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Perplexion [Part One]

Posted on Wed Jan 31st, 2024 @ 10:37pm by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Commander Liala Ziyal

Mission: Memphis Island
Location: Memphis Island
Timeline: During Shore Leave
2040 words - 4.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Raiden had found himself a bit swamped with the paperwork he had to do as being a new XO. Plus he had buried himself in the work to just get his mind off of that message he had received from Eira. He also had sent a message to Liala that he'd be a bit occupied as well. A couple of days had slipped by and almost another day before Raiden realized that he was a moron. He sent a video message to Liala via the computer as he didn't know if she was on Memphis Island or on DS 7. Raiden's hair was a bit mussed up, due him almost wanting to pull his own hair out as to the paperwork.

The message from him, as Raiden tried to smooth down his hair: First off I want to apologize, and second, would you like to go out to dinner on either the Station or Memphis Island? That is if you want to see me." having a hopeful look in his eyes. "Your choice but I have heard that there are some great beach areas with a restaurant near by." a charming smile appearing.

Liala knew Raiden had been busy, she didn't hold it against him. Being first officer is a full time job plus a part time one when you are trying to keep the matters of the ship from the Captain.

Her reply to Raiden's odd vid call was, "Well thank you XO for letting it be my choice. I do like it when you let me take charge." she tucked a stray hair in behind her ear slowly for effect and let him see a bit of shoulder on the call. "I would go anywhere with you Raiden, I think Memphis Island sounds like an amazing idea and I wouldn't want to explore a new beach without you." Liala also may have bit her lip to tease him just before she pressed send.

Raiden's attention became riveted upon her little display, biting his knuckle slightly as he watched. Liala was definitely an enticing woman, and he still didn't quite know just where their relationship was heading for. "Baby steps, Raiden baby steps." he told himself, before he sent a message back to Liala. "I'll meet you at the transporter pad and then we'll head down together. Raiden pressing send, then quickly rose to get himself ready.

Liala was half dressed when her display chimed with a message from Raiden. It was short, to the point and clear. She liked that about him but she was getting strange feelings about how he was looking recently and the fact they hadn't seen each other in a couple of days gave her concern but not enough to go and badger him as to why. She knew XO was a busy position, she used to do it after all.

After she was dressed she left for the transporter room and arriving realised she was the first one there.

Raiden finally arrived, his outfit was a long sleeved dark blue shirt no tie and a jacket over his arm. Pair of black slacks and his normal slip on black shoes. His hair was finally tamed down for the moment. As soon as he saw Liala, he paused for a moment to gaze at the beauty before him. He moved forward and swept her into his arms and kissed her warmly. When their lips parted he murmured with his forehead against her. "your kisses are rather intoxicating."

It felt like a scene out of an old movie. Raiden swept in as Liala turned and the passion she felt from him, the passion he showed in plain sight of the transporter chief was in no doubt.

He took her breath away and as she found it she placed a hand over her chest showing how much that surprise swooping kiss had affected her. "Yours aren't so bad either." she replied with flushed cheeks and her breathing heavy and quick.

A boyish smile, his arm around her waist, "Also we won't be taking the transporter to the planet below. I felt this would be a good place for us to meet. Instead we'll go down by shuttle." Raiden having remembered that Liala hated using the transporter and avoided it as much as possible. "would be lovely to see the planet as we approach instead of just being beamed down. Wouldn't you agree?"

"Oh thank the Goddesses!" Liala let out a large breath. Her leg had been trembling at the thought of using the thing but she wanted to look brave for Raiden as her fear was not well known. She had even started to sweat a little from the anxiety the room caused her. "A shuttle would be better." she fixed herself up a bit. "Transporters are over to quick anyway." she tried to hide the fear and justify the shuttle. She couldn't remember if she'd actually ever told anyone of her fear of transporters.

"You don't like transporters much do you." Raiden commented softly, his arm around Liala's waist until she was trembling less. "Sorry I had forgotten about it at first then well, it did need to be changed."

They arrived at the shuttle area to get aboard one, Raiden asking the pilot to do the scenic route. Once around the planet in order to see the stars as well as the planet then down to the landing area where they would disembark. The shuttle pilot once they had reached inside the atmosphere, recommended flying near a somewhat isolated beach where there was white sand and a waterfall which caught the light of the sun, the water sparkling like diamonds.

"We'll have to go explore that, after we have dinner. Where we are going is a bit more busy but still has a beautiful view." Raiden remarked.

"No... I really don't." Liala replied in regards to the transporter. Her mind was still visualising transporter pad, imagining the shimmering light enveloping her and dismantling her. Nope, just nope.

