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Sight Through the Key Hole

Posted on Tue Jan 30th, 2024 @ 1:58am by Captain David Hawkins & Commander Raiden Kosugi & Commander Liala Ziyal & Lieutenant Commander Mel Torma & Lieutenant Josey Wales & Lieutenant Edruj Daughter of Thrawn & Lieutenant Lydia Whitlock M.D. & Cadet First Class Pallas

Mission: The Gamma Expanse
Location: U.S.S. Gladiator
2025 words - 4.1 OF Standard Post Measure

The U.S.S. Gladiator dropped out of warp with a graceful deceleration, the streaks of stars slowing to a standstill as the massive Sovereign-class starship found itself suspended before a colossal nebula in the vastness of the Gamma Quadrant. The shifting hues of the nebula painted an ethereal backdrop against the backdrop of the cosmos, creating a mesmerizing display of celestial beauty.

Captain Hawkins, now fully rested after the assistance of the medical staff, stood on the bridge of the Gladiator, his eyes fixed on the swirling colors of the nebula. His mind, however, was not absorbed by the cosmic display before him; instead, it was deeply engrossed in thoughts about the past couple of weeks. The recent events had been tumultuous, and the challenges faced by the crew lingered in the captain's mind like a persistent echo.

The mission at hand weighed heavily on Captain Hawkins. The Gladiator, a formidable vessel under his command, was on a crucial assignment in the unexplored reaches of the Gamma Quadrant. Several Starfleet ships had gone missing in this distant region, and the Gladiator had been dispatched to investigate their mysterious disappearances.

As the ship hovered before the vast nebula, the crew worked diligently at their stations, monitoring sensors and scanning the surroundings for any signs of the missing ships. The Gamma Quadrant was known for its enigmatic phenomena, and navigating through its uncharted territories was always a challenge. The crew of the Gladiator was well aware of the risks, but their dedication to the other crew of the missing ships spurred them onward.

The primary objective was to locate the missing ships and ascertain their status. Were they facing technical malfunctions, stranded in uncharted territories, or worse, had they encountered a hostile force? Captain Hawkins knew that every moment counted, and the fate of the missing crews rested on the Gladiator's ability to unravel the mysteries of the Gamma Quadrant.

As the ship ventured deeper into the unknown, the crew remained vigilant, their eyes trained on the Hub readout, ready for any anomaly or clue that could lead them to the lost vessels. Captain Hawkins, still lost in thought, contemplated the responsibility on his shoulders. The unknown awaited them, and the answers to the questions that lingered in his mind were concealed within the cosmic tapestry of the Gamma Quadrant.

"Alright people, what do you got?" David asked as he crossed his arms across his chest as he stood there. "I know this damn nebula is the largest Starfleet has ever seen and there are several star systems inside this thing."

Josey looked at his display readings and shook his head. "Tactical sensors aren't picking up any warp signatures, signs of combat or any debris that conforms to known starfleet ship construction materials. The only movement that I'm detecting is a minor class one comet at one half light year distance and moving away from us. Other then that Captain, there is nothing to report at this time. "

Edruj manned the Engineering station, this was something she did not like as she would rather be in Engineering. However, when the Captain gives an order you follow. She turned from her console on the aft of the Bridge toward the command chairs in the center of the Bridge. "Engineering has nothing to report. The Gladiator is working well within parameters. However, if we are to enter the nebula it is my duty to inform you that our shields will be non functional."

"Sounds a little too quiet, if you ask me," David spoke up as he sighed. "Wales, take us to yellow alert and keep those eagle eyes of yours watching for anything unusual. Edruj, try and figure out a way to get those shields going. Otherwise, we may need to rely on that ablative armor for our only protection."

"Yes Captain. Permission to leave the Bridge and work in Engineering." Edruj replied to Hawkins. She noticed that a lot of Starfleet officers did not seek permission to leave the Bridge. However, some Klingon habits never died.

Liala had been sitting to the side of David. It was the 'extra' chair and she often sat as an advisor to him if need be. The nebula was noisy. Not something that could be heard by the normal ear but as she stared into it she got lost in its colours, its movement. It felt like it was screaming at her and her face was one of discomfort. Her brow slightly furrowed as the feelings, the 'noise' from the nebula left a dull throb in her mind. Spatial phenomena were sometimes known to affect El Aurians who were more attuned to the universe than others, this is why the time sense was different from person to person. It just depended on how deep their connection was.

Captain Hawkins furrowed his brow as he absorbed the information from his crew, his earlier amusement giving way to a more somber expression. "So, we've got a cosmic spectacle, a comet with commitment issues, and a nebula that seems to have skipped its morning meditation. Fascinating," he muttered, his mind clearly preoccupied.

Turning his attention to Josey, he nodded thoughtfully. "No warp signatures, no signs of combat, and no traces of our missing comrades. This nebula might be playing hide-and-seek, but we can't forget what we're really here for."

Edruj's report on the shields prompted a concerned frown from Hawkins. "Non-functional shields in uncharted territory? That's not exactly my idea of a leisurely stroll." He paused and took a deep breath before continuing. "Work on those shields, Edruj. I don't want us exposed if this nebula decides to throw a cosmic tantrum."

