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Shuttle A

Posted on Tue Mar 28th, 2023 @ 7:28pm by Lieutenant Edruj Daughter of Thrawn & Cadet Third Class Aarfa Barakzay & Petty Officer 1st Class Tia Smithy(Kosugi) & Sergeant Trent Busby (Kosugi) & Corporal Zul'arra (Hawkins) & Corporal Briar McKinnon (Bailey)
Edited on on Wed Jul 5th, 2023 @ 10:21pm

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Space
3811 words - 7.6 OF Standard Post Measure


The shuttle was away from the Gladiator and Tia watched as once more they were heading out in space, this time though it wasn't to rescue the Gladiator it was now to go after the people who had been taken. Tia looked over towards Hayter, who was himself, then over to where Aarfa was. Her gaze went around the shuttle looking at the others who were there. The engineering team that consisted of her, Edruj and Aarva. It was an interesting combination well in her own mind. Then there were the other marines. She's met Zul'arra as well as Meeka, and then she had met Trent who had come to find her with Pallas. The other female Marine she'd not come across before.

"Okay I've just met Aarva now so, what's your name?" Tia looking at Briar.

"Corporal Briar McKinnon," Briar extended a hand out to be shook while smiling slightly, "I just recently transferred a couple of weeks ago and I specialize in mechanics so hence why I'm here."

Edruj sat and watched the stars go by as the moved into their position. Being Klingon she was not one for small talk, especially when a mission and possibly battle was to be had. She was an engineer, but she was also a Klingon and that meant the thirst for glory, and honor was never far off. Normally, she would be singing a Klingon war song. Her compatriots would join in as well, however, being in the situation she was in at the moment, she settled for humming the war song.

Sergean Busby looked on with this introduction with interest, but also looked at the Kelpien. "I had overheard this is your first assignment?"

"Yeah. It's kind of surreal, heh." Aarva replied the stockily built man that was now speaking to her. The most she'd ever met of anyone from Starfleet's Marine Corp was a Tellarite lance corporal who'd attended her basic engineering courses together with her and her classmates. He wasn't very pleasant to be around, rude and somewhat abrasive as his people tended to be, but he'd been an excellent engineer and surprisingly patient when helping others. If not for him, she wouldn't have done as well as she had. She respected them, as much as she didn't know much about them.

"Um. How about you? You've probably been here longer than me, right?" She asked.

"Just a small amount." Sergeant Busby replied. "Came onto the Gladiator just in time to get in on the action." he said with a nod. "Am hoping that Lieutenant Walken is okay. He's the CO of the marines." He leaned back into his seat, crossing his arms. "So, question for you, do you know how to use a phaser?" he asked Aarva.

"Of course I do. I passed my basic phaser handling lessons." She replied. Which Starfleet officer didn't know how to handle a phaser? No one, that's who. She didn't add that she'd only passed after a lot of practice, though, not that it was anything to be ashamed of. "W-Why do you ask?" It wasn't like the sergeant could do anything to her considering she outranked him several times over, but still she felt a brief stab of trepidation.

"Well, you may have trained with the phaser I just want to know if you can use it to protect yourself. In case, well you get separated." Trent giving Aarva an assessing look."Sometimes things happen so I want to know that you have the ability to keep yourself alive. Just because the marines and security are along, its best also to know you can help keep yourself or another person alive."

"Of course I can. Don't worry." Yeah, she probably could, assuming she got past her jangling nerves, which she had done many times at Starfleet Academy. This time shouldn't e much different... right? Right? "I can protect myself no problem." Except from bullies, scary chief medical officers and Marine higher-ups with less social grace than a brick wall, of course. Now that'd be funny if she could.

"If all you care to protect is your own ass," Hayter piped up. "Then what use are you out there? We aren't going in to shake their hands and ask pretty please to lay down there weapons, while you walk around like this is some damn ride along. So if all you can do is protect yourself, I don't want you stepping out of this shuttle."

Despite the jangling of her nerves Aarva felt a sharp stab of irritation run through her body. Who the hell did this Marine think she was? She wasn't just some nervous, quivering dwarf who was utterly incapable of putting up a fight if she needed to. There was a reason why she'd gotten sent home from school after that bully had snapped Pu'lio into all the little bits it now lay in, and it'd involved many, many painful bruises and a broken nose on his part. It served him right then in her mind, panicked or not.

