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Splitting the Workload

Posted on Thu Apr 8th, 2021 @ 10:43pm by Captain David Hawkins & Lieutenant Colonel Johnathon Hayter (Hawkins) & Commander Liala Ziyal & Lieutenant Commander Mel Torma & Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi & Captain Brenda Sinclair & Commander Raiden Kosugi & Lieutenant JG Evalyn Toral & Lieutenant JG Holly Swan & Lieutenant JG T'Rylea Rochelle

Mission: A New Legacy
Location: Observation Lounge - U.S.S. Arcadia
5005 words - 10 OF Standard Post Measure

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Once the Arcadia had taken on the final supplies and personal for the ship, David stood up and stretched before he looked over his bridge crew before he waved for the senior staff to follow him into the Observation Lounge once they turned over their work locations to a subordinate. He made himself around and down a hall to the large meeting room to find a large long oak table and a couple large displays on either side of the the lengthy tables. The captain saw through several view ports on one side of the wall where the shimmering glow of the stars were seen as the ship flew through by as they travelled by warp. It was truly a sight that Hawkins felt was something that he hadn't ever gotten tired of.

He looked at the more modernized table and technology at their disposal, they were truly going to be taking a while to get used to all of this. For now, he waited for his senior staff to arrive.

With a duty officer now in place, someone holding the fort, Liala stepped into the observation lounge. "Is it not a saying of your people, a kid in a candy shop?" she asked as she saw David looking at the tech on the table.

Liala's words made him smirk as he nodded slightly to it. "Yeah, something like that. Don't tell me even you aren't impressed with new stuff like this, even with your years of experience and the things you have seen."

With a coffee in hand - decaf, as per medical advice - Brenda arrived at the conference room. She was keeping to the standard duty uniform instead of the fatigues she was used to. Green department undershirt, and the railroad insignia on her collar the only indication she wasn't a 'Fleeter. "Captain. Commander." She gave each a nod, finding her place at the table.

Next through to the observation lounge was the twin forms of Mel Torma. The advantage of having two points of view was that both of them could look around at the expanse of the lounge and still find wonder. New lounge, new sights, new wonders. The odd part was seeing that smile on both of her faces, despite only one form looking around like a proverbial kid in a candy store.

"It's so... open." she commented, "I love it. No more bumping into tables or nudging chairs or competing for space. I really like it." she commented once she was closer.

Raiden arrived, "Good Morning" he said greeting those that were there already. "This looks fantastic!" he stated taking a seat at the table.

He looked towards Torma, realizing that he'd not yet had a chat with her he made a mental note to make sure that happened. The crew on the Arcadia was certainly adding up to being a rather varied group of people. He didn't mind at all. He smiled and gave a nod towards her.

The twin forms of Mel turned towards Raiden as he gave her a nod, and she returned his greeting with a nod and a smile of her own. No teeth though. Showing teeth might not be taken well from a species that had the evolutionary path of Humanity. Especially since Dalacari were still primarily carnivores.

Next to arrive was Counsellor Holly Swan, she had half expected to be late, time keeping was often her downfall therefore it was pleasant surprise to see most of the senior staff hadn't arrived yet.

Pulling out a chair at the lavish, sleek and modern table that occupied most of the space in the lounge Holly sat and flashed a warm smile to the cute Raiden whom she'd spoken to over lunch recently.

She observed the others, aside from Hawkins and Ziyal she hadn't had the opportunity to speak with the Marine Captain yet, nor the interesting twin science duo.

The twin forms of Mel Torma actually split up from their relative proximity to take a seat each across from one another, rather than sit next to each other as one might expect. The first one to sit, though, seemed to regret it immediately. An expression that was instantly mirrored on her twin. "Owww... okay, found out. Federation hasn't figured out tails yet." the seated one mentioned, while her twin now took steps to carefully maneuver her own tail out so it wouldn't get caught. The seated twin did a seat-wiggle, then another, before standing up to collect her tail and sit back down. "Gonna have a chat with the quartermaster about that." she grumbled, but there was no malice. Apparently so many races of the Federation had abandoned their tails somewhere down the line that it was silly to expect every accommodation.

