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Shuttle C

Posted on Thu Mar 30th, 2023 @ 9:11pm by Ensign Kanan Mishra (Kosugi) & Ensign Quinton Grey (Kosugi) & Lieutenant Commander Mel Torma & Lieutenant JG Eira Cortez & Lieutenant JG Aizem Korci (Ziyal) & Lieutenant JG Spencer Griffith-Bailey & Ensign Emma Walken (Walken)

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Space
Timeline: Current
1722 words - 3.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Opal let out a "yeehaaw" when the shuttle left the confines of the Gladiator. She was stoked and looking forward to this rescue operation and bringing home the people taken, "This is your co pilot speaking make sure you are comfortable and that your luggage is tucked beneath your seats while we fly, Space Griffith-Bailey and Wickson. Sorry we do not have stewards or stewardesses to bring out refreshments as this is just a pure plain and simple bit of travel." she was joking around trying to alleviate the tension she was catching wind of. She looked over at Spencer seeing if he wanted to say something as well.

Spencer looked at Opal with admiration at her enthusiasm and shook his head while laughing, "You're crazy, you know that? Plus you forgot the part about the emergency exits, haha." He then threw on the comms again, "At the moment, it's clear flying with no issues popping up on the radar. We'll let you know if anything happens."

While that was going on, Quinton gave a bit of a chuckle hearing Opal's spiel, he then looked at Mel to see how his boss was doing.

"Well now we are on our way." Stating the obvious of course, having a bit of a smile. Sure he was nervous but hey there is also the opportunity of seeing something new and a planet that has yet to be looked at. Even if they might be dodging weaponfire.

Ensign Mishra looked towards the last minute arrival of Lieutenant Aizem Korci a Bajoran, one of the upper ranks in security. Mishra had a feeling that the woman could have come to keep an eye on him and make certain he won't mess up like he had done earlier on that away mission.

"Greetings Lieutenant." the Ensign deciding to be polite.

Korci nodded at the greeting from the Ensign and replied in kind.

Quinton then looked towards the others. "Okay so sort of introductions. I'm Ensign Quinton Grey first time being on an away mission. Have any of the rest of you been on one before? I know probably a few of you have but just wanted to break the ice so to speak."

Eira had simply been listening to the chatter and focusing on her own checks but decided to speak up, "I don't think we've met before, but I'm Cortez, Chief Ops." She extended her hand for a shake. "How are you feeling about what's in store?"

Quinton shook Eira's hand, "Well, a little bit nervous but, I'm thinking, I hope I'll be able to get through. Besides, Commander Torma, here said if she says duck to definitely do so. Oh Commander have you introduced anyone else to your peoples delicious food?"

Quinton smiled at the memory. "You have got to try it. I have had the pleasure of having some of that food."

Emma spoke up, "You may want to do more than duck, sometimes the best cover would be to your left or right."

Quinton looked over at Emma. "Sounds like you've had some experience there. Basically duck or dodge to the left or right to get behind some cover. Okay that does make a lot of sense. What's your name?" looking at Emma.

"No experience and I wish I never would have to go through this. I'm not my father or either of my brothers. But being raised in a Marine family you remember what you are taught. Emma Walken."

Quinton gave a nod. "Sounds to me like you have had an interesting childhood." getting a look at Emma, his brow furrowed as he was mentally accessing the manifest as to what branch of science she was in. Then it clicked his puzzled look disappeared when it hit him."Wait, you are the one who oversees the botanical areas."

"I've been on a few, although none as potentially dangerous as this one." Korci spoke. "I'm Aizem Korci." she added as the shuttle shuddered slightly.

"Pleasure." Quinton holding out his hand towards Korci to shake her hand.

Quinton looked over towards Mishra who seemed a bit uncomfortable. "Hey, are you okay? Did you get some bad news before you got in the shuttle?"

"Nah sorry, I'm just worried about this mission and worried that I will mess things up, like I did on the other mission." Mishra blurting this out. "I almost screwed up the other mission that Lieutenant Wales and Lleutenant Walken were on. I lost my cool and shot the one person who could give us details on the location of where the others are being kept." he looked over towards Emma, then the others. "Don't worry the setting was on stun. I just couldnt' handle hearing her drivel." he gulped before he went on.