"With all due respect, sir." The steel with which she forced the words through her mouth surprised herself, even. "I am perfectly capable of going into battle and bringing down enemies with a phaser or otherwise, even if it isn't to the extent to which you can. So please, respectfully: don't assume things about me. I'll prove you wrong, you'll see." Her knuckles felt tight. Really tight. Only when the last word had left her mouth did she realized that she'd clenched both fists so hard her knuckles had turned white.

Tia looked at Aarva with narrowed eyes. "Then why the hell are you cringing so much? I've been keeping watch, I've been observing. If you cringe too much then you'll put all of us in danger and I do not intend on getting my ass shot off due to you rolling up in a ball and crying for your mama. However if you've got the grit to get out there and do something even though you are scared more power to you. And we'll see if you have the stuff. "

Tia getting a bit irritated. "I sure as hell hope you don't stay on the shuttle quivering in a mess instead of going and helping out. I don't work well with people who just don't rise to a challenge. I don't like people being a millstone around my neck and dragging me down. And I don't care about whether you outrank me. I care more about if you are doing the work. So are you going to do your job, or are you going to be a whiney little bitch?" Tia was all out of sorts right now, this mission was on her nerves and she was anxious to get people out of their trouble.

"Let me prove you wrong, then." Aarva forced herself to sit up straighter in her seat and hold her engineering kit a bit more tightly. Obviously no one in this shuttle was going to take her seriously if she didn't first prove that she could do more than melt into a quivering puddle at the first sign of trouble. Fine by her. She would find a way to prove them wrong, even if it took every ounce of courage she had in her body to do it. She'd commissioned out of Starfleet Academy like most of them and she was going to prove that she'd earned her rank.

Even if it took every ounce of courage in her body to do it.

"Well good, you better make certain of doing so. Because I will ride your ass, if you cause any problems. And as I said before I won't care about your rank. Sir" Tia spat out. "Do your job or just leave. I've had enough of so called higher ranking officers sitting on their asses. And I am not referring to the Gladiator or the Arcadia." Tia giving a glare. "But I am done having my say, use your skills or don't."

Trent just looked at Tia, realizing that the woman was definitely earning her callsign given by Hayter. Spitfire.

"Anyway, we're heading into danger zone so if we're done clearing the air for now." he looked over at Briar, and Zul'arra. "This is going to get a bit hot down there, and I don't have to say keep your heads on a swivel, as you already know what to do." giving a lopsided smile to the two other marines.

Briar returned the smile with her own and a nod, "That's what we're trained for."

Tia turned her attention back to Briar. "Mechanics you say? That is great! I do want to hear more about that. Where are you from? If you don't mind my asking." her demeanor changing from being pissy to a bit more calmer. She had her say and wasn't going to say anymore. As what the Sergeant said the air was cleared and she was going to concentrate on something else.

Tia also called up to Aarfa. "How are you doing up there?"

"On course," Aarfa replied crisply. She'd heard the conversation behind her - with her ears, how could she not? - but had paid attention only peripherally. She was training as security and she'd faced terrorists before, both these and others. Her fears were less about her ability to fight, than about her ability to pull back from it; stop short of the brutality she knew some part of her wanted, especially once her nose was filled with the scent of enemy blood. She would. She was Starfleet, so she would, she assured herself in what had become a subconscious mantra. Nevertheless, every line of her body was tight, poised in a posture anyone familiar with canid predators would recognize as 'keen'.

Aarfa's body language caught Trent's attention, and the same for Tia. Tia remembered hearing about Aarfa's experience on the Gladiator.

"Thanks Aarfa" Tia commented.

Briar quirked an eyebrow at the interaction and felt a pang of sadness for the young Kelpien but then realized Tia and the Colonel actually had a point with what they were saying. Looking at Tia, she commented with her slight drawl, "Silverthorne, Colorado, almost smack bang in the middle of the state. Grew up on a ranch where things break constantly and you either learn to love fixing things or you end up hating it. I, however, loved it and followed my family into the Marines but chose to specialize as a mechanic."

Tia grinned, the marine was from some solid background, "I'm from Flagstaff, Arizona not too far from the Grand Canyon and Monument Valley. Dad is a Park Ranger, my uncle owns a ranch, so I am famliar with needing to fix things that break down. I wanted to expand my horizons so I decided to sign up." Tia held out her hand to give Briar's hand a shake. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Now Trent had heard of Aarfa's taking part of the away team to get the information. "We can definitely conclude we'll find the away team under Aarfa's guidance. You were there on the away team mission with Wales and Walken" looking at her with a lot of respect.