"I'll draft up something." her sister spoke. Before the pair locked eyes from across the table. "This table is huge. It feels like it's going to set off my ghost but, no. Just a big big table." she offered, and the pair shared a giggle before turning their collective attention back to the group.

Raiden decided to verbally greet Mel Torma, "Hi, I'm Lieutenant Raiden Kosugi, new helmsman, and I've not had a chance to speak with you. What are your names?"

"Oh, hello." the pair perked up, even though only one responded. "My name's Mel Torma. It's a pleasure to meet you, and good to meet the person getting us all from point..." and she stopped talking. Just up and done.

Her twin sister picked up the conversation without even hesitation. "... A to point B in one piece. As for names, just one name: Mel Torma. I'm a Dalacari, so while there's..." and it happened again. Another conversation over before it finished.

And another handoff to the sister across the table, "... two bodies, there's only one mind. One soul, if you would. I know, the table between me isn't really helping." and the pair giggled. Looking at the two, it was easy to get lost in the details. They wore the same uniform. Hair styled the same, even down to the part along the edge. Wait a moment, and even their breathing synced up. Two bodies, one officer.

Raiden's eyes bounced from one part of the 'twins' to the other as they took turns to answer his greeting. "Okay, that is interesting. I've never met anyone of your race before. Two bodies, one mind."

She gave a communal giggle, "Oh I can imagine the shock. The first Dalacari to encounter other life must have been just as surprised to find it was singular instance." she stated, obviously amused by it all. Her sister spoke up next. "Then we found out we were the exception. Binary life just doesn't easily exist in the cosmos, but we're alright with it. Hell of a conversation starter."

She let the moment relax before speaking up again, "Though, I take pride in your wonder. We're a fascinating people, if I do say so myself." a smile, though one with a closed mouth. Dalacari didn't like to show their teeth. Most races didn't react positively to a mouth full of sharp pointy teeth.

Similarly Counsellor Swan had found her eyes shifted between the two beings as they spoke with fascination and awe.

Raiden chuckled, "Yes it is indeed a quite an conversation starter. And I would love to speak more to you, about your race. If you don't mind that is."

The pair smiled, and ... was that a hint of a blush in the inners of their ears? Hard to tell under the fur, but the ears might be easier to spot and... "I certainly don't mind at all." she said softly, "But, maybe after the meeting? I'm certain the meeting wasn't called just to focus on me."

Raiden nodded, "Definitely after the meeting." he responded, then looked towards where the Captain was.

T'Rylea entered and quickly took the empty seat at the end of the table. Spice tea and PaDD in her hand she got ready for this gathering.

"Alrighty everyone. Let's get this started," Captain Hawkins spoke up as he looked around the room. As he walked to the head of the table, where his chair was, he started. "As you are all aware, the Arcadia is equipped to handle multiple assignments all at once. With our mission statement is to 'explore, support and defend.' That being said, we have two missions before us."

Pausing for a moment, he looked at his crew's faces to see their reactions as he continued. "Arcadia will be dropping out of warp and Commander Ziyal and her away team will head out to wrap up a diplomatic mission with the Sucarians on Sucarro 3. Higher ups wanted the best qualified diplomatic officer in the secure to meet with the Sucarian government heads to clear up some of the information they sent in. From what I understand from their reports that they sent to us was that the Sucarian people a little grey on some details. Commander, you will go in and have the final say on green lighting the Sucarians for an alliance and possible invite into the Federation. Colonel Hayter and Captain Sinclair are your security detail. Lieutenant Kosugi, you are assigned as their shofar, armed, mind you, but shofar none the less. Also, Commander Torma will be going as well to help out with any delegations. While you are there, we thought you may enjoy taking a look at their technology. See if we can use some of their medical and agricultural knowledge and use it on other Federation planets.

