers from Pa'nar Syndrome so she has her hands in gloves and does not touch people at all if she can help it.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Knows several languages: Cardassian, Romulan (father's tongue), Vulcan (mother's tongue) and Klingon.

+ Smiles and puts others at ease around her.

- She suffers from 'Pa'nar Syndrome' so she is reluctant to touch.
Hobbies & Interests Singing 20th century musical theatre
Reading 20th century literature
writing (pen and paper)

Personal History Born near 'The Forge', Verelan was a child who had to be hidden.

Both of her parents were followers of Ambassador Spock so, to them, it was only logical to continue his work and bring Romulans and Vulcans together.

Not long after Verelan's birth however there were threats and attempts made on their lives so the family left Romulus and travelled to Vulcan hoping that things might calm but Azeraik's family had quickly disowned them because she had married a Romulan so they had to travel again.

It was during this time that Verelan was diagnosed with 'Pa'nar Syndrome'. Her parents saw that her Romulan genes were interfering with her ability to mind meld.

Settling on Earth, there was some sort of establishment as she found that she was happy and making friends. What her parents weren't happy with was the fact was that she was smiling and not acting the 'Romulan/Vulcan' way but who was going to look for a smiling Vulcan...right?

Verelan applied to Starfleet Academy out a response to another threat on her life and her parents thought that Starfleet would be the best place she could be.
Service Record Verelan applied to Starfleet Academy and specialised in a hefty combination of linguistics, humanoid anatomy, xeno-etiquette, philosophy and exo-cellular biology, boiling it down to an impressive career in Intelligence.

Her first two years with Starfleet Intelligence is classified but now Verelan is able to do strange things.

Vulcans have exceptional hearing but now Verelan is able to hear an actual heartbeat within someone and therefore can tell if there is a lie being told and she can see an eye pupil change from across a room.

This will be her first ship application, one year after after her graduation from Starfleet Academy.