"I was." Aarfa dipped her head, partly in acknowledgment, partly in embarrassment at unwarranted praise. "I had the scents of those who attacked us, so I needed to go." She lifted her nose. "I still do, and of my crew. I will do everything I can to lead you to them."

Once the sudden burst of bravery and anger behind her words had faded Aarva took a moment to breathe. Suddenly the world around her seemed much colder and much more unfriendly; a stifling, heavy blanket seemed to settle itself over her entire body, weighing her down, gluing her butt to her seat. This was Starfleet for real. No one here was going to bail her out or molycoddle her or offer any other form of comfort if she stumbled and fell like she had many, many times in her cadet life. She was supposed to be trained. She was supposed to be able to handle these things on her own by now. She was supposed to be a mature adult, for god's sake. Why the hell was she still a quivering little twig blowing in the wind, threatening to snap in two? Maybe this was a mistake. She didn't deserve to be here. She should've stayed on Earth all nice and safe and maybe then she'd be a bit happier. Maybe the others were right. Maybe she should stay right here like the sorry excuse for an officer that she was. They didn't need a burden following them around, attached at the ankles like a chain and weight, weighed down by her.

She averted her eyes from the others, closed them, and soon they were moist with tears. She didn't deserve to look at them, the others, who could at least survive a shuttle ride without breaking down. God, was she a mess.

"ETA 3 minutes," Aarfa announced. "I suggest everyone buckle up. There are bound to be defenses."

No sooner had she given warning than the shield on one of the fighter escort lit up from a hit. "Incoming! Hold onto your tails," she called, jinking hard to dodge a spread of torpedos. She threw a glance at Hayter - surely the marine was good for something other than insults. "Sir, take weapons. I need to concentrate on evasive."

"Already ahead of ya. Do your concentrating!" John replied already starting the dance with his fingers across the controls. The shuttle jolted as weapons fire hit the shields. "Shields are holding, and the armor will kick in. Intel didn't let us know of any anti-air turrets in place. Damn zealots are packing. Targeting incoming torpedoes now. Escorts, we need the turrets taken out!"

After Tia shook Briar's hand, the clear and present danger, took her attention. She strapped herself in. Tia also glanced over towards the others to read their reactions.

Sergeant Trent Busby was sitting steady through the motions of the shuttle, it being jostled about by the shots from the planetary defenses. This reminded him of being on the back of a bucking horse when he was back home. He looked over towards Zul'arra, Briar then towards the rest then turned his attention back to the front. "This is one bumpy ride." he quipped with a bit of a grin.

"Yeah.. you shouldn't have..." Zul'arra replied to the higher ranking marine before she was cut off by Hayter.

"... That's what she said!"

The Sergeant raised an eyebrow, "I shouldn't have... what?" then he paused, "Oh yeah its a smooth ride." his face lit up in a smile then the smile slipped away to his more serious look. "We're going to make down there. Just hang in there. All of you." He looked towards Zul'arra, and Briar to give them an encouraging nod. He also took a look towards Meeka, hoping the canine was going to be alright as well.

The hum of the impulse engines subsided as the atmospheric thrusters came to life. Corporal Zul'arra held her eyes shut as the grip to the leash for the canine, Meeka tightened ever so slightly before releasing a bit. Both the handler and animal felt the shift to which jarred them out of their haze and into reality. Without speaking, the corporal soothed the animal as she looked around the shuttle.

The intelligence collected from the last away mission had their targets on this planet. And to that, the all out assault on the planet was under way. It was clear that the turbulence of the shuttle was not intended but at the same time, one could easily expect as much. But the intelligence gathering didn't get it completely correct with the anti aircraft turret which were hidden. This wasn't going to be a walk in the park.

The canine barked forcing Zul'arra to focus and took a breath before adjusting her rifle and looked over at the sergeant. "Seems like she is ready to go, as I am, sir."

Trent gave a nod at her answer.

Edruj watched the clouds as the shuttle descended. As much as she wanted to be a part of the rescue mission, at the moment she was unsure why her or any of her team's skills would be needed. A rescue operation usually did not call for a full compliment of engineers. She checked her engineering kit tucked between her feet almost as a security blanket. As if since it was there all would be okay. Edruj did not want to converse much and so allowed the words of her comrades to pass unanswered.