"As for the rest of us, we will be jumping to other fleet ships and resupplying some of them that have requested assistance in that area. With my new title of Task Force executive officer and our assignment on this ship, we are going to check on everyone out in the field. Not all deployed ships and colonies have been able to restock by normal supply runs. First will be the Eagle then we will move down the list from there. Nothing to outlandish, but we all know anything can happen. Any questions so far?"

Evelyn gingerly put up her hand, “I realize this is probably a strange question, but with all these supply runs will we be taking on any passengers or additional crew along the way?”

Brenda managed to hold back her sigh. Not only was the Colonel staying on board, but she'd have the pleasure of him looking over her shoulder. 'Great.' Of all the days to start giving up real coffee. "Are there any known security threats to be aware of on Sucarro 3? And what size protection detail do you want from the Marines?"

"From what reports we have gotten, there is little to no crime on the planet. Which to be honest, is kind of questionable to me, but others feel like this could be another possible Risa like paradise planet. But you are allowed three additional marines. You will be the commander's protective detail. Hayter is going as the K9 liaison. They showed interest in the nonlethal usage of animals as we have for centuries. They used to do such things, but stopped several years ago. I know it sounds weird, but its something we agreed to do," David explained as he looked at the marine captain. "Don't worry, captain. He isn't there to rank from you."

"What are the Sucarian's like? What do they look like?" Raiden asked. He was wanting to be prepared as much as possible.

The doors opened and the Chief Medical officer strolled in with her taller hot cup filled with a cinnamon smelling frothy drink. "They all have beards, male, female, children... All of them." she said as she approached the table. "Four digits on each hand, bones instead of finger nails... Skin is a pale pink with dark gray splotches all over the body, in random patters." she reported. "Quite interesting race actually. They have developed some interesting medical technology because of their sensitivity to the sun, especially if they have a higher ratio of the paler skin on areas of their body that are more readily exposed to the sun." she said as she took a chair and placed her cup and a padd on the table.

Raiden nodded as he made a mental note of the race, and also gave the Doctor, a quick smile. "It would be interesting to meet them." he remarked "And to see what sort of protective gear they utilized.

Counselor Swan's thoughts quickly snapped back from Hawkins' explanation of their upcoming duties, her mind wondered slightly at the mention of Hayter and the K9 division, she adored animals and had heard a rumor the Captain himself had a loyal dog aboard.
The arrival of the CMO and her version of Sucarian's were fascinating to learn.

Timia took a sip of her latte as her words settled on the group of people around the table. "Commander, I'll be sending a medical officer, Doctor Hayden, with you on your team." she said to Ziyel with a firm nod.

"Hope Hayden likes furry animals," a new voice spoke up from the door. Lieutenant Colonel John Hayter took a bite of his apple and chewed it before plopping down in one of the furthest chair. "Apologies for the lateness of my arrival. But if I knew that anyone can jump into our mission, I may have come sooner. So... What have I missed, Captain Svidi?"

Timia bristled at his comments, "DOCTOR Svidi, Mr Hayter." she snipped. "I am assigning an officer to the team, which is my job to do as Chief Medical Officer. Oh by the way. If you do not arrive for your intake exam I will be medically preventing YOU from going on this mission." she said with a challenging smirk at him. The man had been dodging her and she had let it go, but now, after that comment, she was going to make it difficult for him. "Lest I remind you, No one can over ride that."

"Well of course..." he leaned back in his chair and took another bite. But between bites, he raised a finger and pointed it at the doctor. "...for fully assigned members on this ship, you mean. Temporarily assigned members may have their permanently assigned doctors at their full time location, transfer a copy of their records and a check up done six months prior to their TDY aka temporary duty location ..." He paused and chewed his apple more before swallowing it. He coughed for a moment before pounding his chest and smiled at the doctor. "... all good to go Master Svidi. And it is Colonel, or ground pounder, monkey with a gun, or hey you, to you." With that he winked and noticed the others around the table and gave them a smirk with a two finger wave before taking another bite of his fruit.

