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Sat Aug 14th, 2021 @ 7:52am

Lieutenant JG Holly Swan

Name Holly Swan

Position Chief Counselor

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9
Weight 194
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Soft brown almond shaped eyes, long brown untameable hair that goes frizzy at the sight of water or high humidity. Gently coloured skin tone from mixed ethnic background, lean flattering silhouette


Father Rafael Swan
Mother Karen Swan
Sister(s) Jaclyn Harper
Other Family Tracey Harper (Sister in Law), Jessie Harper (Adopted Niece)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Holly wears her heart upon her sleeve and that according to her friends is what makes her likeable. She has a cheerful and friendly face, but her over active mouth and utter clumsiness can land her into trouble before she realises it.
Strengths & Weaknesses Quick to put trust in others, wears her heart upon her sleeve and can be indecisive

Personal History Holly was born on Earth to Rafael and Karen Swan. She was always known as a caring and loving girl, even as a child she empathised with the oldest souls enjoying the company of her elders and learning new things every day. Her older sister Jaclyn was more the rebellious sort, though they were on the opposite ends of the scale to two siblings grew up in harmony. Their relationship was strong and has held up to this day where they talk most weeks about how each other is doing, updates from home/space and how her niece and sister-in-law are doing.

As Holly grew older, and wiser, her personality, her compassion grew, and she was seen to help those in need more than herself on occasion. At school she could be seen consoling a friend, trying to mediate fights and talk things out. It was if she were destined to be a great diplomat that would stop warring factions that had been fighting for centuries with a simple hug and disarming smile.

She excelled through high school but always had one eye on the stars. When she was old enough, she told her parents she wanted to join Starfleet and they surprised her with the admission that they had been expecting something like that. They weren’t surprised however at her chosen route of expertise being medicine and Counsellor so she could help those through the dark and stressful events.

Her time at the Academy, and subsequent medical training, went by without much to write home about. Or at least not the bits she was willing to share, Holly had always been a clumsy person which sadly hadn’t improved with age. Her lack of co-ordination would send her tumbling across the threshold of the lecture theatre on most days, basic engineering modules had resulted in singed uniform or the nose twitching scent of burnt hair. Occasionally her nerves would spike resulting in a barrage of continuous nonsensical jabbering leaving her fellow cadets to shake their heads in dismay.

Upon graduation she was assigned to the USS Nelson as one of the counsellors on board. It was here she met her mentor, Lieutenant Josef Helander, the Chief Counsellor on the Intrepid Class. The Lieutenant opened her eyes to real events that occur aboard, the sort of events, conflicts and unpredictability not covered in the classroom. Though a little daunted at first Holly began to flourish under Helander’s expertise as he continued to nurture her into the officer she is today.

Her next assignment upon the USS Europa saw a higher demand for her services as the vessel suffered catastrophic damage under enemy fire, this was the first-time young Holly questioned her purpose realizing that dancing across the star wasn’t as peaceful as she’d once dreamt. Upon the USS Bismarck Holly stepped into a more senior role following the resignation of Lieutenant Commander Sarah O’Connell the senior most Counsellor at the time, her replacement Lieutenant Nicholas Blair had spurred her onto take on his formed position. His support and uncanny ability to extract the very best from his team inspired her to step up onto the next platform of her career and finally earned herself a senior role upon the USS Arcadia.
Service Record USS Nelson – Counsellor
USS Europa - Counsellor
USS Bismarck – Assistant Chief Counsellor
USS Arcadia – Chief Counsellor