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Thu May 20th, 2021 @ 8:14pm

Lieutenant JG T'Rylea Rochelle

Name T'Rylea Josanna Rochelle

Position Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid
Age 39

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 7"
Weight 145 lbs
Hair Color Red Long
Eye Color Hazel Brown
Physical Description Graceful, well-proportioned in every way, sensual, athletic, tattoo on upper right shoulder American Eagle, one small scar on back of left shoulder from fight with a Breen soldier covered with a tattoo of Valkyrie Mk lll fighter covering it.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Admiral Steven Riva Rochelle
Mother Rianna Tris Rochelle
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Brianna Josana Rochelle Lieutenant Cmdr. Starfleet Intelligence/Chief Engineer. Assigned Temp. USS Victorious as CEO.
T'Lin Riva Rochelle Lt. Cmdr. Starfleet Intelligence/Fighter Pilot USS Avenger.
Other Family SFI, Starfleet Fighter Corps

Personality & Traits

General Overview T’Rylea is a strong woman in her own right. Brilliant in tactical maneuvers and very outspoken when it comes to giving and taking orders. A bit cocky but not to the degree she is smart-alecky and malicious. Loves to be around people that are real and not phony. Knows a con when she hears it and doesn’t take threats lightly. She is a person of automatically doing things without thinking because she has them memorized in her head. Her best trait is a photogenic memory. She can retain details in her head and memorizes landmarks without trying. Another trait she has is in taking orders for a mission that she is responsible for its personnel. She doesn’t leave anyone behind. Everyone comes home.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Responsible for her job and follows orders to the letter without fail.
+On time for briefings and information matters.
+Strives to get things done correctly and then some.
+Courteous and respectful of others and their feelings.
-Cocky and a bit foolish at times.
-Can be unreasonable if it doesn’t jive with her intuitions.
-Can be arrogant at times.
Ambitions To be the best she can be in her field and eventually become Chief of Intelligence.
To eventually get married and raise a family.
Hobbies & Interests T’Rylea loves to hike, horseback ride, swim, fly, reads books and listens to classical music. She also enjoys painting landscapes and animals.
Interested in collecting all things that pertain to military combat maneuvers and operations from WWI to present day operations. A huge history nut for said military and flight, especially WWI and WWII dog fights and those that lead up to present day battles.

Personal History She is no slouch when it comes to being the person she wants to be. Since she was little she has always dreamed of becoming a combat officer and intelligence operative. She used to snoop around the house looking in everything and replacing them exactly where she got them from. She could hide from anyone and is as silent as a cat. Her photographic memory was discovered when she was ten years old and since then it has only been made more adept in keeping information stored in her mind.

She entered the Academy when she was only 17 because of her father’s position and rank so she was a special case and was accepted. She excelled in her classes and won many honors and soon she realized it was SFI came calling on her. True she didn’t want to be a full time operative but she couldn’t resist for the part time jobs that she was given. Most of these however are kept under wraps.

While in the academy she made many friends and one in particular. He was a human guy who was really handsome and very smart and quite gallant. He was a true gentleman and she was taken by him in more ways than one. They became friends and soon they were going out together. Being Betazed, Rochelle made it known to her parents that she would accept him as her Imzadi when she became of age even though he was human. They agreed and spoke to Markus's parents and they agreed as well. So it was set that when she was of age she would be wed. Markus and T'Rylea stayed together in the academy until she was taken from him by SFI and he lost all contact with her. He vowed he would find her again and began his search for her.

T'Rylea had gotten so deep in her intelligence work she forgot about everything including Markus and even her family as well. This was nothing new as she was deep undercover on a special mission. See in order to keep her family and her sisters cover air tight, she had to undergo strenuous mind conditioning so it was nearly impossible to force her to reveal her true identity.

When she came back from several of her missions she had to undergo several debriefings and on several occasions several months of mental counseling. She finally took a short leave of absence to recuperate on Gamma Horami for three months. It was decided that for now she would be temporarily released from her intelligence duties to be at a later date back into service.

Coming back to Starfleet 6 months later she was returned to duty as Chief Security for Dragonfly. Serving there was a joy and a welcome relief for her. T'Rylea enjoyed working with the crew of the Dragonfly. They were the closest thing to a family that she had. She transferred after 5 years service to the USS Township and served as her Intelligence Officer for 5 more years. Once again back into the intelligence world only this time serving on a ship and not in the company. T'Rylea served for an additional 5 years before transferring to the USS Titan as her Chief Combat Officer. She served there until she was assigned to the USS Pathfinder where she served as Chief Intelligence Officer. T'Rylea was a noted combat fighter pilot as well and it just so happened she wound up flying a Valkyrie fighter on several missions. The Pathfinder was sent on a covert mission which it did not return from. Several escape pods were recovered and in one of those pods was T'Rylea severely injured and nearly dead.

Angered by what happened, T'Rylea swore she would find out who destroyed the Pathfinder. Starfleet convinced her that they had found out what happened and the matter was summarily closed.

Now she waits for her transfer orders to the USS Arcadia as her Chief Intelligence officer.
Service Record After being released by SFI she joined the USS Dragonfly and was given the position of Chief for Tactical Officer and served with honors for 5 years.

Transferred to USS Township and served as Intelligence officer for five more years.

Transferred to USS Titan as her Chief Combat Officer and served there until she transferred finally to the USS Pathfinder as her Chief Intelligence Officer.

Now awaiting transfer orders for USS Arcadia as CIO

***With a note to her current commanding officer that she can be used as a veteran combat pilot and intelligence infiltrator.***