Over the comms came a voice from one of the escorts, "Going after the turrets sir!" as several went zipping by the shuttle, and flashes of energy could be seen hitting agaisnt the weapon platform. Then bluish orbs of energy could be seen as several photon torpedos were launched towards the turrets. They pounded away at the defenses then a briliiant explosion could be seen as the shielding was breached and the target was taken out.

Tia's eyes were rather large, as this was the first time she had been more in the forefront of something like this. Most times its been behind the scenes.

Trent gave out a "YES!" and a simple fist pump in the air. He was vastly relieved that part was successful.

Tia stole a glance towards the quiet Aarva, noting the way she was clenching onto her belongings, she whispered to her, "Don't break it, you seem to have a death grip on your stuff."

"I do n-" Aarva glanced down at her hands, and instantly released them from the handle of her engineering kit. "Okay. I do. Okay." She readjusted her glasses and cleared her throat as she shifted in her seat a bit, bracing herself for more action.

Across the coms for the shuttle there came a set of numbers and a message with it. "Code to be allowed through the shielding-Wales"

"Acknowledged," Aarfa replied with a wolfish grin. She punched the code in and waited barely a beat to be sure it worked before pushing the shuttle into hard dive, like a raptor descending on prey, trying to get to ground before Trinity scramble their own fighters to harrow them.

As the shuttle began a hurried descent a smile came across Edruj's face. "The time for talk is over. The time for action has come. Q'Pla" This was the moment that Klingons no matter what their occupation lived for. The time where their blood boiled with anticipation. Edruj knew this would be the time she would prove her heart of the warrior to be true.

Tia gasped slightly as she felt her stomach have that sensation which resembled the one when upon a roller coaster, and going into a dive down the upper section. Her eyes were wide,as she watched the area where they were going to land, drew near.

Trent, he could feel the adrenaline run through his veins, could feel every neuron light up. They were going to meet up with Walken and Wales and then go from there, to find their people. He glanced over towards Zu'larra and Briar, then glanced over towards Hayter.

"Finally" was all that he said as the shuttle went to a place to land.

"Nice work, Cadet. Get us down in one piece and grab your gear. I'll get the rest prepped for quick launch," John remarked as he entered a couple codes into his console before he rotated in his chair, gripping his rifle in one hand over his chest and his right arm tapping Aarfa on the shoulder. "You did well. You will be a great addition once you finish your requirements."

"Thank you, sir," Aarfa said with a short nod, though she nearly stuttered in surprise at praise from the previously abrasive officer. But she turned to verify the lock on the shuttle controls and methodically checked her gear to steady herself. Without the keen focus on flying, she felt nerves rising at the prospect of facing Trinity again, her nostrils flaring at memory-scents of her crewmates' blood.

The colonel stood up and started for the rear of the shuttle. "Saddle up and take a breath. Control the situation, do not let adrenaline take control and give you tunnel vision," Hayter called out as he looked over at the Klingon. "Lieutenant Edruj, blood wine after this battle. You lead your group with Sergeant Busby. I'll take the dog handler with the mutt, Spit fire and the scaredy-cat over there with me. You take the rest and get that damn machine shut off. We will find our people."

Edruj smiled her teeth bared as she rose and took her engineering kit. "Yes sir! Today is a good day to die..." She said as her eyes widened briefly. "And Colonel, Q'Pla!" She signaled for her team to follow her off the shuttle and into the din of chaos.

As the colonel looked over his shoulder, he looked at the group, specifically, the klingon and her response was golden, and on par with what they were about to head into. He nodded at her before gripping his rifle while the shuttle's landing struts could be heard extending below them. The hum of the thruster engines dropped dramatically as they came down and the lower thrusters engaged long enough to reduce the speed before the struts kissed the ground ever so slightly before taking on the full weight of the space craft. The automation of the computer systems did well as the shuttle's exit demagnetized and the ramp lowered for the group.

"Lock it up and stick together. No-one is left behind. We stick to our words and aren't spinless. So let's get our people back home. All of them," John called out before raising his rifle up a couple inches more gripping is a little tighter as the adrenaline started to kick in. His breathes were increasing, along with his heart rate, but this was only his 'fight or flight' system kicking in. He quickly started to breath in the new air before them.

The dusty, almost reddish dust kicked up as the stone layout around them seemed to overwhelm them weapons fire from their allied crafts and ground anti aircraft weapons plate form were mixed with the gusts of wind that started to stimulate the rescue team, while the dust kicked up in the air, almost seemed to catch them off guard. There was no smell, despite the fact that their eyes and ears made them feel like the taste and smell should be almost rustic, in nature.

"Move out!"



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