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Wed Sep 7th, 2022 @ 9:39am

Lieutenant JG Evalyn Toral

Name Evalyn Toral

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Trill (joined)
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 5’5”
Weight 120lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Evalyn has an average height and weight for a human female. She has Brown hair which she often leaves hanging around her face but ties back while on away missions. Her skin tone is a light coppery colour. Her eyes have a Brown colour to them. Evalyn has broad shoulder and slightly muscular arms due to her Marine Corp training.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Arthur Hawke
Mother Melissa Hawke

Personality & Traits

General Overview Evalyn has a very open personality. She is always willing to talk to just about anyone about anything. this has come in useful during her service.

When off duty, she can often be found in the mess hall cooking up a storm and on occasion a few custom orders.

privous host:

Sorra Toral
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Evalyn has greater physical ability than most thanks to her personal training regime. Her hearing and eyesight are also more sensitive than is usual for her race. This comes in useful during a combat situation when the bridge is falling apart around her.

Weaknesses: At times, she can be a little too trusting, though her time in Starfleet Security has given her a feel for who not to trust.
Ambitions To learn about food from every culture in the Alpha and Beta quadrants.
Hobbies & Interests Cooking isn't quite a hobby more of a secret obsession.

her interests include federation history, unique food and the occasional romance book

Personal History Born on the Trill Homeworld, Evalyn was born to Scientist Parents who did what they could to instill in their daughter a similar interest. While it didn't work the way they'd hoped, it did fuel Evalyn's interest in cooking. For most of her childhood, Evalyn spent a fair amount of time in the family kitchen, learning what she could from her parents.

During her teen years, Evalyn heard about the Trill initiate program. To her, it sounded like a very advanced school where she could learn things from other culture that she wouldn't have access to otherwise. After some convincing, Evalyn's parents did everything they could to prepare her for this new step in her life.

over the next few years leading towards her 18th birthday, Evalyn dove into her studies of the sciences, taking a particular interest in chemistry as to her it seemed similar to cooking. When she finally applied, she aced the exam and was welcomed into the program, Though at the time of her acceptance there wasn't a symbiote in need of implantation into a host. Choosing to wait until one was available, Evalyn returned to her family home and continued her studies with her parents as well as touching up on her cooking skills as she'd let them lax while studying for the Initiate program.

she didn't have to wait long as almost a year later, a symbiote came in need of a host and Evalyn was at the top of the list of available hosts. She was rushed out to the Capital so the instructors could prepare her for implantation of her symbiote.

The process went of without an issue and at that moment, a new being was born, and Evalyn's outlook on her life changed. After retuning home, Evalyn told her parents that she had chosen to join Starfleet as a few of her previous host had served in Starfleet over the centuries and it seemed to be the best way for her to learn and experience more.

Her time at Starfleet Academy was the best time in her life. There was so much to learn and so many species and cultures to learn from. One of her favourate pastimes was spending her spare time exploring the various restaurants near the Academy, including one called Sisko's and during her third and forth years, she even managed to work at a few of the restaurants.

After her four years, Evalyn graduated near the top of her class and chose to go into the Security field.
Service Record her first assignment was to a Starbase on the Klingon boarder, Starbase 234. this turned out to be a good place for her to learn the ropes as it was a rather quiet sector with only a few instances of pirate and smuggling activity. After a few years, she heard of an opening for a security officer onboard a docked starship and immediately applied.

Transferring to the USS Endeavour, Evalyn found life onboard a starship to be quite different from life on a starbase. it seemed more energetic and hectic as there was less 'down time' while on duty. instead, Evalyn found herself either on the bridge learning the tactical systems, or in the armoury maintaining the stocked weapons and small arms. Even though she found it difficult at first to get used to this new style of duty, she found time to relax and keep her cooking skills sharp as the Endeavor had an onboard chef and kitchen instead of a simple bank of replicators. After she had settled in, Evalyn asked if she could work in the kitchen on her off hours, which the chef was happy to accept and after a time, the chef convinced Evalyn to gain some qualifications in cooking.

she served onboard the Endeavor for almost ten years, slowly working her way up the chain of command to assistant chief of security. Her on duty hours we spent dealing with everything from lost puppies and couples disputes to Orion pirates and the occasional unknown contact.

After some time, Evalyn heard about an opening onboard a Sovereign class starship for a Chief of Security. Excited to serve on such a beautiful starship, Evalyn immediately put in for a transfer.