"Yeah, due to what happened, Wales, Walken and a couple of others ended up going undercover and that is where they are at now. That is how we know where to go. Sure I didn't mess things up totally, the two of them were able to set things right. But it could have turned out extremely wrong." he took in a deep breath then let it out. "And as far as that lady is concerned, I am dead." he shook his head, "Just.. when we go down there don't shoot any of the away undercover team."

Mel gave a pair of smiles and nods to Quinton and Eira in turn. "So yeah, cookout when we get back. I'll bring the replicator patterns." she said, trying to quell the unease in her stomachs from the initial drop. The worst part about inertia assist deployment was the Inertia part. And the Assist part.

Oh, and the Deployment part. That part too.

As Mishra spilled the proverbial beans, she listened, then gave a nod, "Things happen, and we learn. I think the most important lesson here isn't Don't Make Mistakes, but rather Don't Make The Same Mistake Twice." she encouraged.

"Though you bring up a good point, and a helpful tip. Not to aim for our own undercover operatives." a pause, "I just really hope I can recognize them." she offered. The likelihood of her being ARMED in this conflict was pretty high, which was already something that didn't sit well with the Dalacari.

Mishra turned pale when he found out that Lieutenant Walken's sister was in the shuttle with him. "Oh, um, sorry for messing things up where your brother is concerned. " He then looked at Commader Torme. "I do know what they look like and what they are wearing. I'll do my best to make certain you don't shoot them on accident."

Opal looked at Spencer, "I've got indication that we're going to be going into some rough terrain right now." she pointing towards the weapons fire that was heading in their direction.

"Everyone secure yourself! We're going to be experiencing some strong turblulance!" The redhead called back towards those in the shuttle. "You better have your fancy piloting shoes on." she quipped to Spencer. "As we're going to be needing them right now." as weapon fire rose towards them. "Son of a b-" Opal stopped there before finishing the word.

At the call to secure oneselves, Mel took the time to secure both her forms. "I really miss Ts'usugi Dark Tech right now." she muttered, holding onto the restraints tight. One form turned to Mishra and gave a nod, "I appreciate that, but moreover I think THEY will appreciate it too." she said, offering some humor to break the tension.

Spencer began evasive manouvers as the firing started, swerving the shuttle around it while being careful not to cause everyone on board motion sickness from the sudden movements. However, he wasn't that good as one of the rounds managed to hit the shuttle and sent it rocking.

"Son of a bitch," he finished for Opal as he watched a support craft go up before glancing at her for a moment, "I'll pilot and you fire?"

"Sounds good to me, lets rock and roll!!!" Opal exclaimed, then she took over the weapon controls. "Time for some fancy duet dancing." she added then Opal went quiet to concentrate and match Spencer's movement of the shuttle.

Opal during the fight, caught sight of a message that came in, it was from a Lieutenant Wales. "Well now we've got news! Got some codes we can utilize and get down to Terra Firma without having to deal with the towers of doom there. Are you ready Everyone? Lets get landing and meet up with the others. I'm a getting tired of those little gnats trying to chew us up. Lets do this!"

Quin just grinned and glanced over toward Mel, "Looks like we're almost to the finish line."

After a few minutes, Spencer managed to engage the landing gear and settle the shuttle firmly in a safe landing zone without too much fuss or issues. Grinning, he turned to check everyone else, "And just like that, we're here. Everyone good?"

"I'm good, I'm really good." Opal responded, then she looked back a the passengers. "Looks like they are doing good."

Mishra was out of his seat, and headed for the exit of the shuttle. "Yeah lets get going, I'd like to prove I am not a screw up."

Quin pulled out his gear bag. "Yup, I'm fine, good landing there." giving a thumbs up. He glanced over to where Mel was seated as well as Emma "Are you both doing okay?"

He noticed that Emma wasn't going to say anything, the woman having been quiet for most of the trip.

Mel gave Quin a pair of nods, "Funny story, the term Finish Line is one that doesn't translate. It implies a race, which is something we..."

"... have drones for. We don't directly compete with each other, so instead of a Finish Line we have the Victory Mark." She offered. "But, I do get the reference."

"As for doing okay, one of my stomachs is selling, and i don't know which. Just..."

"... give me a moment." The fancy flying didn't settle with her, but she made it to her paws easy enough. "There we are. Ok, I'm good."

Mishra stepped outside, giving a look see around. "Okay all clear." Now it was time to go find Wales and Walken and redeem himself.


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