The brunette cadet that had been standing behind and off to the side of Lieutenant Edruj did her best to take in everything that transpired, the chief engineer's analysis of the nebula's impact on shields to the quick development of a partial fix through the use of the ablative armor. She was eager to learn from the senior officer about the real-world implementation of one of her chosen fields of study, and felt a great appreciation for this opportunity. Pallas looked around the bridge as the exchanges between the crew occurred, keeping her mouth shut but her eyes and ears wide open.

As Liala mentioned the peculiar sensations she was experiencing, Hawkins leaned in with a more serious tone. "Counselor, keep an eye on me. I'll explain later."

"You know I hate secrets sir." Liala whispered back but didn't make a big show of it.

Straightening up, Hawkins addressed the entire bridge crew. "Alright, team, we're not just here for the views. Helm, cautiously navigate deeper into the nebula. Tactical, stay vigilant, and Edruj, permission granted. Let's see how those Klingon skillsets in play and make those shields a priority. The cosmic ballet can wait; we've got friends to find. And if anyone or anything tries to crash our party, I want to know about it yesterday. Questions, concerns, or brilliant ideas, anyone?"

Raiden was late, not normal for him, however he had a call that warranted his attention. It was from his family. in fact he had left the briefing rather quickly. He swallowed hard, then smoothed back his dark hair, he nodded towards Edruj as he stepped out of the turbo lift. A momentary glance towards all who were on the bridge, his gaze pausing upon Liala then on David. He made his way to the executive officer's chair and took his seat. "Apologies Captain, for my late arrival." he said a bit somberly.

Sitting at her observer position at comms, Aarfa adjusted her earpiece. It had not been made with species who had long ears in mind. But she did have acuity in ranges outside humanoid norm, and so she tuned it toward those hoping to pick up some sign of those they sought.

Captain Hawkins acknowledged Raiden's arrival with a curt nod, his expression firm. "Family business settled?" He didn't dwell on niceties, moving quickly back to the task at hand. "No need for apologies, Raiden. Now, let's get back to business."

His eyes swept across the bridge, and he grunted in response to Aarfa's adjustment. "Good. We need all the help we can get in this enigmatic territory."

Turning to Edruj, Hawkins's tone was direct. "Edruj, fix those shields. We can't afford to go blind in this place. Helm, take us in, but don't get us killed. Tactical, keep scanning. We're looking for a needle in a cosmic haystack, and time's not on our side."

Leaning on the railing behind the command chairs, Liala's eyes remained fixed on the nebula, her expression pensive. Hawkins shot her a glance, more a challenge than reassurance. "Liala, keep monitoring, the crew. If we are in this nebula for a long term, something tells me that we maybe here for a while and I have no doubt we will be seeing negative effects of it."

Mel tapped away, both at her console and one of her chins, as she considered a course of action. "Captain, I may have a suggestion. We're looking for a needle in a haystack, so what we need are more eyes. Federation starships all..."

"... come in a variety of shapes and sized, forms and functions, but they all share the exact same basic drive architecture. We..."

"... launch a volley or probes on various courses, set them to scan for any federation core signatures and report back...

"... when the number of core signatures they detect is, well, greater than one." the Dalacari offered, hopeful.

"Yes Captain..." Edruj replied to Hawkins and then turned to her console. At the moment she was not sure precisely how she would make the shields work. They simply didn't within a nebula. Well, now it was up to her to defy the laws of science.

Listening from sickbay, Lydia offered a simple, "We will be standing by here, sir. There's no telling how the conditions could affect the physical well-being of all of us. In the meantime, if I can be of further assistance in the scanning or direct monitoring of the crew, let me know."

Taking in what was said from his officers, Hawkins leaned back and replied first to the doctor filling in for his 'favorite' chief medical officer. "Copy that, Doc. Go ahead and keep tabs with the science department in case we run into anything that may impact the crew." He continued looking over his shoulder. "Mel, prep the probes as needed, and work with the helm department on possibly setting up some of the shuttles to be remote controlled. But We have enough crew to send out teams to help scan the area," He paused as he looked at his XO. "Raiden, what are your thoughts?"

Raiden had been musing over what was being said, staring into that peephole or was it key hole, either way. "I concur, send out the probes and we do need to see about readings on the ships. We need to get those souls back home." he responded.

"Alright, then," Captain Hawkins nodded, his gaze sweeping over the assembled crew, each member poised and ready for action. "Let's get to work. Mel, coordinate with the helm department on deploying the probes. We need every advantage we can get in this vast expanse."

He turned to Raiden, acknowledging his agreement with a curt nod. "Raiden, keep an eye on our sensor readings. We're counting on you to help us pinpoint the location of those missing ships."

With a sense of determination, Hawkins addressed the entire bridge crew once more. "Team, we've got a mission to accomplish. Our comrades are out there, and it's up to us to bring them home. Stay sharp, stay focused, and let's show this nebula what the U.S.S. Gladiator is made of. Dismissed to your stations, and let's get to work."

As the crew dispersed to carry out their assigned tasks, Captain Hawkins settled back into his command chair, his mind focused and his resolve unwavering. The mission was underway, and he was determined to see it through to the end, no matter what challenges lay ahead.


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