She turned a bit red at the mans retort. She pressed her lips together, "Oh That cough is concerning Mr. Monkey." she said. "Being as you are even temporarily assigned to my ship I am responsible for your health. I'll want to make sure you are at full health before you leave." she said daring him to challenge that. She looked at Hawkins, "I'm afraid I can not release him to the mission with out an exam Captain." she said also challenging him to try against her.

That's when the light bulb went off. "OF COURSE!" Mel said, a little too loud. "Sorry, sorry, it just dawned on me, Terran humans evolved from primates. Hence the... you know.." she stammered a bit. "Sorry."

Timia looked towards Mel, take a moment before focusing on one of the forms. "Yes and SOME Terrans stopped evolving too early." she said casting a look towards Hayter.

"In defense, if a creature stops evolving, it feels that as a species it has reached its apex. To its genome, you can't improve on perfection." she offered as a save. "Though, to counter THAT, just look at the..."

"... thallamog, or the fizu, or the... oh what's the adorable one from earth with the bill and the webbed feet and the fuzzy little body and the flat tail... Platypus. The Platypus..."

"... I almost lost the word there." and then she remembered she was in an official meeting, and not just a get together. "Sorry, I .. I like being part of social interactions. Dalacari are very..."

"... social creatures. We can talk more about genetic shortcomings and their effect on single instance lifeforms." she said, and gave a pair of smiles.

Raiden was watching the interplay between the two verbally sparring individuals, thanking himself lucky to have gone and gotten his exam before this. Svidi was a force to be reckoned with.

“Well, we’ve seen some species who were at our current level of evolution continue to evolve. The Q for example” Evalyn commented

"You know it's funny you mention them. The Dalacari Division of Science and Education has an interesting theory about the Q, in that they were the very first lifeforms..."

"... to actually advance to a point of omnipotence, a form of higher energy state. The first act that they performed with their mastery over existence was to place..."

"... evolutionary barriers in place to prevent anyone else from joining their status." Mel explained. "While the Ts'usugi believe that..." Mel didn't stop, she was actually interrupted by the door opening and admitting one of the final members of the upper eschelon of the crew: Callisi Veera. Flight element leader. "We call them what they feel they are: Gods. Placate to keep them bored when they visit us, so they go off and bother others. Apologies for the tardiness, I wanted to make sure one of the Blink fighters was properly charging. Last thing we need is a runaway reactor." the cyclopean rabbitess entered the meeting room, taking a seat next to one of Mel's forms. To Hayter, she gave a nod. "Is he causing trouble? If he is, I know how to distract him."

"You know..." John spoke up between chewing his apple and pointed at the twin form. "... Mel... You could have stopped at your perfection statement. But As my playboy bunny friend is right... She does know how to distract me." With that, he winked at the fighter pilot before grinning from ear to ear before looking back at the doctor. "I mean, if Amara, God's sister, wants to give me a check up... Who am I to stop her?"

Raiden literally stared at Hayter, or would it be more of a glare. His hands itched to give the Lieutenant Colonel a smack down. "Excuse me, she's got the power to put you down, sir. I'd suggest that you tone down your attitude, Sir." he kept it respectful, but his sirs were made to drive a point across. "We're here to work out details not make some half assed comments towards the ladies, Sir." he kept his seat, out of respect for Hawkins.

The marine colonel looked over at the younger in a red uniform. As he looked at the man staring at him, he slowly took the last bit of the apple and sat it on the table. "Oh, look. The helm officer fancy's the good doctor? If only you had a white glove to slap me. I'm sure we can find a couple swords on board for a couple rounds of poke a whole in the donkey."