Liala was in awe of this island. The word beautiful did not do it any justice at all and it somewhat reminded her of Cro'fa Island back on El Auria the way the light shone off the sand. "Wow." she said with a gulp and catch in her throat. "Oh yeah definitely." she agreed. "I can't wait to see what else is hidden down there."

"Same here, a bit of a mystery involved here." Raiden giving a smile.

As the shuttle lowered down to the landing pad, Raiden could see just how beautiful the place was. The architecture was amazing, and breathed out an aura that was filled with promise. Upon touch down and the door opening. Raiden stepped out and held out his hand towards Liala. it was a breath-taking view where it had landed, showing a beautiful view, of the ocean and the natural flora there.

"This is heavenly, I have to admit." Raiden said quietly to Liala. He raised a hand to hail a small transport, he likened to as a cab. And gave the address of the restaurant that he and Liala would be going to, to the driver.

Inside the cab, Raiden held Liala's hand as it moved along the route towards their destination. "Have you ever been here before Liala, to Memphis Island?"

Raiden's grip was just right on her hand and she felt completely comfortable in his presence to let it remain so in his palm. "I've never been here, no." she said getting lost in the window. "What's this restaurant called we are going to?" she asked.

"The name of the place is the Azure Pearl, something I found rather unique as there are different hues of pearls. The foods available
are fresh seafood, as well as other meats a wide variety of foods to be had." Raiden leaning in to kiss Liala on the cheek.

"Sounds beautiful." Liala commented. "And I do sometimes like a big menu. I just hope they do themselves justice. Sometimes smaller menus create better quality but I won't judge until I've tried it."

A happy smile became evident and Raiden took Liala's hand into his own warm hand, holding it until they arrived at their destination. The door was opened for them to step out of the vehicle. A hand held out for Liala to take in case she wished assistance. Raiden offered his elbow to Liala before they went inside of the Azure Pearl.

The restaurant was two levels, with large windows which looked out towards the ocean. There were also tables set outside beneath an awning with candles lit inside small transparent bowls which helped to keep the candles lit. Raiden looked out towards there then asked Liala, "Where would you like to eat, inside or out there, where we can watch the sunset?"

The restaurant itself was beautiful. Liala began to think or question whether there was anything on this island that wasn't. Raiden himself looked very handsome and when he offered her his arm she didn't hesitate to wrap her arm around his.

"I think outside would be better." she replied. "Plus how often do we get the chance to eat under a real sky? To watch the stars come out as we spend time with each other?" They were rhetorical of sorts but she felt Raiden would answer anyway.

Raiden smiled, "Inded, it is a rare occasion for us to do so, therefore lets take advantage of the setting and the night. And enjoy the beauty." looking into Liala's beautiful blue eyes. He felt himself being drawn into them then blinked as the host softly cleared his throat. Raiden realized he had bumped his foot against the host.

"i take it party of two, outside seating?" the man asked quietly, a bit amused as well.

"Ah yes please, and thank you." Raiden stammered out.

The host picked up two menus and led them towards a table which had a superb view. It was slightly private where the gentle breeze could be felt and the scent of the tropical flowers lightly perfumed the air. He placed the menus upon the table, while Raiden pulled out the chair for Liala to take a seat upon.

The wine list was also included, "Your server will be with you shortly." then giving a slight bow the host left.

Raiden took his seat, and looked across the table towards Liala. "Well, here we are." giving a quiet chuckle.

"Here we are." Liala replied in kind as she looked at Raiden and then out to the scenic picture that had been drawn in front of them. Inhaling deeply she could smell the fragrance of the flowers nearby and she closed her eyes as she took it in. It truly was wonderful.

"Thank you." she said taking his hands in hers. "For bringing me here." she added as she had seen his confusion at her thanking him.

"You are very welcome." moving one of his hands to place over hers. "Couldn't ask for anything better." Raiden giving a gentle smile. "What are you in the mood for, food wise that is." Raiden had to clarify his query as at the moment he was trying hard to not concentrate on Liala's lips. Though, they looked rather enticing.

His hands were warm, a little sweaty but that was alright as the feel of his skin on hers did make her happy no matter how small a connection it was. Liala could feel his want, his need, and the fact his eyes dropped down and back to her lips did not go unnoticed by her. For a moment she bit the bottom of lip to tease him. "Oh, food wise? Okay." she smiled at him. "Something hot maybe?" she teased once more. "Something sensual, full of flavour and with a big finish?"

Raiden got lost in her eyes and the way that Liala bit her lip. What else she said was lost for the moment, then it slowly registered.

"Liala, I-" he took a deep breath. "You are so remarkable. And yes... what you just said." he gave a little bit of a chuckle.

To Be Continued


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