"I'm sure I can provide the swords, sir." Rising half way up in his seat. "You just don't talk disrespectfully to ladies nor others." Raiden not knowing Hayter at all but he, Raiden, just wasn't one to allow disrespect.

Sitting next to the helmsmen Holly reached out to tug his elbow in warning but missed by a fraction: this testosterone show wasn't best suited for a staff meeting especially in front of Commander Ziyal and Captain Hawkins.

This made him smirk as John leaned back. "Oh I have nothing to fear from you and your pork pokers. Nothing I said was disrespectful... yet... All you have to do is just beg for my disrespectful ways, and I will bless you with them. Till then, focus on your fortune cookies and wooing our doctor during your next check up."

Brenda watched the exchange with an impassive look. Her hands together, fingers interlaced, and chin resting on her thumbs. Her initial impressions of the Colonel were deepening all the more. Not a man to be taken at face value.

Timia looked around the table in surprise. "You lot need a lot of work." she commented with irritation, this group was unbelievably out of control. "I can defend myself, thank you very much Raiden." she said, "And you, Mr. Hayter, My word still stands. I'm insisting on a medical review before a mission." she told him. It was spite. 100% spite, but she wasn't going to let him out of it now.

Lieutenant Kosugi took another look at Hayter, a better look. Then looked back towards at Timia. "Doctor, I know you can take care of yourself. I just..." he looked back at Hayter, then sat down, rubbing the back of his head, having a sheepish, wry smile.

"... Oh now we are just making the young Lieutenant jealous," John remarked as he played with the core of the apple on the table with his index finger and thumb. "Tell you what, I'm not shy. You can watch while the doctor gives me a check up. Though it will be sad to see the woman you fancy prefers someone else a little older."

"Alright, children, are you all done?" David looked around the table. Though it was entertaining, he was only seeing a pissing contest in which was going no where. "Doctor, your addition to the away team is Liala's call, not yours. But your recommendation is always welcome. And as for Hayter, he is cleared. It only takes common sense to know the cough was because the asshole was eating his apple and talking. That is final. Now if there is a sword fight, and people get stabbed, you can play doctor on Hayter. Until then, do not waste our time. We have a job to do."

Kosugi felt to his dismay a little red creeping from his neck towards his cheeks at Hayter's comments. He refrained from saying anything more. The Captain had good point and they needed to get things moving along. Besides, Hayter, it seemed, was really good a baiting someone, and he stepped right in it. Though, Raiden mused to himself, he still wouldn't have changed the statements he had made before.

The heated exchange between, well nearly everyone, had Liala shaking her head in dismay. Clearly there was history between Hayter and some of her crew and he was hardly impressing those he had just met. If he was coming along with her she would be sure to keep a close eye on him and his behaviour as she would hate for the wrong things to be said.

"Doctor Hayden is most welcome Doctor Svidi. We just need to watch our numbers as I do not want to spook them into thinking half of Starfleet will be beaming down." Liala finally spoke. "And I think we need to focus on this mission and not on verbally attacking each other. We need to show a unified front or simply put we will fail down on the planet." she added before looking at Hayter.

He had this cheeky aura around him, there was no escaping that he liked to stir the pot. "Colonel Hayter, I welcome your expertise and input on the mission but I am in charge so please respect that."

"Oh a lady that knows how to really take charge. I think I'm going to like her," John countered before nodding in respect. "As you wish, boss lady. If you need anything else, all you need is ask."

Timia pressed her lips together, she could see it was going to be a battle of wills with these people. She wasn't going to let them walk all over her. She was the only one who has been on this ship before all of them and she knew how things were supposed to work. That Colonel needed to be put in his place, and it seemed Hawkins may need it as well. She took a drink of her latte, "Hayter, expect an appointment scheduled on your calendar for later today." she said. "Is there anything else we need to cover in this meeting?" she asked.

Knowing full well that Timia was quite capable of handling her own battles, Raiden was quiet, just watching Hayter's reaction to what the doctor had said. He really didn't want to be on the receiving end of her wrath.

"Delay that, Colonel," David replied as he cocked his head slightly as he looked at her. "Unless you plan on making a house call to his work area, or if there is an actual concern with actual proof from his records, he has work to do," the captain remarked as he stood up and looked around the room. "Commander Ziyal, prepare your team for launch. We drop out in over three hours. Everyone else... prepare your department. we have a couple ships to meet up with and assist as needed. Dismissed."

With that, the awkwardness of the atmosphere was slowly cut as the crew silently started to file out after the captain had dismissed. The Colonel slowly stood up and whistled. He stepped up next to the doctor and leaned in slightly, "Sorry Doc, I meant it to have everyone dislike me, and not you. I do need Meeka checked up on. I want to make sure her chips are in place. I'll stop by for that, but you and Davy need to hash it out. Makes since that everyone on a ship hates a marine over a doctor. Just saying."

"I'll take a look at your dog, but don't ever challenge me in front of the crew again." she told him. "You want to argue and be difficult at least do it one on one." she said keeping her voice low. "And please, keep your flirtations private as well. Its wholly unprofessional." she said firmly.

This caused John to shake his head. "Doc, you are a piece of work, aren't ya... See you around, Lieutenant Commander" With that, the marine walked out with his apple core in hand.

"Colourful man." Liala commented to Timia. "We can't neuter Human males without consent right?" she asked jokingly.

Timia shook her head and glanced over at Liala and offered her a small smile, "I suppose since I took a oath I have to answer that correctly... even if some days I wish I were far less an ethical person." she said as she grabbed her padd and latte cup, "Excuse me, I need to have a conversation with the other one." she said motioning towards where Hawkins had walked out.

Liala nodded. She didn't want to hear how that conversation was going to go. Given how tense things were amongst others then alone the two of them would no doubt be a little MORE forthright. "Good luck." she said as she organised her own PADDs and began to move off. She wasn't going to say 'go easy on him' like she wanted too. David could handle himself and even if she had a sore spot for him she would not show it in public.

Raiden took his leave as well, caught up in his own thoughts, his mind primarily upon the upcoming mission. Is it going to be an easy mission? He wasn't going to bet on it. A small piece of superstition for him, never say things were going to be easy. It puts a jinx on things. He hoped he was wrong, but one never new.

Feeling like she'd just been a spectator in a sporting event she'd failed to understand the rule Counsellor Swan left the lounge concluding this was certainly going to an interesting posting.

Callisi took the move to dismiss with a nod to the room, before she turned and made her way out with nothing new to add to the post-meeting commotion. Mel, however, seemed to be destined for the opposite. Both of her forms approached Dr. Timia, "I can't apologize on another person's behalf, but I can say that I'm sorry you had to experience that." a pause, "Though, I suppose on the other hand at least now you know..." and she stopped talking. Her twin sister picked up exactly where the conversation paused, though.

"... what to expect when it comes to him. I imagine he's been through so much that he just, doesn't know when to rein in his portfolio? I don't know if that's the proper..."

"... word, but I guess what I'm saying is that consequence is a rubber band, and he's waiting for the snap? I don't even know if that's the right translation, I'm sorry." she paused. Both of her paused. "Your talk with..."

"... him did remind me that I'm a bit overdue for a check-up on the single-instance side of medical, so I'll handle that as soon as we all get back." another pause, "I'm Mel. Mel..."

"... Torma. I'm in Sciences so we'll probably be working together. I should probably go get ready. We'll catch up when we all get back, then?"

Timia looked between both creatures as they spoke back and forth. It was still confusing but she was trying hard to make it the least awkward for the officer as she could. She was fascinated by them... her? She nodded to the one that spoke last, "Thank you. I look forward to it." she offered a nodd to the other Mel and then headed out of the room, chasing after Hawkins.

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